AM - 15 Tempo Loop. Well... I guess there are days like this. Such a disappointing run. Really wanted a good workout, but from the very first step I could tell something was off. My breathing was all jacked, legs were bricks, and I just really felt blah. I haven't had a workout this poor in over 2 years. Times dropped above 6:00 and were just super ugly. It was very hard to even keep running; while at the same time it was like, "Just go faster you idiot!" Didn't even stop to regroup with the guys (even after they waited for who knows how long for me - sorry guys). I just wanted to get done with running. Hopefully I can bounce back; if not a solid 2:50 may be on the horizon. So maddeningly frustrating. (Kinvara White 108)
afternoon - 5 2xAC/laps. Didn't feel much better this afternoon. (Boston 1066.25)