AM - 18.5 Quail Creek. Had to get out pretty early due to some family things today, so I missed the club run. Run was okay. Saw four shooting stars - 1 big one - and the lake was cool looking in the dark. Legs didn't respond too well to anything, so I kept it pretty chill. Did push the last 7.5 a little to about a 6:10-30 average, but legs weren't wanting to go any quicker. (Stratus black 125.75) Week was pretty decent. Interesting how quick the body adjusts to things. I haven't run big mileage for 1 1/2 months and just going to this weeks mileage made me tired. Although a lot of that had to do with this cold (and now it is an ear infections, beastly). Goals for next week: readjust to school life. It has been great having the time off with the family and doing a lot of stuff together, but now it is time to get back to real life - so I'll see where that takes my running.