AM - 8 DogTown/PV. Back to the grind today. Still super cold out. Ran around town for a bit and back home to make sure Ry was awake and then to school via Buena Vista and DI. My shower at school still doesn't have hot water for some reason. It has a temp. gauge and the water was 61. A great way to get warmed up after a cold morning run! I just keep having this nagging feeling that if it was the basketball locker room or football locker room the water would be nice and toasty. But in the "other sports" locker room... whatever... they don't produce any revenue - just titles. (Kinvara 763.9) afternoon - 8 GS/home. Green Springs with the team. Good to be back running with them. Then weights and 8xbarefoot striders and ran home. (Hyper Speed 316.25)(Barefoot '13 1) |