| Location: Dogtown,Ut, Member Since: Jan 02, 2006 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: PRs: 2:26:29 marathon @ St.George '14; 1:09:55 1/2 mar. '08; 31:00 10k '07 Short-Term Running Goals: Love running now. Long-Term Running Goals: Love running forever! Personal: My perfect day would include a run through the desert, time with my wife and girls, tasty homemade meals, and a nice nap in the middle. |
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NB 110 Miles: 24.75 | Vertical K Miles: 207.50 | Stratus Grey Miles: 95.00 | Free Miles: 151.25 | Kinvara Miles: 173.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 118.25 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 107.50 | Boston Miles: 100.25 | Connect Miles: 273.75 | Mana Miles: 341.75 | Rocket Miles: 160.25 | F50 Miles: 206.50 | Ohana Racers Miles: 15.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 296.50 | Zero Miles: 141.00 | Rocket 2 Miles: 45.50 | Last Ohana Miles: 52.00 | NB 101 Miles: 32.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 154.25 | Landreth Blue Miles: 176.50 | Triumph Silver Miles: 83.25 | Oregon Miles: 192.25 | Adios Miles: 124.50 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 382.50 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 278.75 | Ronin Miles: 232.00 | Kinvara White Miles: 24.00 | Stratus Black Miles: 6.00 |
| | morning - 13 Mustang Pass. Although it may seem normal it isn't, I promise! But I ditched my buddies again. E was up a bit last night so I overslept and missed the group run this morning. So went up to Mustang instead. Had a slow, but good, run in the desert. Came home and tacked on a mile with my girls and the dog. They are pretty fun to run with when they are being happy. Decided that if i ever decide to do a 50 again I will run in the VertK's, a pretty good shoe. (VertK 45.5) afternoon - 6 2xQuail Trail. Feeling kind of blah about running, so I went over to Quail to run on a little, but very fun and even more challenging trail to try and snap me out of it a little. Ran each direction with a bit of an addition to make it 6. (NB110 303) |
NB 110 Miles: 6.00 | Vertical K Miles: 13.00 |
| | AM - 12 Junction. Out to the junction with the extension into Coral Canyon and a little more to get to the 12. Butt-cold this morning. All I could think of the whole run was how cold my hands were and what I could do to not have them this cold again. Glad I am not in Cedar (that is a usual comment, not just because of the cold!). (Stratus grey 1051.85) afternoon - 8 River Run. Nice afternoon run down by the river. After all the talk of Letsrun about Arries Merritt's 110h and how it should have made him Athlete of the Year I rewatched his race and Rudisha's 800. Both were so amazing. It was so inspirational to see these guys achieve the greatest feats ever in their respective races - ever! Merritt in particular looked so amazed and stoked to achieve this life-long dream. It got me really pumped up and I had a good run. (Free 729.95) |
Stratus Grey Miles: 12.00 | Free Miles: 8.00 |
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| | AM - 8 DogTown/PV. Back to the grind today. Still super cold out. Ran around town for a bit and back home to make sure Ry was awake and then to school via Buena Vista and DI. My shower at school still doesn't have hot water for some reason. It has a temp. gauge and the water was 61. A great way to get warmed up after a cold morning run! I just keep having this nagging feeling that if it was the basketball locker room or football locker room the water would be nice and toasty. But in the "other sports" locker room... whatever... they don't produce any revenue - just titles. (Kinvara 763.9) afternoon - 8 GS/home. Green Springs with the team. Good to be back running with them. Then weights and 8xbarefoot striders and ran home. (Hyper Speed 316.25)(Barefoot '13 1) |
Kinvara Miles: 8.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 7.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 9 Middleton. Tried ski gloves (at least on old pair that I have at home, I don't think a real skier would want to wear them) to try and keep my hands warmer. If I lived where it gets real cold I would have to do something because my hands just get so cold. It was in the high teens again this morning though (the palm trees are probably not liking this; I hope I don't lose any). Anyway... they worked a little better. I felt pretty good on the run today. (Connect 420.75) afternoon - 8.25 Middleton/2450. Fun easy run with the team then 2450 to add a little. (Boston 950.25) |
Boston Miles: 8.25 | Connect Miles: 9.00 |
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| | AM - 21 SGM. Met up Logan and Steven for a jaunt up and back down the course. Ran up at an okay pace, nothing crazy but solid. Then started into some good stuff on the way down. Never felt great - my gate felt off and just tight and ehh... but the effort was good as were the times. Ave in the high 5:20's for the 10 tempo. Then went back and grabbed Logan. The pain in my right front leg (tendonitis type of thing that started hurting yesterday and is the same thing that put me down for a bit this summer) felt fine on the run but aches a bit now. (Mana 248.25) Good week. Hit all my goals. Goals for next week: same sort of mileage as this week. A tempo in there somewhere. And clean up this leg pain. |
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| | afternoon - 15 Grass/2xHarts/King's Row. Started off with nearly 9 out on the grass barefoot. A perfect afternoon. Then did the warm and cool with the team and got home and pushed Elin out around the neighborhood. Didn't feel great, but much better than last night. Didn't run this morning because my stomach hurt so bad. I wonder if it might have been food poisoning since it hit like a beast and just wretched my stomach. Was still able to get okay mileage for the day and hopefully a few extra miles the next couple of days will get me where I want without stressing the body too much. Got a good set of weights in also. (Barefoot '13 10)(Rocket 558.5) |
Rocket Miles: 6.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 9.00 |
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AM - 13 Parkway/PVHS. Had a pretty sore throat throughout the night, so maybe it is a bit more than food poisoning. Dang it. On the run I felt a little extra tired and dazed. Ran a little bit more to try and catch up a mile or two. But I had better be smart if I am coming down with something. (Connect 433.75) afternoon - 11.5 Mustang Pass/Dino Tracks. Good easy trail run with the team. Then extended through the desert over to Dino Tracks and hit that trail too. (NB110 314.5)
NB 110 Miles: 11.50 | Connect Miles: 13.00 |
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| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Bill, Logan and I for a nice morning jaunt. Just talked about the politics of weightrooms - good to know that they are the same everywhere! Feeling a touch better. (F50 408.5) afternoon - 13 Foremaster/Dirt Mile LT. Did the 6 mile Foremaster run with a short intro AT tempo. I ran a 12 minuter with Mike at 5:36 pace. Then I skipped out of practice quick (sorry for not waiting for everyone - that isn't very coachy of me) to get home and finish my workout which was a 4 mile LT Tempo on the Dirt Mile. Was pretty pleased with the progress of the workout; hit 5:23, :25, :22, :25 (last week averaged 5:18 on a set of 5 with 3 min rec - today, continuous tempo). I am working hard at over coming my fear of pushing too hard... Each time I am getting mentally and physically stronger. 2 mile cool, one with the dog. (Rocket 571.5) |
Rocket Miles: 13.00 | F50 Miles: 10.25 |
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| | AM - 11 Highland/Mall. Warm out this morning. Didn't need hat or gloves. Too bad the weather says that the teens are coming back next week - aghhh. Out toward Coral Canyon and toward Highland Park and then the Mall run. Kind of like yesterday afternoon - that 10 minutes of stoppage time while I drive to work (or home) after waking up Ry kind of throws the body. It isn't sure why I run and stop and then start again so shortly later. (Kinvara3 236) afternoon - 9 DogPound. Sneaked a couple miles in on the track waiting for practice to start. Then we ran DogPound and some striders, had another good set of weights, and came home and out the door with the dog for two more very cold and blustery sleet soaking miles. (Barefoot '13 11)(Ohana 702.25) |
Ohana Racers Miles: 8.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 11.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 12 Fields. Getting chilly again. Dang frozen hands. Other than that it was a nice easy run and I got it done even though it took a pretty early morning. (Kinvara 775.9) afternoon - 7 Grass/Harts. Had to work to get the miles in tis afternoon. With the team doing a workout and having to get out of there quick, I sneaked onto the grass for 4 before practice. (Barefoot '13 15)(Zero 147.45) |
Kinvara Miles: 12.00 | Zero Miles: 3.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 4.00 |
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| | AM - 17.25 Vernon Tonaquint Loop. We've ran this a few times now, so I named it something. Just Logan and I braving the cold this morning. Good conversation and a nice easy run to finish the week. Added a little so Logan could hit his weekly mileage. Ran in a new pair of Rocket Eikidens (same pair I already have - bought two a couple years ago since I got them for like $20 each or something). Breaking them in for the half next week. (Rocket 2 17.25) Pretty good week after starting out sick and having that kind of follow me around the whole time. Goals for next week: Race fast! Is that succinct enough? |
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AM - 7 Lutheran. A couple miles around the neighborhood and then to school via Lutheran. In the mid-teens this morning; glad the shower warmed up at school. (Boston 957.25)
afternoon - 6 2xHarts/Home. Warm and cool with the team, weights, and then home. Nothing to notable other than the wind made it chilly, chilly. The poor kids aren't used to this and had t-shirts and no gloves and such and about died. (Mana 254.25)
Boston Miles: 7.00 | Mana Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 5 BV. Ran to school through Buena Vista. Just a nice chill run. Liking the easy week and sleeping in a bit. (Last Ohana 391.75) afternoon - 13 Dino Tracks/Dirt Mile tempo. Good trail run with the team (except the lost kids... They may still be wandering the desert, I don't know!) and then down to the Dirt Mile for a tempo. Tempo: AT Wave - 5 minute segments of 5:47 and 5:21. Went 5:41, :19, :45, :25, :43, :19. Felt okay. The easy sections were pretty chill (the pace seems pretty easy after pushing a little harder). The quicker sections felt good, but it was noticeably harder. Mile+ cool back home. (NB101 635.75)(Last Ohana 399.75) |
Last Ohana Miles: 13.00 | NB 101 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Felt fine on a good little run with Logan. Still freezing after a waterline break at school left the showers nothing more than a drizzle - a cold, cold drizzle. (Connect 444) afternoon - 9 River Trail. 18 minute AT tempo with the team. Felt fine after yesterday's workout and no stress. The team did well - boys and girls. (Hyper Speed2 247.25)) |
Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 9.00 | Connect Miles: 10.25 |
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| | AM - 5 Mall. Slept in a little and hit a nice easy 5. (Free 734.95) afternoon - 5 laps/2xHarts. Snagged 2 on the track before practice and then warmed and cooled with a few kids that were doing the Kosmin test. Weights after. (Landreth blue 872.4)
Landreth Blue Miles: 5.00 | Free Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 3 Kings Row. Slept in a little again and just stretched out the legs with an easy 3. Just another little shake-out this afternoon. (Triumph silver 824.05) afternoon - 5 Starbucks. An easy run with the boys. Finished with 8xbarefoot striders. (Barefoot '13 16)(Kinvara 779.9) |
Triumph Silver Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara Miles: 4.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
| Race: |
St.George Half (13.1 Miles) 01:11:15, Place overall: 4, Place in age division: 1 | | St. George Half. 1:11:15 Warmed up with Logan for early 5 only to realize I had forgotten my chip about 10 minutes before the race. So I ran in and kind of bumped my way around to get a new hip and number. I made one of the major sins I always yell at my team for - get everything ready the night before, but I thought that I had plenty of time in the morning so no worries. Anyway, that kind of gave my heart a little rush just before the gun. Started off with Riley Cook and we were moving. I felt pretty good and felt a good time was in order. 1-5:17, good start feeling quick. 2-5:18, right around last year, so I wasn't too stressed about anything. 3-5:10, a bit quicker up here, but just sat behind Riley for most of the mile, until he decided to really start moving. 4-5:15, Riley had separated himself from me now,but I wanted to keep him in sight to try and work toward my goal. 5-5:26, first part of the hill up Bloomington Hills (this where the course was a little different than last year). 6-5:42, right around what I was last year up this hill and the next. 7-5:42, Bryant past me here near the top of Brigham. I just struggled too much up the hills today. They totally cost me my goal. Mad at myself about these two. They not only cost me time, but threw me off mentally and cost me the rest of the race. 8-5:21, about 5 seconds slower than last year down the hill. Should have been able to go sub 5:10 here at least. 9-5:15, tried to regroup myself here on the trail. Felt good about the split. 10-5:27, fighting fatigue. After the last 5:15 felt so good. I thought I could finish it off with a few more. But I just wasn't fighting and pushing like I should have. 11-5:38, same thing as I crossed over the bridge to the other side of the river; no push, just running. 12-5:34, some guys were coming (Howell brothers, Kimzey cousins) and I just wanted them to pass me. 13-5:28, finally one of them got me with about 600m to go. I kind of went with him for a little and then let him slide by. 13.1-:38 (5:02 pace), just ran it in. Not really pleased with how things turned out today. This is one of the most interesting things about running: last year I had no expectations and ran a 1:12:3something and was petty pleased with it. This year I was nearly 1:30 faster and I feel pretty bummed. What is better to have little/lower expectations and leave happier more often or to have loftier goals with mo of a chance of disappointment? If this was one of my runners I would tell them to quit moping and be happy about the quicker time. Easier said than done. I really expected to be pushing to break 1:10 today - and I think if I ran this again I could, so that's why I'm blah.... Shoulda, coulda, woulda - I hate you. Now just about a month of hard work until Phoenix. I still think I am on track for my goal there, but a 1:10 would have been a nice bit of confidence. (Boston 964.75)(Rocket2 30.5) Goals for next week: recover quickly, hopefully, and get back to some mileage and workouts. |
Boston Miles: 7.50 | Rocket 2 Miles: 13.25 |
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| | morning - 10 City Wells. A great morning run up in the desert. A beautiful sunrise as I ran in the high desert with the towns lights down below reminded me why I love running so much. (VertK 55.5) afternoon - 10 Indian Cliffs. Out on the cliffs up above the dump. Didn't get all the way to the Indian ruins though because I just wanted to make sure I controlled myself a bit today. (Connect 454) |
Connect Miles: 10.00 | Vertical K Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM - 10.5 Parkway/PVHS. A thought I was feeling okay yesterday, but it hit me a bit more this morning. Some large creature scared me to death down by Millcreek. (F50 419) afternoon - 9.75 Grass/2xHarts/Home. Ran 4 on the grass barefoot and then a Harts warm and cool with the team. Lifted weights and then ran home. More fatigued this afternoon. Won't be doing the workout I had hoped for tomorrow. (Barefoot '13 20)(Kinvara3 241.75) |
F50 Miles: 10.50 | Kinvara3 Miles: 5.75 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 4.00 |
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Didn't have frozen hands at the end of the run. Nice. Didn't necessarily feel any better than yesterday. Super tired. (Stratus grey 1062.1) afternoon - 10 River Trail AT Tempo. Earlier in the week I had hoped that I could get a good workout in today, but after being so tired yesterday, I wondered if I should even try any of this run with the team. Decided to give it a shot and see if a little bit would work out the legs a little. Took the first mile to get the legs going, but had an okay AT tempo for 24 minutes. Next week I will turn this into the first of a couple or so sets (or something like that). (Mana 264.25) |
Stratus Grey Miles: 10.25 | Mana Miles: 10.00 |
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AM - 10.5 Highland Hill/Mall. Got a decent sleep even with a weird dream - I was at the Phoenix Marathon and there was all this strange stuff for the "elite" runners (which I was part of) like creating a computer generated picture of the start and putting yourself on the front row and other strange things about the course; and there were all these people at the expo/packet pick-up from back in high school and college (people I haven't seen in 15+ years). When the race started I couldn't run... ahhh! one of those dreams! everyone took off and I was behind some lady that had a green singlet on with a target on the back and I was just so mad at myself that I was behind her. My brother was around and he kept telling me that I needed to get going and I was trying to be calm and tell him I was warming into it, but really I just couldn't move. The course was on this weird bike path made of stone that had these extreme drops and switchbacks. At one point I heard the pack of guys in front of me saying something about the leader and that he would come back to them. And I was like, "Don't you know who that is? Do you know what time he just ran in a half? That's JakeK; he's a 1:05 1/2 marathoner!" And they were like, "Ohhh... maybe he won't come back." I was all, "Duhhh." Anyway... strange dream. Weather sure was nice this morning, by the way. No gloves or hat. Started to sprinkle as I finished up. (Free 745.45)
afternoon - 7 GS. Team was a little worn down, so I changed up the workout. We went up Green Springs and threw in some fartleks instead of Old Mans. Finished up with 8xbarefoot striders and weights. (Barefoot '13 21)(Rocket 577.5)
Free Miles: 10.50 | Rocket Miles: 6.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. After an eventful puke-filled night with little sleep, I slept in a bit and skipped the first 5 miles of my run - just joining the team for practice and my usual extension at the end. Sickness hit pretty much the whole family last night, but Laney and I. It is often easy to justify missing a run (or part in this case), but I think the sleep and a little bit of rest on my left hip flexor (which has been acting up a bit) probably make it okay today. (Oregon 538.75) afternoon - 5.5 Chuckawalla. Trail running with the team is a lot of fun. A great group of guys and ladies. (NB 101 641.25) |
NB 101 Miles: 5.50 | Oregon Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - Green Valley. Early morning long run with some tempo. Rai y throughout, so the temps were nice, but I was soaked. Went over the paved trail on the Red Hills Parkway, connected that over to the trail down GV and started into my tempo. Started at Tinman (6:00) and planned on working down to low range of AT/upper LT. As usual felt tied and didn't think I would hit, but worked into easy and was soon pushing low 5:40. Connect to the River Trail and started back up toward home. After a few miles I was feeling very good and thinking how this is probably the most fit I have ever been, but as I tried to work down into the :30's and hopefully mid :20's, I felt the fatigue of the run and last week's race still hanging a bit and I stayed where I was. Then struggled the last 2 to keep them in the AT range. But no stress - 11 solid tempo miles and a good long run. (Mana 287.25) Hopefully mostly recovered now as I move into next week. Goals for next week: continue to focus on marathon specific AT work and sharpen up a bit. Want to keep the mileage around 110 - don't want it to get too much higher than that. |
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AM - 12 GS/AC/Lutheran. I usually feel a bit better on Monday morning than this. I guess I worked hard Saturday. (Kinvara3 253.75)
afternoon - 8 track/2xHarts/home. Just around a bit before and after the team's workout. Weights, then home. (Connect 462)
Connect Miles: 8.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 12.00 |
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AM - 10 Highland/PVHS. Ran up to the top of Highland to the park and then over to school. Again a little tired and flat. (Landreth blue 882.4)
afternoon - 8 Temple Trail/home. Team ran out on the Temple Trail - a good run because I didn't hear of any major wipeouts. Then finished up by running home from school. (Triumph silver 832.05)
Landreth Blue Miles: 10.00 | Triumph Silver Miles: 8.00 |
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AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Just Logan and I again. Super tired, but felt a little better in the legs. (F50 429.25)
afternoon - 10 River Trail. 24 minutes of tempo again. Team was a bit more on today than last week. We were very solid throughout - the top group hit basically 5:32-:34, with Mike and I at 5:30 (with a quicker last mile). Even at that I had to keep slowing them down. They are antsy to hit the track for a race - time trial in a couple weeks. (Hyper Speed 257.25)
Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 10.00 | F50 Miles: 10.25 |
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AM - 11 Parkway. Ran the Parkway from school with a DI extension at the first and end to round out the mileage. Good run this morning. Working on a plan to get the mile as a race at our PV Invite - not just the 1600. Hopefully it works out. (Kinvara 790.9)
Should I go out 17 this afternoon for 500 on the month? Nope!
afternoon - 7 2x800 Old Man's. Ran with the girls on the workout - gave my hip a little break and let me work with them a little. They are doing very well right now. Weights and another mile once I got home. (Rocket 584.5) |
Kinvara Miles: 11.00 | Rocket Miles: 7.00 |
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| | AM - 11.25 Mall/AC/DI. Worked my legs and hip over with the foam roller last night and I felt a bit better. The harder workouts and higher mileage has cause my hip flexor to start acting up again, so I need to be smart about it and really take care of it for the next month until I can back off and let it heal up again. (Kinvara3 265) The final numbers are in - I ran 490 miles in January and drove 138 (in the Jeep).
afternoon - 8 Grass/Sandbergs. Ran 4 on the grass with Mike before practice and then just a short run with the team. Ended with 8xbarefoot striders. (Barefoot '13 26)(Zero 150.75) |
Zero Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 11.25 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 16.5 Dirt Mile Tempo. Up pretty early, as usual, to get done before heading over to the Mr. PVHS fundraiser - where my daughters all threw down 1 mile PR's by the way (Rylee, 11, 5:55, first sub 6!; Pyper, 9, 7:15, Laney, 6, 9:17, first race all by herself, and no walking!). Anyway... My stuff - plan was to run a series of tempos with progressing speeds. Decided to run it on the Dirt Mile to save me time not driving down to the River Trail, but ended up costing me time in my workout because it was dark and even with a light it was hard to see and I stumbled multiple times, plus the dirt is slower - but softer, so that is nice. Warmed up around King's Row for about 3. Then 20 minutes - goal pace was 5:35-:40, hit it in :42, just a little slow and I wondered if I could complete the workout. Mile recover between each set. 15 minutes - goal was originally 5:25-:30, adjusted goal was 5:35, got :36. Felt very good for short bursts and was really moving, but then would struggle to bring me back a little. 10 minutes - goal sub 5:25, got 5:26. Stomach was acting up pretty bad. I hate to say it out loud because I don't want the body/mind to give into it, but I have a touch of the flu that has hit the family again this week. Luckily made it through the rep and took care of things. 5 minutes - goal get as close to a mile as possible. Decided to just push out a mile at as best I could. Ended up at 5:10. The sun was starting to come up and I could finally see and it made a big difference (and of course, obviously going shorter). But I was pleased to end the workout well, make it through the workout near my goals, and be able to let my stomach settle. Sort cool down back home. (Last Ohana 416.25) Week was about as solid as I could hope for. Goals for next week: same mileage, around 110. A similar tempo workout Weds. with a 30, 20, 10, 5 minute set if I am feeling well, and a good long run on Saturday ending with a 5K with Rylee. |
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AM - 11.5 GS/AC/Lutheran. Didn't feel like a very long sleep last night, so I was dragging at first and had to move it down GS to make it to practice on time. (Connect 473.5)
afternoon - 6 2xHarts/home. Usual Monday stuff where I don't get much in, but get to watch some amazing runners do their thing in workouts. Also hit weights today. (Free 751.45)
Free Miles: 6.00 | Connect Miles: 11.50 |
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AM - 10 PV/AC/Lutheran. I like to get a little extra sleep on Tuesdays if I can because it is usually a later night with church stuff. So I slept in 15 minutes today and still got a decent morning in. (Oregon 548.75)
afternoon - 8 Icehouse. Up the monster hill on the Icehouse trail with the team. Then ran home from the top of Green Springs. (Boston 972.75)
Boston Miles: 8.00 | Oregon Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. With Clyde for thirst time in a month or so - good to have the old guy around. Thoroughly exhausted this morning, but still got up. (Stratus grey 1072.35) afternoon - 20 River Tail - Tempo. Started off with a 30 minute tempo with the team. Mike and I hit 5:37, which was where I wanted to start and right in his range. Unfortunately my watch battery was dead and I had to keep bugging him for pace info. I jogged back toward the girls and Travis let me borrow his watch to finish up my workout - which was an extended version of the one I did Saturday (instead of 20/15/10/5 minutes of tempo, I was going 30/20/10/5. The workout went well. Sometimes I thought I was pushing too hard because the watch was set for pace and seemed to be reading pretty fast (during a tempo like this I like to have it set for lap pace and let it run the whole set for an average). So anyway it kept fooling me and throwing me off a bit, but I was very happy to have something to go by. Then other times I felt great and felt I could move along for hours at the pace - I guess that is the eventual goal. 20 minute set was in 5:30 ave. Then after a mile recover, 10 minute was at 5:22 ave. I felt pretty tired and didn't want to "go to the well" so to speak, and thought about just calling it. But then I convinced myself that a mile wouldn't do too much harm. S I got going for the 5 minute set. The watch was reading 4:45 and I knew I wasn't going that quick. It took about half of the time to get the legs to get into a flow and then I felt good. Finished strong (but not too strong) with a 5:02. Cooled back to school. Happy the workout is over - maybe the hardest I've ever done for marathon prep. Distances covered were something like (but just kind of from memory) 30-5.4, 20-3.5, 10-1.8, 5:02 mile (those might not add up right, but are just kind of numbers that come to my mind. (Rocket 604.5) |
Stratus Grey Miles: 10.25 | Rocket Miles: 20.00 |
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AM - 8 Hot Nails/AC/DI. Snagged a couple of extra minutes of sleep and also cut the last section a mile short so I could get back for a parent/teacher conference (always fun!). Felt okay this morning. No soreness, a little fatigue by the end. Mostly it will set in throughout the day I am sure. Gives me an excuse to chill a little though for a couple days and run more with the girls. (Landreth blue 890.4)
afternoon - 7 Old Mans. Went out to the hill and ran a bit with the girls. It was a good workout for them and got me moving a bit - which seems to help work out the kinks without putting too much craziness in there. Weights after. (Kinvara 797.9)
Landreth Blue Miles: 8.00 | Kinvara Miles: 7.00 |
| | AM - 8 Parkway. Just another shortened up easy run this morning. The team had the morning off today so it was just me. Warmer, but windy and lightning out on the horizon - looks like a storm coming in for the weekend. (Hyper Speed 324.25) afternoon - 6 Random Mall. Kind of all over as we delivered some flyers, but the mileage turned out perfect as my Hawk-o-meter is really honing in right now (I found out why on Saturday, right Logan!). Tons of laughs with Casey, Mike and Byron today. Then barefoot striders. (Barefoot '13 27)(Zero155.75) |
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 8.00 | Zero Miles: 5.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
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| Race: |
Children of Hope Academy 5K (3.2 Miles) 00:22:05 | | AM - 16 Coral Canyon. Good morning run with Logan. Went out to DATS and then brought it back through Coral Canyon. Glad I decided to use the weekend to recover more. Pushing a big workout today would have been counterproductive I think. morning - 4.25 Dixie. Ran this fundraiser race with Rylee this morning. I haven't ran a race with her in years,and she is running very well. So I wondered how quick she would go with me running with her. We warmed up for a mile and then chilled until the start. The course was a good fair loop course with gradual long ups and downs that wasn't going to turn in any burner times - and it ended up long also. Ry likes to start a little more conservative and pick people off throughout the run - which we did perfectly. No one passed us the whole race, but we passed many. I was very proud of her. She pushed super hard and got a great time (another PR) even with this cough that she can't seem to get rid of. We passed the 3 mile at 20:55, which really surprised her to be boing quicker than 7 minute pace. Then she finished strong trying to catch this kid that kicked it in the end when he realized an 11 year old girl was about to beat her. Ry ended up as the 2nd girl in the race with a 22:05 (6:53 ave.). (Kinvara3 285.25) Good week. Particularly happy with Wednesday's workout and had a lot of fun running with Rylee today. Goals for next week: I think I'll try today's workout on Monday and look for a good time trial of the DogTown 1/2 course on Saturday. Kind of getting excited to taper soon. |
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| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. With a bigger workout today and needing to drive to school so I could bringRy home, just an easy 6. (Boston 978.75) afternoon - 20.75 Green Valley. 13 tempo. A little shorter version of the loop I did a few weeks ago. Warmed up for 6 and then got into my tempo. Going up Diagonal the wind was blowing decently against me, so I was excited that it would be helping me at the end when I would be most tired. Goal was to hit 5:40-:45 for 13 miles, which puts me on the slow end of my MP (around 95%). Things were good down through GV, but it was again windy. Coming up the river the wind should have changed, but it never did - it just got stronger. I felt I could have held the pace all day and was just hitting it with minimal effort through 10, but the last three up the river the wind just wore me down and I made a conscience decision to lose time and not stress my body too much fighting the wind. Ave for the first 10 was 5:43, then just over 6:00 for the last three. But still pleased with it. Like my new Adios - they will be my new marathon racers. (adios 20.75) At the end I was kind of thinking about the race coming up and how much effort/time I have invested in it. In a way I am a bit nervous because of this and I want to do well, but I have also really enjoyed the journey no matter how it turns out. I never thought I would be in my fastest (marathon - even 1/2) shape at age 35 - especially with all that my body has been through. Life is good in many ways. |
Boston Miles: 6.00 | Adios Miles: 20.75 |
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| | AM - 8.25 PV/AC/DI. Over to school for practice. Still a bit chilly for what we ere last week. (Connect 481.75) afternoon - 10.25 River Trail. Ran out with the girls (and some of the boys) on their tempo. They did well. I enjoy running with them even though they might not say the same. Weights then ran home. Ready to be done by the end. (F50 440) |
F50 Miles: 10.75 | Connect Miles: 8.25 |
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AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Another chilly run with the Circle. (Landreth blue 900.65)
afternoon - 8 Fields. A nice easy run with the boys out into the Fields. (HyperSpeed 2 265.25)
Landreth Blue Miles: 10.25 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 8.00 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Just an easy 6 this morning. Sleeping in a little has been very nice. (Free 757.45)
afternoon - 8 x2DI/track. Ran the warm and cool with the team and on the track while they did their workout. Lizard came down - good to see her. (Zero 163.75)
Free Miles: 6.00 | Zero Miles: 8.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Another sleeping in and easy run. Felt great this morning. Hip has enjoyed this little dip in mileage the last two days. (Rocket 610.5) afternoon - 5 Prospector. Nice easy trail run with team on a beautiful afternoon. (VertK 60.5) |
Rocket Miles: 6.00 | Vertical K Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 20 DogTown 1/2 Time Trial. Was really bummed a couple months ago when I found out that my hometown half was only a week away from Phoenix. So I planned on running it today to test fitness and for a good workout. I was a little bummed about how it went. Obviously there were a few factors that played into it: 1) it is just very tough to recreate the drive an push needed for a strong race in a time trial - especially a solo effort. 2) Logan had offered to help, but due to a couple things on my part I didn't arrange things and I really could have used him. 3) I was a bit hesitant to really push because although I know I am half PR shape, I am focused on Phoenix and didn't want to do something stupid and jeopardize my opportunity for success in two weeks. Those things being said, I still thought I could not only beat last year's time of 1:10:36, I could PR by going sub 1:09:50 without really even "killing it". Ran over to the start in Coral Canyon for a 5 mile warm up. I tried to amp myself up a little and get some energy going. The first couple miles are the quickest and I worried if soloing I would be able to amp it up like I needed. I drank my gu/water mix before starting - mostly to practice running with it in my system since I haven't at all since St. George. Got out strong with 1-5:10(5:14 - last year), 2-5:14(5:18) grabbed my other drink I had dropped here on the way out. Wasn't planning on drinking it until 7 like in the marathon. Should have driven out and dropped it off there, but didn't want to take the time/gas, so I just planned on carrying it - ended up bugging me a lot and kind of throwing off my focus/effort more than it should have around miles 6 and 7. 3-5:11(5:22). 4-5:09(5:16) felt good and the miles were flying by. 5-5:14(5:27), so I have gained a good amount of time already and I am not stressing at all. Then back up the river and on each of the hills I kind of fall apart. Lack of focus? 6-5:44(5:36). 7-5:54(5:41) so now I have given a bunch of time back. Looking back on it, I just wasn't pushing hard. 8-5:12(5:15) kind of upset at myself because I know I just cost myself a PR, which wasn't the main goal here but was reachable and would have been a fun side-effect. So I pushed this mile trying to use the downhill and grab back a little time. 9-5:40(5:28) another hill another bad mile. 10-6:01(5:53) this is the biggest hill of the course and it comes at a hard time, but again I was just running, not in it mentally. 11-5:44(5:19) last year I knew Clyde was hunting me down and I burned the backside of the hill, this time I just kind of trotted. This is the mile that really cost me. I even really thought about just calling it a workout and being done so I slowed for a tenth or so. Then I kind of yelled at myself and said that this is really the meat of this workout, I need to push and practice running hard when physically and mentally weak not back off and be a baby. So tried to get going again. 12-5:31(5:21). 13-5:30(5:22). Finish-ended with a 1:11:09(1:10:35)... Lost a little here in the last couple miles, as last year I really worked these ones to distance Clyde. But at least I brought them back to marathon effort without too much trouble. So... Whatever. It's done, some good, some bad. Maybe I will find a half in late spring that I can really race and focus on getting a PR. (Adios 40.75) Good week. Body is feeling rested, but still kept mileage where I want it and got a couple good runs in. Goals for next week: Mileage down to 80, have a good tempo next Saturday as I run the real 1/2 with some of the kids (don't get sucked into trying to race and win it or something stupid). |
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| | morning - 13 Prospector. Planned on hitting 15 on the trail and then did some math and decided to go just a little shorter. Real nice run this morning. Love that trail. Took the dog around at the very end. (VertK 73.5) |
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AM - 6 PV/AC. Ran to school and then the usual morning practice run. Trying not to get sick. (Stratus grey 1078.35)
afternoon - 7 2xDI/home. Feeling exhausted today - not from running, but from life. (Oregon 555.75)
Stratus Grey Miles: 6.00 | Oregon Miles: 7.00 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Had to sleep in. Body and mind required it. So I missed the Circle run and just hit a usual morning in the rain. (Connect 487.75)
afternoon - 8 2xDogPound. Ran once with the team on an easy recovery run. Then we hit the weight room. Then I went back out and ran it again with a quicker pace. Didn't time it, but effort was at Tinman or a little quicker throughout. Mostly just wanted to kind of get some of the junk out of the legs and maybe break out of the funk I am feeling lately. Have been sleeping in just a little and trying to beat this little cold I have in my throat and head. Keeping it easy too, just to try and let myself get feeling better. (Rocket 618.5)
Rocket Miles: 8.00 | Connect Miles: 6.00 |
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AM - 6 AC/DI. Another run of the same. Added a bit on to DI to hit the 6. (Boston 984.75)
afternoon - 8 2xDI/track. Just running around as the team ran their workout. (Kinvara3 273.25)
Boston Miles: 6.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 8.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Same stuff as usual. (Kinvara 803.9) afternoon - 8 Grass/Sandbergs. Barefoot on the grass felt great. Then an easy 3 with the team, followed by striders. (Barefoot '13 32)(Triumph silver 835.05) |
Triumph Silver Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara Miles: 6.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | morning - 17.25 DogTown 1/2. Maybe just a touch too much this morning, but it just kind of happened. Did a very short warmup with Logan and Scott. I planned on running a couple 2 mile sections at tempo and then just whatever else throughout. started off with Logan and Seth Wold for the first two miles. Hit right around 5:30 for both and was feeling super easy - just like it should. Wished them good luck and peeled off. Ran for a bit with the JP, Stoner and Mia for a recover mile and then hit another section through the canyon and back up the first part of the river (miles 4 and 5). I may have gone a bit quick here, but I truthfully was not pushing one bit (both miles came in under 5:00). Ran with Matt for a bit to help him go pick off a guy and then started a third set of 2 at tempo. Decided to do this to work and catch back up to the rest of the boys. These were miles 7 and 8 (up and down the Dam Rd.). Last week I really struggled on the hills; today I felt so much better and hit the Dam hill in 5:30 and down the other side in a good split also. I had worked up to Abel and Jason by the end of this one, but couldn't close the last 30 meters without picking up the pace too much, so I just chilled behind them and yelled from there as they turned to go up Majestic. I skipped this section and went to catch Mike for the final bit. at the turn around, I saw all the other boys doing very well and also Seth and Logan pushing to very good runs. Jumped in with Mike and helped him pick it up for nearly 2 more miles at mid 5:20 place (I think 5:25). So I actually hit 4x2 miles at MP. Then I ran in with most everyone on the team and made them sprint it a bit to practice finishing kick (always coaching!). Finished all this with running the last 2 or so with Ally. (Mana 304.5) One more week down. Enjoyed resting a little. Don't like the feeling of feeling flat from cold and taper. S it was good to have a little workout today. Well... Here we go. The week is here. Goals for the week: stay/get healthy in this sick infested home, school and world. I'll through a little bit of something quick in this week, probably Tuesday. And just try and be happy about whatever is given to me on Saturday (and maybe try and take just a little more!). |
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AM - 5 Target. Varsity milers joined me for a bit more this morning. Felt great. (Free 765.45) afternoon - 5 Green Springs. Easy 4 followed by barefoot striders. (Zero 167.75)(Barefoot '13 33)
Free Miles: 5.00 | Zero Miles: 4.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
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AM - 6.25 Target. Out past Target this morning with 2xmile on the way back. Hit around LT pace effort. Body wasn't sure what the heck I was doing at first, but slowly got going. (Hyper Speed 2 271.5)
afternoon - 4.5 Grass/Hot Nails. Mile and a half on the grass with Tyson and Mike; good to catch up with Tyson - had a good laugh when he wiped out after catching his toe. Then Hot Nails easy with the team. (Barefoot '13 34.5)(Stratus grey 1081.35)
Stratus Grey Miles: 3.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 6.25 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.50 |
| | AM - 4 2xDI. Team had a Kosmin test this morning, so I just ran the warm and cool with them. It was exceptionally cold this morning for being nearly March. (Hyper Speed 328.25) |
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 4.00 |
| | AM - 5 AC/DI. Feeling good. Want to get it going. Woke up at Ally's alarm and couldn't go back to sleep; just way too much running through the mind. (F50 445) Jeep mileage for Feb. 150 Running Mileage: 374.75 |
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| | AM - 3 AC. A short shake out run with the team this morning before I head off to Phoenix. (Landreth blue 903.65) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 3.00 |
| Race: |
Phoenix Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:29:26, Place overall: 4, Place in age division: 1 | |
Phoenix Marathon 2:29:26 Up early and to the busses. Ally dropped me off and I walked over to the busses and found Riley and Spencer getting on the bus just as I was, so it was nice to tie in with somebody. After the long drive down yesterday, Ally and I drove the course last night and I noticed that the first four were pretty nice. Then the two miles up in the neighborhood, really were a pretty good uphill. Following which there was another nice section for 2 or 3 miles and then it was flat. As I drove the long straights, I kept telling myself that it really was flat and that even though I knew it would feel uphill when I was tired, it was flat and I would be okay. We also planned a few places for her to meet me and I hoped she would find them all okay. So anyway... got on the bus and up to the start. It was only just a tiny bit cool at the start and I worried how warm it was going to get warm quick as the sun came up. Hit a secret bathroom, talked with Jake a little and got to the line. (Splits are by Garmin - which was on for the first three miles and then got off. I know that Garmins aren't perfect, but this was the most I was ever off in a marathon. And on the curvy parts of the race, I was all alone so I took very good tangents. When we hit halfers, it was on the straights and I didn't really have to dodge much; I just ran outside the cones when necessary. So what I am saying is that I really suspect the race was a bit long, but it is what it is). 1-5:38, very easy start in the lead group of about 5 of us. Some dude jumps out in the lead. 2-5:18, Jake and the others start to go a little quicker, using the downhill and I just stick to the back of the group. 3-5:30, we turn off Usery and catch the leader (who I was calling Brooks in my mind because he was wearing a green Brooks singlet and green Connects. I let Riley, Jake, and Kenyan go up in front of me. I knew I was in for a long lonely ride. 4-5:31, A guy yells at Brooks to use the downhill and he suddenly sprints past me. I catch him in 50 meters. 5-5:57, we start uphill and the lead three have put some 20 seconds (a guess) on me. As we turn a kid comes up along side me (side note #1: All day I thought it was weird that I just won the 35-39 age division - when the crap did I get so old? And now as I am typing this I call a early 20's dude a kid! I guess I am old) and a guy who turns out to be his coach is yelling at him to work the uphill (side note #2: I had named green guy Brooks in my mind and people around me kept yelling, "Go Brooks." Turns out this kid was named Brooks). He and I chatted and he was an NAIA kid going for his marathon qualifier. The time he needed was 2:44. I thought to myself, "Then you are not in the right place right now." I urged him to relax and stay with me. No need to push up these hills. 6-5:50, Ally had met me just past 5 with a water with a Carb Boom (gel) mixed in. Last night I had thought this was too early, but I am glad I decided too. It was already hot and I needed liquid and whatever. I was already taking water at the aid station and soaking my head trying to keep cool before it really got hot. At the top of the hills, I timed the gap and it was 40 seconds. 7-5:07, making the turn I gave some last parting advice to Brooks and just let the downhill roll. This was a real cool section of the run (my favorite) and generous as shown by the time. 8-5:14, another nice mile and I notice something, the guys aren't pulling away anymore. 9-5:20, I don't really remember the course as well as SG or whatever, so I kind of forget the miles, but I do remember I just felt amazing through here. Of course the thoughts go through your head about keeping calm, slowing down for later and such. But I was just running. 10-5:15+25 secs. By this time, the watch was reading way off on the miles. So I hit lap when I passes the official 10 mile mark. I would guess that from mile 4 on, the watch was reading 5-6 secs. early each mile - so I should keep that in mind when going back to evaluate my splits. We are on one of the long straights. Many more to come. 11-5:25, this mile was just a second early and then it started getting off track again. Ally met me in here with my second water and gel. She also handed me my hat which I was very happy for. I had been soaking at every aid station and now I could keep my head wet. 12-5:17, Brooks' coach was leapfrogging me to yell for his kid and he told me I was gaining on the leaders. They actually were staying the same distance (maybe coming back a few seconds), but it felt good to still have them right there. 13-5:26, I hit the official half at 1:12:03. I felt very good and was realistically thinking that 5:30 pace was very possible as I knew that the pain would soon be coming, but then I would run a 2:25. 14-5:23, still staying very strong and I felt good about the whole 5:30 thing. 15-5:35+8 secs (reset the watch again to the official markers), but here I started to fade. 16-5:37, tried to tell myself that I was still doing well and that I could bring the time back and all was good. But I know my body and it was tired. Ally got me a third water and gel here and also 2 electrolyte pills. I actually think this saved me a bit. I wish I would have taken a set just a little earlier and then another set around 19-20. 17-5:36, one last time I see Brooks' coach and he tells me that one has fallen off the pack (around here somewhere). I start to see Riley up ahead and it gives me a little boast. 18-5:44, but we get into heavy 1/2 traffic and I can't see him anymore. I really think that if I could have seen him continually, I could have kept a little mental energy. 19-5:46, was hoping to see Ally here but I saw all the road closures and all the runner and driving traffic and realized she wasn't going to make it to our last couple planned stops. Was bummed because I had a flat Pepsi for that last 10K zip and I wanted a couple more e-caps. Oh well... it had been neat seeing her along the way - now I was really on my own (even though I was in the midst of many trafficy 1/2'ers. Although the 1/2 was in the way like usual and they messed up my view of Riley, I only really had 1 situation where someone really messed me up. An old lady cut right into me and I had to jump to the side not to kill her. Unfortunately, the jump took me into two other ladies and I had to stop. They were nice about it, but it was tough to get moving again. I think that happened here on 20. 20-5:46+10secs to re-adjust to the final 10K, just can't quit get the legs moving fast enough. 21-6:02, bummed to see a +6:00 going into the final 10K. It kind of shot me into survival mode. 22-5:52, was doing calculations about ending times and things were still looking like sub 2:28 if I could roll out some 5:40-45's. 23-6:00, but not when you do that. 24-6:08, ehhh. Tired, end it all. 25-6:20, maybe someday I'll learn how to finish a marathon. 26-5:58+28secs to re-adjust again (see, that is what I am talking about - getting of 28 seconds in just 5 miles; that is too much), decided to kind of suck it up and get it going and finish. There was a downhill here to the final turn and I tried to move it a little. To tell the truth, I thought this mile would have been quicker. I must have really been stinking it up before the downhill. .2-1:25 (5:44 pace), even this was .25 and the 1/2'ers had split to their own side, so no traffic and perfect tangents (I really am not complaining, just working some of this out in my head/in print). Good thing I did try and pick it up because I kept seeing my watch creep closer and closer to 2:30 and I was thinking I had worked too dang hard for the last 3 months and the last 26 miles to let a sub 2:30 go. (Adios 93.75) A couple notes: my feet got pretty hot. Don't know if it was the race/heat or the Adios. It was a warm day, but not brutal. Obviously, I run in much hotter than this all the time; the difference was that I haven't for many months. Any days in the upper 50's have seemed very warm - and that has been on easy runs; no hot/warm training runs. So temps of 50-upper 60's is very warm for me right now. The long straights are tough on me mentally; always have been. Need to figure out how to work through that. And 23 miles solo is no way to run a marathon. I obviously would have like to had a much quicker time. I really believe I am in my best shape ever. But at the same time, I kind of thought I would be about 5 minutes back of Jake and that is about where I was - if I wouldn't have gone 1:17 in the second half and gone more like 1:15 I would have been much happier. Nonetheless, I am very fine with how it all went. I have had races that didn't go super great and then let it totally affect me in so many ways. Today was no different; things could have gone better. But they did go well, and I am happy and a peace with the result and what I was given today. Goals for next week: recover and have fun with my family and with the team with my extra time.
Also, it was fun to meet a few new people like Spencer, Burt, Collin and a few others. Utah and the blog did great.
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| | afternoon - 4 2xDI. Just warmed and cooled with the team around their workout. Didn't feel horrid; just like I had run a marathon. While they did weights, I hit the eliptical for 15 minutes. (F50 449) |
| | AM - 3 AC. Felt a bit better this morning. Still keeping it very easy. (Oregon 558.75) |
| | AM - 4 AC. Extended the AC to hit because I forgot the boys were going 4 and turned us around at the usual 3. Felt pretty dang good today. Not much soreness left at these short distances and easy speeds. (Connect 491.75) |
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| | AM - 3 AC. Feeling pretty good. Of course it is just 3, but I am happy with my recovery. (Free 765.45)
afternoon - 5 Green Springs. Up into GS with the team. First double, but it was way easy so no stress on me. (Kinvara3 298.25)
Free Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 3 AC. Again still sticking with 3 in the mornings. Feels nice to be running and feeling okay. (Triumph silver 838.05) afternoon - 5 Fire Station. Ran over to the fire station as the team did a workout. (rocket 623.5) |
Triumph Silver Miles: 3.00 | Rocket Miles: 5.00 |
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| | morning - 7.5 Parkway/2x8th. Easy run on the Parkway and then 2 miles with Ry and a pretty good pace for her. (Mana 312) Good recovery week. Kept it very easy and enjoyable. Goals for next week: keep it pretty easy throughout the week. Would be a great week for a ton of mileage with Spring Break and nice weather. |
| | morning - 11.5 PV/2xDI/home. Over to practice and then DI warm and cool with the team. then home and a couple miles with the girls. Have been working on my turnover and foot strike during this down time. The last couple days I've been thinking about the marathon and kind of (just a little) bummed about the last few miles. I really want to improve that part of my run for the next one. (Kinvara3 309.75) |
| | morning - 8.5 PV/home. Legs felt about as bad as they have in a week. I don't know why, but I was kind of bummed. I had actually even thought about trying the tempo with some of the team - probably the girls, but I was so hammered that I knew that was out of the question. (F50 457.5) |
| | morning - 9.5 PV/Old Man. Ran over to practice and then over to the hills to watch the team. Allergies have gone nuts this week and they are wiping me out. And I think it might be mixed in with (or turning into) a head cold. Killing me. (Connect 501.25) |
| | morning - 9 PV/2xDI. Over to school for practice again and then the warm/cool with the team and home. After a horrid nights sleep with congestion and just feeling rancid, I woke up feeling much better. (Oregon 567.75) afternoon - 5 Grass/8th. Decided to finally try a double this week. And it was nice because I actually wanted to. Nobody took me up on my offer for Barefooting on the grass though. Too bad, the sprinklers were on, it was warm, and life was great. Did 3 and then striders. Then came home and took the dog around. (Barefoot '13 38.5)(Zero 168.75) |
Oregon Miles: 9.00 | Zero Miles: 1.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 4.00 |
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| | morning - 10.5 PV/Washington. Over to practice and then an easy 4 and back home with Molly's Mile. Pretty tired this morning. (Kinvara 814.4) afternoon - 5 Dirt Mile. Went up the dirt mile and ran in the warm afternoon. Took it easy, but the legs and body seem to be feeling stronger - mind is also getting ready to get rolling again when the body is ready. (Zero 173.75) |
Kinvara Miles: 10.50 | Zero Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 5 Parkway. Up as early as I could get myself (5:00) and out for an easy 5 miler before heading out to a track meet. (F50 462.5)
Week was okay. Kind of want to get going again. Goals for next week: PV Invite week so I will be super busy. Just get in what I can.
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Trying to get back into the usual groove. (Free 771.45) afternoon - 9.75 4xmile. Ran DI warm/cool and 4x1600 with Rachel and some of the boys. It felt good to get the legs moving a little and do something - times were 6:08's. On the warm up I rolled my ankle on the uneven road/gutter and about got hit by a car as I tried to catch my balance. Then after the run and running with my girls, my knee started doing it's pudging up thing and hurt all night. Kind of in a blah groove. (Hyper Speed 2 281.25)
Free Miles: 6.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 9.75 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Planned on running to school today, but my knee hurt all night and I figured I shouldn't push it too much on it. So... blah. It will go away soon, but it is just a pain when this happens. (Boston 990.75)
afternoon - 8 Roller Coaster. Out on the Shinob Kibe roller coasters for an easy run followed by 8xbarefoot striders. (Barefoot '13 39.5)(Triumph silver 845.05)
Triumph Silver Miles: 7.00 | Boston Miles: 6.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. More of the same for me. Just kind of stuck in a rut. Knee and ankle both feeling a little better. (Rocket 629.5) afternoon - 7 laps/2xDI. Just ran around a bit as much as I could. Felt pretty goodby the end. A couple sets of light weights. (Ohana racers 709.25) |
Ohana Racers Miles: 7.00 | Rocket Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 9.5 Dirt/AC/Lutheran. Was up a little early, so I went and got a little extra in. Took Molly around, then up to a few miles on the Dirt Mile in the very dark and the usual practice run. (Connect 510.75) Didn't get anything in the afternoon and was a bit bummed by it. Had to get fingerprints done and pick up stuff for the meet. Got to practice late and then had to set up a bunch of stuff for the meet and then church stuff. Long day, with longer days to come for the weekend. |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Should have gotten up earlier like I had planned, but I used the excuse of the long day ahead at our track meet to catch an extra hour of sleep before practice. (Landreth blue 909.65) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 11 Junction. Finished off a pretty blah week with a good run. After getting out on the dark, dark road I decided to push the last five in at around Tinman effort - no watch, so I went by feel. Decided it is time to get moving again, and untamed tempos are a good kick-off. When I got home and checked the time, I saw that I must have actually really hit a good pace on the way back; probably around 5:30-40, which made sense because I was working hard (but not crazy), but I thought it was because I haven't ran hard in three weeks. Took the dog around. (Oregon 578.75) Made it through the week... That w the goal. Goals for the week: bump the miles up a little bit, get a workout or two in to start getting ready to bring some structure to it all. |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. I just have no desire at all to wake up earlier than necessary for practice and get extra miles in. (F50 468.5) afternoon - 8.5 4x1000. Warmed and cooled with DI and hit 4x1000 with Abel. Wasn't sure if I could help him with the workout, but it went well. His goal time was 3:10. We went 3:06, 3:09, 3:10, 3:09. He then killed his 300. He is really working into quite the runner. Finished up with weights. (Zero 182.25) |
F50 Miles: 6.00 | Zero Miles: 8.50 |
| | AM - 11 Parkway/AC/Lutheran. Was able to get out of bed and get the extra miles in since I can't get any more with a track meet this afternoon. (Kinvara3 320.75) |
| | AM - 12 Parkway/Pizzax2/laps. Doing better at forcing myself out of bed - 2nd day in a row! Tried to get up early enough to take the dog around after the Parkway, but only had enough time to go the short block (need about 3 more minutes). Up the Parkway I did 5x10 sec hills (like yesterday). Then at practice ran Pizza warm and cool and laps as some of the team ran their workout. (Hyper Speed 340.25)
afternoon - 7 Starbucks. Easy pre-race run with the team. I jumped in on the 4x200's and then ran with my girls a bit when I got home. (?) |
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 12.00 |
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| | AM - 11 Buena Vista/AC/DI ext. Up again to get some mileage with a meet this afternoon. I was excited to no have to train during track season, but I guess somehow I am going to try now. Felt like a slug this morning. (Stratus grey 1092.35) |
Stratus Grey Miles: 11.00 |
| | morning - 15.5 PV/River Trail. No school, so practice at 8:00. Ran over and then a 10 miler with 20 minute tempo with the team. Tempo was a good progression through AT, starting at 5:45 and working into the :20's for an average of :33. It was good to push a little even though it was only for 20 minutes. Slowly that will start growing now. Then ran home. (Mana 327.5) |
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morning - 15 Prospector. Not too shabby. I love running in the desert. Great cool temps and a nice sunrise. (VertK 88.5)
Got the mileage up a bit this week (even with multiple singles) and got a few starter workouts in to beat me up a little.
Goals for next week: take it a bit closer to 100 (probably around 95) and extend the tempo session and another interval session. Have decided that if I am going to run UV I had better get going a bit, but... I am not going to stress too much about it - I can't make it my number 1 priority of the spring (just too much going on).
Just 282.25 miles for the month. A very low month for me. I just need to remember why (because I was worn down and recovering from a long tough set of marathon training and I needed it) so I don't beat myself up about it.
Only drove 112.2 in the Jeep though, so I am still way ahead for the year. 400.2 driving vs. 1147 running.
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| | morning - 17.25 4x1600. Last morning of sleeping in - no more days off until school's out(unless you count track meets). Warmed up into Green Springs and hit 2.75 miles down to PVHS at Tinman effort, sub 5:50, but it was downhill. Then got into the 1600's with the boys. Goal was to stay with Casey and help him out - although he has been strong on these all year anyway - at 5:14. Ran 5:12, :14, :13, :12, with 1 lap easy recovery (around 3:00-3:30). Pretty consistent and didn't feel too bad at that speed. Another good starter workout in the LT range. Cooled down and then ran back home for a big mileage morning. (Rocket 646.75) evening - 4.5 Grass. Waited all afternoon to run on the grass with my daughters... then they stood me up. I was pretty bummed about it. Ran over to the fields and ran 3 barefoot and then back home via my dad's to get some sprinkler stuff to finish up the project I was working on in the garden. (Barefoot '13 42.5)(Zero 183.75) |
Rocket Miles: 17.25 | Zero Miles: 1.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 3.00 |
| | AM - 9 DogTown/AC/Hot Nails. Extremely slow this morning. Just totally dragged through the whole thing. (Landreth blue 918.65) afternoon - 6.5 Harts/laps. Ran the warm and cool with the team with some laps in the middle and an extension of the cool. Not a lot better than this morning. (Boston 997.25) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 9.00 | Boston Miles: 6.50 |
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. First time in over a month with the Circle. Good run, interesting (?) conversations. (Kinvara3 331) |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. The extra sleep this morning and single yesterday seems to have worked wonders. I felt very good this morning and it left me excited to do a workout. I kind of was mad at myself for not waking up earlier and getting more mileage in, but I will get a good run in this afternoon. (F50 474.5)
afternoon - 11.25 Parkway/Dirt Mile. Felt good enough this morning that I figured I would give a workout a try, but it didn't turn out very well. Warmed up for 5 on the Parkway and then got into a tempo on the Dirt Mile. I had to adjust my mile loop just a little because they are building in the area (of course) and dumped loads of dirt right on my dirt road. Anyway, started great and for two miles I felt awesome and was thinking probably 6 miles or so and even take the pace down a bit, but after 3 I started to really heat up and started to feel sick. So I just pushed it to 20 minutes and called it quits - 5:43 average. Kind of bummed that I bonked so bad. But the heat really does that to me. It will take a while for me to get used to it at all. Cooled for a couple miles and went home. (Hyper Speed 351.5)
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 11.25 | F50 Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. I hate mornings and they hate me right back. I don't know if I have had a tired streak like this in years. And I just have no motivation to overcome it. (Connect 516.75) afternoon - 8 Albino. Changed the run up for the team today. So we just went on a nice easy run up into the desert. Finished with some weights. (Kinvara 822.4)
Kinvara Miles: 8.00 | Connect Miles: 6.00 |
| | morning - 14 Chuckwalla. So glad I decided to do this run today. Earlier I had thought about running a 10K today, but after Thursday's botched workout, I decided against it. I am also still against running UV - but I almost feel obligated, not because anyone expects me too, but just because it feels like I should. Anyway... Today's run was good. I kind of wanted trails and something different than usual, so I drove over to this trail. The run was just nice and relaxing. There were a lot of hikers out. The weather was nice. The climb up Scout Cave is hard. Then I opened up my legs for the last 2.5 and loved it all. Zen-like morning. (VertK 102.5) another week down with no real commitment to anything. I just can't get myself to buy into any real training. But I got my mileage up a little more again. Goals for next week: lets get the mileage up around 100. What else? Be happy with life! |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Windy and warm this morning. Supposed to by Pyper's track meet today, but I don't know if they'll be able to pull it off. The usual Monday junk in the legs this morning. (924.65) afternoon - 11 4x1600. Started off with 3 miles on the track and then a Harts warm (and cool) with 4x1600. The weather was pretty cool and rainy and windy. So I wasn't sure how the team would do, but everyone did awesome - they are all ready for some strong times. I barely hung in there with the boys; me dragging off the back. 5:10, :12, :13, :10. It is a beast workout for me, but it is a good one. Weights after. (Rocket 657.75) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 6.00 | Rocket Miles: 11.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Not as jacked as I thought I would be, but that will set in later I'm sure. Gave the girls a good scare on the run this morning! (Free 777.45) afternoon - 8 2xAC/laps. Warm and cool with the team with laps while they were on their workout. Finished up with a mile with Pyper and the dog. My right heel - in the back, like the lowest connection of the achilles has been hurting a bit lately and I could really feel it today. Made me run like an old man. (Zero 191.75) |
Free Miles: 6.00 | Zero Miles: 8.00 |
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| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Chilly morning run with Clyde. Good convo and a decent run. (Oregon 589) afternoon - 14 Grass/Foremaster. Lower Achilles didn't feel any better today. Running on the grass was pleasant excepting the Achilles. Then ran Foremaster with the team, followed by striders which were exceptionally painful. Finished up with weights. Some good funny moments throughout the practice: told the boys about James' name for the run, Byron's motorcycle, Michael laughing so hard he dropped the weights on his chest, and Mike's shower during striders! Good stuff. (Barefoot '13 50.5)(F50 480.5) |
Oregon Miles: 10.25 | F50 Miles: 6.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 8.00 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Was actually pretty awake and could have gotten up earlier for a few more miles, but I was worried about my heel/achilles after yesterday. It ended up feeling pretty good this morning though. So I will finish off the week without anything too crazy and hopefully turn the corner on it. (Connect 522.75)
afternoon - 10 DogPound/Parkway. Achilles seeing a little more improvement. But I tried to put in a hill push thinking that I hadn't done any in awhile, and that wasn't a good idea. So I cut that out quick and just kept it easy. (Mana 337.5)
Mana Miles: 10.00 | Connect Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Why is it that my body is ready to wake up a little earlier now when I am trying to keep my mileage down a little, but when I want to get up to run it never wants to be awake? Did the usual run this morning with less pain in the achilles than yesterday - hooray. But there is still a burn in there a bit. This is my only run today (with a meet this afternoon) and tomorrow I won't go crazy, so hopefully things will be on the up and up by Monday. (Kinvara3 337) |
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| | AM - 10 Junction. I nearly didn't go out this morning. My leg hurt pretty bad last night, and I was pretty tired this morning when the alarm went off. But after laying there for about five minutes I dragged myself out. Although my Achilles heel still hurt a lot, I was really happy I went out and ran - just a very nice morning. Then off to another day at the track. My heel really hurt by the end and I had a noticeable limp - pretty bummed about that... but the team ran great! (Triumph silver 855.05) Week was what it was. Goals for next week: got get the leg better first and foremost. |
Triumph Silver Miles: 10.00 |
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AM - 6.25 AC/2450. Leg felt okay'ish. Not great, but maybe a little better. I will probably just set it back this afternoon with a workout with some of the 800 guys. (F50 486.75)
afternoon - 11 4x1000. A few miles on the track to get the day going as the kids showed up to practice. Then a Hart's warm/cool with 4x1000. Ran with Red Leader to help him hit his times (and give myself a good workout). Went 3:09, :07, :09, :08 (or something close to that). Then jumped in with the girls for 1 1/2 of these and the JV boys on their final 1600 (for 1000 of it). There paces obviously weren't as hard, but it was nice to go with them. Leg held up very nicely with only minimal pain as I got going. Happy with how my speed is progressing. Weights after. (Mana 348.5)
Mana Miles: 11.00 | F50 Miles: 6.25 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Usual this morning. About the same amount of pain in the achilles. And the inevitable fatigue and soreness from yesterday hasn't set in yet. (Stratus grey 1098.35)
afternoon - 13 laps/DIx2/2450. Ran a couple miles as practice got going; then a warm/cool with the team with laps during their workout. Finished it off with 2450 by myself. I was kind of tired, but the achilles felt a little better. (Kinvara 835.4)
Stratus Grey Miles: 6.00 | Kinvara Miles: 13.00 |
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Good run with Logan. Some improvement on the achilles. (Oregon 599.25) afternoon - 3 track. Ran a bit of a warm up for this afternoon's Panther Relays. I was planning on running the 1600 with Rylee. One of the teams needed an 800 for a medley, however, so I jumped in that too. The pace wasn't really too killer, but the breathing was hard and the legs were a little heavy. But the last lap and especially the last 150 it really set off my leg. It was still a bit painful during the 1600, but I didn't really think about it because Ry was running hard and it was fun to push her. The wind held her back a bit, but she still hit a 6:12.01, which is a track PR by 2 seconds. (Zero 194.75)
Oregon Miles: 10.25 | Zero Miles: 3.00 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. That hard pace yesterday set back my progress a bit. Knew I shouldn't have done it. Not hideous though, just a little more pain. (Connect 528.75)
afternoon- 8 GS/laps. Up to Green Springs and then laps. (Don't remember the shoes)
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AM - 6.25 AC/2450. Obviously I fell behind on updating. Don't remember my shoes here either - so busy right now! (Triumph silver 861.1)
Triumph Silver Miles: 6.25 |
| | AM - 11.5 Junction. Out to the Junction and into Coral Canyon. Not too bad a run. Heel feels more like a sore sprained ankle than anything else right now, but still bugging. (Kinvara3 348.5) The week was whatever. Progress on foot was setback by running quicker the other day. Goals for next week: I am just kind of in stall mode right now. And I've decided to be fine with that. |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Okay morning. (Boston 1003.25) afternoon - 11 4x1000. Got 3.5 miles in before practice, on the track. The a Hart's warm/cool. Did the 1000's with Matt. Our first was weird, I thought we were on and good, then we ended up way slow 3:16. The rest were good: :10,:09,:07. Then jumped in a couple more with other groups finishing up. Achilles felt pretty decent today. Wind and heat was tough. Weights after. (Hyper speed 362.5)
Boston Miles: 6.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 11.00 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Kind of tight this morning. Sun is coming up earlier - that means the heat is about to turn up. (Landreth blue 930.65)
afternoon - 5 2xHarts/laps. Wasn't planning on running this afternoon, but the track meet was cancelled. So I threw on the same shoes as this morning and ran around a little bit with the team. Thought about going more, but it was a brief thought. (Landreth blue 935.65)
Landreth Blue Miles: 11.00 |
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AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Neck/back is tightening up. Never fun. But the run was good. Achilles is showing a little progress. (Oregon 609.5)
afternoon - 8.5 track/Trail to Nowhere. Got a few on the track and then a good easy run on the TtN. But I was kind of annoyed with everyone today. I kind of need to snap out of it. Once I got the groove of weights, it was a good set. (Stratus grey 1106.85)
Stratus Grey Miles: 8.50 | Oregon Miles: 10.25 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Pretty usual run. Still kind of in a rut with life. (Rocket 663.75)
afternoon - 6 2xHarts/laps. Just a bit of running around. (Last Ohana 422.25)
Last Ohana Miles: 6.00 | Rocket Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Ran in a new pair of Kinvara 4's. nice to have a new pair on. Need to get another pair of new ones soon and kick out some old ones. (Kinvara Lime 6) evening - 5.75 Sego Lily. Up in SLC for tomorrow's Davis meet. Ran the Sego Lily loop and then 4 striders on the grass at Granite Park. Pain in the Achilles has kind of moved around to my ankle a bit. (Kinvara Lime 11.75) |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 11.75 |
| | noon - 15 Davis. Up to the Davis Invite with a few of the kids. Ran a couple miles with them here and there for warm up and cool downs. Then did a 7 miler out-and-back from the school up onto the highway (89?). Tried to push it back a little and see how that felt. Pretty solid tempo back averaging 5:30. (Kinvara Lime ) |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 15.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. afternoon - 11 laps. Ran a workout with Rachel of a 3200 and 3x1000. Fell behind on keeping track of workouts and shoes here for the next week - so I am not sure about most of it.
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran.
afternoon - 8. For both I have no idea what shoe I ran in or the run for this afternoon. Jeep Mileage April - 192.1 (pretty high, not much running to school this month) / year total 592.1
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Good convo with Steven and Logan. (Kinvara Lime 10.25) afternoon - 6. What run and what shoe is a mystery.
Kinvara Lime Miles: 10.25 |
| | AM - 6 2xAC. Usual morning run. Up to BYU this morning. evening - 4 Springville. Easy shake out run with the team from the hotel ending with 8xbarefoot striders which were cold on the feet. (Mana )(Barefoot '13 51.5) |
Mana Miles: 3.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
| | morning - 15 Provo. After setting up camp at the track meet, I went out into Provo. Went up into the hilly neighborhood north of the temple and then worked my way up the canyon for a bit. Felt pretty good throughout the run. Did about a 7 mile tempo for the way back and averaged 5:40. Pretty happy with it. Didn't push too hard, but held strong when I started to get a bit tired on the longest run I have done in awhile. Ran with my shirt off and people who were dressed in sweats and gloves gave me all sorts of weird looks. (Kinvara Lime ) noon - 5 Provo. Ran with the team, as most of them didn't race today. Ran up around the temple and then around BYU. Put in 4x30 sec fartleks. Even though I was getting some speed, those boys laid the wood to it. (Kinvara Lime ) |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 20.00 |
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AM - 6.5 Springville. Out-and-back from the hotel out in the fields west of town. Wanted to get 10 in this morning, but I was just too tired and kept hitting the snooze button. Weather was nice with a bit of a chill. Saw two dead raccoons. Decided to do a little push on the way back and see how it felt. Wasn't feeling too springy, but decided to not look at the watch and just try and work into it. Ended up hitting a 5:40 ave. which felt pretty solid after finally getting into after about a mile. (Mana ) Week was okay. I am just kind of moving along with no real direction right now. Goals for next week: would really like to get my foot feeling better before I really start to focus on getting ready for the summer 1/2 season. I want to run a PR this summer - and I was also thinking I might run the 5 or 10K on the track at the summer games, just to see how I would do. |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Heel/achilles felt a bit better this morning. I tried to really stretch it as I woke up. (Stratus grey ) afternoon - 8 2xHarts/Mall. Warmed and cooled with the team. Then ran Mall and ran into an old runner of mine - Stacy Despain, don't know her name know. Finished by racing the storm back to the school; beat it by about 5 minutes and then an onslaught of rain. (Hyper Speed ) |
Stratus Grey Miles: 6.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 8.00 |
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AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Felt better again today. Things improving?! (Connect 534.75)
afternoon - 8 GS/Mall. 3 with the team up to Green Springs and then on the Mall run. Took a little for my ankle to feel okay. However, it was still better than last week; maybe just not as good as yesterday. (Oregon 617.5)
Oregon Miles: 8.00 | Connect Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 11 Clyde's. Ran a touch before everyone got there. Achilles Heel was not feeling as good this morning - blah. But Clyde made the run worth it. Nothing that happens in the Circle and be repeated, but let's just say that twice I had to stop running and catch my breath. (Kinvara 3 349.5) |
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| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Only one run today with the track meet and all. I may make it through the week... maybe. (Kinvara 841.4) |
| | afternoon - Grass loops/2xHarts. Got 6 miles of Big Loops in before practice then the stuff there. Kind of wacky weather the whole time. (Stratus grey 1122.85) |
Stratus Grey Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 19 Fields. Good run with Steven and Logan. The temps were absolutely amazing. We did 6 of tempo during it. My ankle/heel hurt a bit the whole run, but the tempo was good - 5:34 ave. (Kinvara 3 76)) Finished off the week cheering for Rylee and Pyper at their District Hershey's meet. Pyper ran a good 4 and 200; she also had a good LJ. Ry ran in the 800 and got a 5 sec. PR (2:42) and ran a very smart race and held off a girl to finish 2nd and make it to Regionals. Week was pretty week. Just so busy with track and end of school. Add in the Achilles and it meant for pretty low mileage. Happy with today's run though. Goals for next week: last week of real school and State track, so I'll probably be about the same as this week. |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 19.00 |
| | AM - 6.5 DogPound/DI. Achilles wasn't very good this morning nor was the body. Didn't help that I had eaten my way out of a treat shop this past weekend. Mind was going nuts for the last two hours of sleep (if you call it that) too, so I was a bit tired. So much to do. Just take it step by step I guess. (Free 783.95) afternoon - 8 2xHarts/Mall. Super hot out; 102! Warmed and cooled with the team and then 5 miles on the Mall run. Stopped off at the park and got a drink. The run wasn't too bad though. (Triumph silver 869.3) |
Free Miles: 6.50 | Triumph Silver Miles: 8.00 |
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AM - 6.5 DogPound/DI. Same thing as yesterday. Didn't cool off a whole lot last night. I guess summer is here. Now if only the school year was done! (Oregon 624)
afternoon - 7 laps/Sandbergs. Some big loops before practice and then barefoot striders. Finished up with an easy three to Sandbergs and a nice dip in the pond. (Barefoot '13 52.5)(Landreth Blue 941.65)
Landreth Blue Miles: 6.00 | Oregon Miles: 6.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
| | AM - 11.25 Clyde's. Got an extra mile in before the run. Things were fairly smooth until the very end when Clyde got me rolling again. Legs a little dead from the high temps the last few days. (Connect 546) afternoon - 3 2xHarts. Just warmed and cooled with the team. Leg hurting plenty. And plenty fat from all the junk I've been eating. (Oregon 1006.25). Nothing extra 'cause I wanted to get home for Pyper's b-day... Coolest 10 year old there is! |
Boston Miles: 3.00 | Connect Miles: 11.25 |
| | AM - 8 Green Springs. Nice morning run. Added a mile in with the dog at the end. Got to see the family before heading off the State track. (Kinvara3 368.5) evening - 4 Springville. Went over to Springville HS for the shake out run as the sprinters did handoffs and starts. We decided to just run on the track for our three and then 4x200. (Mana 362) |
Mana Miles: 4.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 8.00 |
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| | AM - 10 Provo. Ran from the hotel up toward the mouth of the canyon. Felt pretty blah... Heel hurt and I've been eating a lot of junk lately. Finished by trying to push back to the hotel. Averaged 5:50 on the way back, but that was about all I could muster. (Kinvara Lime 86) |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 10.00 |
| | morning - 6 BYU. Ran a couple 2 mile loops around the Y before the meet. Than ran a warm up with the boys before their 3200. Achilles hurts a lot. (Mana 368) Week was just kind of blah... Goals for next week: Would like it if my heel would let me start running hard. Will it?
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afternoon - 9 Highland. Played volleyball all morning (which was not a good thing for my beat up body) and then tried to run. Put on some dirt shoes and went out toward Grapevine. Not a horrid run, but nothing smooth. Finished up with Ry doing some hills. (VertK 111.5)
Swam for 10 minutes after.
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afternoon - 9 Hell's Hole Loop. Started off doing hills again with Ry and then dropped into Hell's Hole. Wasn't planning on doing much because I felt so junky in my achilles and hip. But just kind of kept on trucking. The horseflies are out by the river. One bit me pretty good and about 10 others fly along with me for about 2 miles occasionally trying to take a chunk out of me. Got to the bridge and decided to just loop it down to the fields. Ended up being a pretty good run. (Landreth blue 960.65)
10 minutes swimming again after the run. Swimming is not nearly as run as running, but it is a little cooler!
Landreth Blue Miles: 9.00 |
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AM - 11.5 Clyde's. Most of the old group there this morning with Bill and Steve joining the Circle. Starting to feel a little better - maybe the singles and lower mileage is letting things heal up a little. Hopefully I can turn the corner on that this week as well as get mentally ready to roll - just haven't been there for a while. (Oregon 635.5)
afternoon - 1 Girl Hills. Ran the block and 5xGirl Hills with Ry. She hasn't wanted to get out and do anything different than this workout this week. I suggest something else and she has a big fit, so I'll just go with this because at least she is doing something (and she runs them pretty hard; I have to really get going to beat her) and it is good strength and speed work for her. Ran in another new pair of Kinvara 4's. There just anything out there right now that feels as good. (Kinvara silver 1) 10 minutes of swim after.
Oregon Miles: 11.50 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 1.00 |
| | AM - 10 Wendy's. Got up feeling decent and had a pretty good run. I just can't believe the temps right now - it is the nicest intro to summer I ever remember in SoUt (I wish it would stay). (Kinvara Silver 11) |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 12 Junction. Not a great run. Then a bit with Ry. She wasn't too stoked about running today. (Kinvara Lime 98) |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 12.00 |
| | morning - 17.5 Fields/Hell Hole. I remember the alarm going off, but not much more; so I missed running with Steven. Got up later and had an idea of what I wanted to do, but it all changed as I got going. Ran into the Fields. Then went up Majestic. As I got to the turn for DogTown, I decided to just keep going out toward Warner Valley and check out the progress on the Parkway extension - it might get done before the world ends. Turned around and wasn't sure where I wanted to go. Ended up going on the dirt behind the Dome and out onto the Dam Road. About stepped on a lizard and it took off so fast, that when it hit the burm it launched into the air about 2 feet then did a flip as it tried to figure out what was going on - it was awesome! Finished back on the Dam Rd. into Hell Hole and home. Nothing crazy, just kind of trotted along and made it through. (Kinvara3 383) Kind of a good week to have over. Wanted to get my Achilles feeling better and there has been progress from the singles and wearing a Strausburg sock. Goals for next week: I really would like to get running a little harder. I think I am ready mentally (since I want to); will I be there physically? Tis is the worst Achilles injury I've had. Usually I can ice up tendonitis and get rid of it within a few days. I guess that just shows the extent of it since it has been over a month now. |
| | AM - 12.25 Bracken's Loop. An amazingly beautiful run on an amazing and tough desert trail. Wanted to watch the sunrise over the cliffs this morning, but got out about 20 minutes late - I thought, as it coming up as I got into the desert. But then as I got up to cliffs, the sun hid behind the cliffs and I was able to watch it rise about three different times - total zen. Got home and ran 5xGirl Hills with Ry. She beat me on most of them again. (VertK 123.75) afternoon - 5.5 Dirt Mile. Spent the afternoon trying to recalibrate the dirt mile after all the construction dirt was dropped right on our path - so annoying. Did 5 laps trying to get my estimated turn right with the distance from .97-.99. Soon I'll take up the wheel and a rake and shovel and get it all set for summer workouts! (Hyper speed 376) |
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 5.50 | Vertical K Miles: 12.25 |
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| | AM - 12.25 2xDirt Mile. Ran the Parkway for a warm up. Could tell that the legs were a little tired from yesterday's higher mileage - just reminds me that I need to take it easy and not get to antsy trying to get back into shape. Did a two mile Tinman on the Dirt Mile. It felt easy and difficult at the same time (as did my miles); kind of like my body knew that pace and knew that it wasn't that hard, but I am just not in shape to really do it right now though. Did the miles in 5:28 and 5:33. Felt pretty sick at the end of the 2nd - like I wanted to throw up. Had to remind myself that it has been over a month of very easy running with no workouts other than a short tempo or two. So it is a starting point. I'll take this afternoon off to let the legs keep (especially achilles) keep progressing, not regressing. Did finish up with the block and 5xgirl hills with Rylee (she really killed me today - I think she could break 2:40 pretty easily if the weather is good and she believes in herself. What that will place her, I have no idea). (Rocket 676) |
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| | AM - 10 Middleton. Had nearly finished up the run when suddenly it dawned on me that I had totally skipped the Circle run. It is going to take me awhile to get this summer stuff down. Just took the dog out on my own at the end because Rylee is way sick - up most of the night puking. Her sister had it earlier in the week and it was only 24 hours, so hopefully she can get it out of her soon and get fully recovered by Saturday. (Kinvara silver 21) afternoon - 6 Hell's Hole. So sad that these amazing temps will be gone by next week. Warm, but really just so nice to be running in the high 80's when I know it should/will be over 100 soon. Just easy out getting some mileage. (Stratus grey 1128.85) |
Stratus Grey Miles: 6.00 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 10.00 |
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AM - 15 Coral Canyon. Just another chill enjoyable run. The temps were so nice - the cool actually me feel almost chilly on the sweat (like it is actually supposed to happen that way or something). Ran around out at CC and then with Molly for a mile. Legs did have a lot of zing, just higher mileage for the week. (Kinvara Lime 113)\ evening - 5 Kanab Creek. Up at Kanab Creek Overlook for the Bryce 100 - brought 20+ kids (including some alumni) up to work an aid station for the next few days. Had a fun run with the; kept going with Tyson, Trevor, Austin (great to run with those guys again), Mike and Casey. Saw a big bear print, made me a little nervous for tonight. (VertK 128.75) |
Vertical K Miles: 5.00 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 15.00 |
| | 0 - Not the way I wanted to end the month, or the time up here in the mountains. Got super sick last night and was up all night. Obviously couldn't run today. Not a lot of fun to be sick up in the mountains many, many miles from a bathroom. May Jeep mileage 173.4. |
| | 0 - Wasn't sure how I would get my run in before heading up to watch Ry run her race in Richfield. But with being sick it didn't matter - no run. Ry ran okay, but you could see the effects of her sickness on her. When she made a strong move to get into 2nd (a state qualifying position) at the beginning of the 2nd lap, she had nothing to dig to when a couple girls challenged her - she ended up 4th (just off 3rd) and with a much slower time than a few weeks ago. Her 2:42 would have gotten her to the next level, but it just wasn't meant to be today. She ran great though and really showed a lot of heart. Week was a bummer in the way that it ended. But you can't control getting sick other than trying to live a healthy, clean life. Goals for next week: Hopefully feel better, get my mileage up (kind of hit a bump in the road with the two zeroes finishing off this week), hopefully feel well enough and be recovered enough to get a good workout in on Tuesday. And XC starts! So that will be fun. |
| | AM - 12 Parkway/Turtle Creek. Ran the Parkway before practice. I injured my heel somehow last night and could barely walk this morning (bruised it somehow), but the pain was less during the run. Grabbed my clipboards and ran over to practice. We had a great turnout of younger/new kids. Hopefully they stick around. A few kids that should be around that weren't, so hopefully they get their brains on. One other bit of news that was a little disturbing; hopefully that works out in our favor... please. Finished up the run and ran home and added a little over a mile with the dog to get the 12 for the morning. (Kinvara Lime 1254.5)(Barefoot '13 53) |
Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 11.50 |
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| | AM - 10. Failed workout. Got up to go run some mile reps on the dirt mile. Was going to run the Parkway for a 5 warm up, but my foot has a new a horrid pain - on the bottom of the heel, basically like PF, but not the same. I don't know what it is, but I kind of am thinking that my tendonitis has travel to there (if that is possible). It was wretched, and by 1/2 mile I couldn't take the pain anymore and started walking home. Walked for a little and then very gingerly jogged back. Iced my foot up good and then switched shoes to something with a bigger heel and eased into the Parkway run before practice. I could feel it for all of the run, but it slowly warmed up. Then for practice we ran up to Maverick. (Barefoot '13 53.5)(rocket 677)(Boston 1014.75) afternoon - 6 North Desert. Later in the day I was bored and foot was feeling a little better, so I decided to go out. Run went so well that I was tempted to try my missed workout, but knew that wouldn't be smart in the heat. (Landreth blue 956.65) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 6.00 | Boston Miles: 8.50 | Rocket Miles: 1.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
| | AM - 14.5 Clyde's. Good Circle run if my foot wasn't so jacked. I really would like to get training, but my body just won't let me. Woke up earlier to ice, wore the Strausburg all night (which I have been doing for almost three weeks now), took some ib, and walked around a little before we started to try and stretch it out. Run was okay, but there is just a lot of pain. Ran out Telegraph for practice. Will take this afternoon off to try and rest it - maybe either swim or pool run. (Barefoot '13 54.5)(Kinvara3 398.5) afternoon - 1 hour of pool time. Spent 45 minutes pool running (pretty much the same time it would take to run 6 miles easy out in the heat) - 5 minutes hard and 1 minute easy - good workout. Finished up with 15 minutes of swimming - felt very good on my swim. If I can't run at least I'll try and get some sort of workout in. |
Kinvara3 Miles: 13.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 11 Parkway/Grass. Ran around the Parkway with some extensions. Then a decent bit of grass running with the team. (Barefoot '13 58)(F50 493.25) afternoon - 6 North Desert. Got out in the heat - hottest day yet, 106. Foot stuff felt a little better today, just a touch. Great to end the run by jumping in the pool. (Stratus Grey 1134.85) |
Stratus Grey Miles: 6.00 | F50 Miles: 6.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 3.50 |
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| | AM - 13 Hell Hole/Shinob Kibe. Ran down to practice at the Sullivan Park by way of Hell Hole/Dam Rd. Running by the river was great because the flies weren't out yet. Then after warm up with the team we ran along the trail at the base of Shinob Kibe - great first week of practice for XC, it is going to be a very fun year. Finished by running home and then around Molly's Mile. Another day of a little improvement with all the leg pains. (Barefoot '13 58.5)(Mana 380.5) afternoon - 30 minutes of swimming. Swimming is pretty nice. But in my pool it is kind of like a treadmill; I wouldn't mind getting over to a lake and just going for awhile. |
Mana Miles: 12.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
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| | AM - 19 Quail. A good solo run out to the lake. All the stuff in the leg is progressing, but still present. The lake looked amazing, fullest i have seen it it years -I don't know how because there wasn't much snow, but it's a good sign as we enter the hot season. After resting the for take road hill, I felt like seeing if there was anything in the legs. So I just kind of creeped into Tinman and just kind of went with it. Went decent at that pace for 7 miles. The end of the run, I could feel the miles and pool work of the week in my legs. (Kinvara silver 40) Moved the mileage up, saw progress in the Achilles and heel - good week despite not getting too much harder running in. Goals for next week: get up around 100 and get some solid paced running in; which means the right leg has to keep progressing this weekend. |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 19.00 |
| | AM - 12 PV/Turtle. Ran over to the school to get some paperwork. Got a couple extra laps on the grass before practice; then we went up into the desert almost to the tortoise fence. Continued improvement on the foot. (barefoot '13 60)(Oregon 646) afternoon - 6.5 North Desert. Not nearly as hot and a bit windy kept it so much better than last week. Ran in The Purples... 'nuff said! (Boston 1021.5) 15 minute swim after. |
Boston Miles: 6.50 | Oregon Miles: 10.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.50 |
| | AM - 15 3xDirt Mile. Didn't plan my time right, so I had to cut my warm to 4 instead of 5 on the Parkway (but no big). Then did 2 at Tinman on the loop to get the legs moving - hit the pace for that pretty easy, which is how it is supposed to go. Then the miles were 5:29,:27,:20. Was aiming for 5:30 for 3, so I hit the workout I am in shape for and now I can move it up next week. Finished with Maverick for practice and then a little more running around at Summer Club. (Barefoot '13 60.5)(Mana 395) afternoon - 5 Grapevine. Five cheese miles out in the dirt. My legs are a bit tired. I'll probably make tomorrow a single to keep mileage from getting too high too quick. (Kinvara 846.5) |
Kinvara Miles: 5.00 | Mana Miles: 14.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
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| | AM - 16 Clyde's/Sandberg's. Circle run with some good convo and then Sandberg's for practice. Jumping in the pond was nice. Could tell the legs were a bit worn out today by the end. (Barefoot '13 61)(Kinvara Silver 55.5) |
Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 15.50 |
| | AM - 11.5 BV/Grass. 6 super slow miles into Buena Vista and then one with the dog. Threw in 5x10sec hill bursts that were more like blahs. Then 3 barefoot on the grass for practice with 8xbarefoot striders. (Connect 553)(Barefoot '13 65.5) afternoon - 5 Grapevine. Glad I got out. The legs were pretty junky for the first mile and then I actually started to run pretty decent. Maybe tomorrow will be better than today. (Landreth blue 961.65) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 5.00 | Connect Miles: 7.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 4.50 |
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| | AM - 10.25 Bloomington Hills. ram was running at the South Course, so I ran just about 7 before down by the river. Temps were nicer this morning and by the river it was pretty decent. Then ran the course for practice. Good Friday turnout for a change. Just a single today. (Kinvara Lime 134.25)(Barefoot '13 66) |
Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 9.75 |
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| | AM - 20 Logan's Loop. Circle run from Logan's around the west side of town. Threw in 5 miles at attempted Tempo - boy, I am out of shape. Ave for the tempo was 5:40 but included a too fast 2nd mile and way too slow 5th. But a good run nonetheless. D enjoy running with the lads. (Kinvara3 418.5) Best week I've had in a couple months: good mileage, two workouts, good practice runs and good Circle runs. Goals for next week: survival. I've got scout camp week ALL WEEK - what a hideous adventure it will be. So I will try and get as much running in as I can. Blah, I hated scout camp as a kid (except being with my buddies) and I really hate it now! |
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| | AM - 10 Wendy's. Got up early to beta run in before leaving to Scout camp. It was SO nice; the first few steps had no pain at all. it has been a long time since my right achilles or heel hasn't hurt. Not sure how much I will be able run up there. My goal will be around 60. (Kinvara Lime 144.25) afternoon - 5 Little Thunder. Up at camp and go the boys off to their classes and stuff set up. Then went for a short jaunt down to the lake, which was about the least impressive alpine lake I've ever seen as far as coolness (which is a guy's way of saying pretty). Then up another trail that I will explore further. (VertK 133.75) |
Vertical K Miles: 5.00 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 10.00 |
| | morning - 15 Brian Head. Ran up the trail to Hendrickson Lake - an amazing lake. Then worked my way up various trails all the way to the top of Brian Head. I ended up taking the trail to the top of Sydney Peak at maxed out at 11,102 feet and about 3500 feet of climbing. Had much better trail legs than yesterday, but still way off of where I was when I was training for Squaw last year (especially on the downhill). The run was awesome. The view from the top of the mountain was epic, gave me some ideas for places to run to the rest of the week. Saw a couple deer and a snake on the trail. (VertK 148.75) |
| | morning - 18 Brian Head. Felt pretty tired from the trails yesterday, so I wanted to stay on the road and try and get a few more miles. So I ran down from camp (2.25 miles of dirt switchback) and then up the road to Brian Head. Got a lot of strange looks as I ran up the canyon. Got past town and then a little up the dirt road toward the top of the peak - wished I had about 20 more minutes to peak out, but after being a hour late getting back yesterday, I decided not to push the limit. Planned on running back down the mountain hard, but my legs would have nothing of it and I couldn't even get below 6 minute pace. Then finished with the 1000 ft climb back up to camp. 3500 ft of gain again today. (Triumph silver 887.3) |
Triumph Silver Miles: 18.00 |
| | morning - 15 Yankee Meadow Res. Had seen this lake from the top of the mountain on Tuesday, and decided to try and figure out how to get to it. Ran up past Hendrickson Lake and then down the Dark Hollow Trail. Tis was the coolest place I had been all week. The trail was amazing - stream crossings, little wooden bridges, plank crossings, tree crossings, jump crossings, deer, tons of awesome stuff. Then came on a dirt road that took me to the lake. When I popped out of the forest the fisherman where like, "What the...". On the way back, I took an ice dip in the stream. It was so cold I couldn't get in for even a minute, but it was great. Tired, tired legs by the end though. The Vertical K's are the best trail shoe I have ever worn. (VertK 163.75) |
| | AM - 12 Dry Lakes. Had to get up pretty early because we were doing a rope course thing that I wanted to do. So, decided to stay off the trails since it would be dark. Once I got down the switchbacks I continued down the mountain for a little, then up a side road to Dry Lakes. I didn't have time to make it all the way to the lakes though. Ended up with nearly 3000 ft climbing again. I have had a ton of climbing this week. (Triumph silver 899.3) |
Triumph Silver Miles: 12.00 |
| | AM - 5 Switchbacks. Up early again so we could go home! Only had time to go five, so I just went down the mountain and back up. Still ends up being over 1000 ft climbing in just over 2 miles. All the climbing made me think of Corey and how his massive quads would have eaten this week up, but I am toast. (Triumph silver 904.3) Week was so much better than I had thought it would be. Got way more mileage than I thought I could get, saw tons of amazing places on my runs, loved hitting the trails again, and had a ton of climbing all at between 8000-11,000+ ft). Even camp itself wasn't too bad - and I didn't kill any kids! Goals for next week: back to the heat and workouts. |
Triumph Silver Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 14.5 Wendy's. Over in to town this morning and then around a bit with the team as they did a VO2 max test. Felt decent, but the quads feel pretty beat up. (Barefoot '13 66.5)(Oregon 660) afternoon - 7 North Desert. Temps were so nice today that I went just a little extra. I could really use that every afternoon, but forecast shows it won't be around long. Ice bath after to hopefully give something back to the legs. (Zero 201.75) |
Oregon Miles: 14.00 | Zero Miles: 7.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
| | AM - 15 3xDirt Mile. Ran the Parkway for warm. Then did 2 miles at Tinman - the fact that I only ran these at 6:10 pace really worried me for the workout, but I decided to just give it a shot and hopefully something would come of it. 1-5:36, 2-:34, 3-:22. Ended up being better than I thought I had in me today, but still a long way to go. Then cooled a little and a little at practice. The team did an amazing workout today. And kids club was race day... Epic! (Hyper speed 296.25) afternoon - 6 ND. The same usual afternoon run. It's not bad though because I know exactly what I need for water and stuff to survive the heat (which is back). (Kinvara 850.4) |
Kinvara Miles: 6.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 15.00 |
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| | AM - 18.5 Clyde's/grass. Circle run with Tyson joining in. Then on the grass for practice including 8xbarefoot striders. I was pretty spent by the end, but when I got home Pyper wanted me to join her for her run. So I hit 2 with her. Glad to be done; will take the afternoon off. (Barefoot '13 72)(F50 506.75) afternoon - 20 minutes lap swim. Nice to do something a little different and give the legs a little break. Spent a little extra time on my yoga and core stuff as well. Thought about running a little, but my legs just rent up to it - I'll wait until its 115 later this week! |
F50 Miles: 13.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 5.50 |
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| | AM - 14 Highland/2xParkway Loops. Kind of a hill running morning (but nothing like last week). Ran up to the top of Highland before practice. aw Clyde biking; found $.10, a pair of scissors and a remote - the money and scissors were useful, remote... not so much. Then we ran 2xParkway loops for practice. Some solid running there. (Barefoot '13 72.5)(Kinvara silver 69) afternoon - 4.75 Dirt Mile. A lot of time for a short run. Went up to the Dirt Mile and measured out and made a trail for 1k repeats on Monday. People on the freeway were probably wondering what the idiot in the short shorts was doing in the 110 temps raking in the desert. Because it took so long, I only had time to get in just under 5(well, I had time, but it was much too hot to be out running/working for over an hour). (Connect 457.75) |
Connect Miles: 4.75 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 13.50 |
| | AM - 10 Mustang Pass. Practice was up,at GS today, so I ran a few before and then 7 with the boys. As keeping with the trend, it was heinous to see more of the desert being plowed under by greedy developers and city managers. Where I need to be for the week (for Friday), so I'll probably take the afternoon off. (NB 101 650.75)(Barefoot '13 73) noon - 4.25 6min vVO2max test. Had wanted to do this test lately, but didn't plan on it today. Then about noon I just decided to go for a run and that I might as well do this. The temps weren't super hot yet (105), so I just took the usual precautions of wet hat, wet shirt and water bottle. Warmed up by King's Row and over to the ball fields. Then got a little drink and resoaked. Wasn't sure what to expect, but it was pretty good I think. Coved 1,867 meters - 1.16 miles. Hit the mile at 5:11; so not too bad in the grass. So with that, my 30/30 is 156 meters. Now I am done for the day... T the pool for some fun swimming. (Zero 206) |
NB 101 Miles: 9.50 | Zero Miles: 4.25 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
| | AM - 20 Leeds. From Tpquerville exit down, with an extension up the Parkway and into GS a little bit. No hard pushes, but just good consistent running led to a sub 6:30 ave. Just kind of steady state stuff which was all I could really muster this morning. Left quads were especially tight this morning - felt like something was about to snap. And not a lot it he legs on the hills either. But it has been a long week so I'll take it. (Kinvara lime 164.25) Most mileage this week in around 1/2 year. So that was good. Starting to feel stronger. Goals for next week: going to be kind of a mess with vacation. I think I'll try my workout Monday morning before we go. Then I'll just have to accept it as a short mileage and junk week and try to come out of it physically ready to handle the rest of the summer. |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 20.00 |
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| | AM - 4xDirt Mile. Got my usual Parkway warm up and 2 miles at Tinman. My left quads felt even worse than Saturday and didn't seem to warming up. But the set went okay. Sometimes I think where I was before Phoenix and wish I was right back there, but I've got many months still and am on track. 1-5:37, 2-:33, 3-:27, 4-:18. Cooled home, but didn't have time to run anymore by myself or with the team since the long drive was calling (or rather Allyson and the kids). (Mana 408.25) |
| | AM - 10 Disneyland. Did a loop around the park and then down Harbor and back and around the park again. very humid. Achilles seems to be hurting a bit more. (Kinvara silver 79) |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 10 disneyland. Same run as yesterday. Felt about the same. Not really a fun loop around here and my leg is bugging a little more. (Kinvara Lime 175.25) |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 10 Disneyland. Flag shorts made their So. Cal. debut. And I have to say, they were a big hit. A lot of people out and about at 5:00-6:00. (Kinvara Silver 89) |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 10.00 |
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| | 0 - so tired from the last few days and then staying up late at the Angels game last night. So when the alarm went off and my Achilles really hurt I used it as an excuse to take the day off and probably the rest of the week. |
| | 0 - need a vacation from the vacation. Just absolutely wiped from all the craziness of the Happiest Place on Earth. And having to drive home today made me have enough reasons to sleep in and not even feel guilty. So a bad week for running. But, it is over and now to get back to normal. Goals for next week: like I said, back to normal. Would love to get rid of this Achilles problem once and for all. | |
| | AM - 16.25 4xDirt Mile. Ran the Parkway warm up as usual and then 2 at Tinman. Felt pretty good, but Achilles still has some pain - I can't seem to get rid of it. My goal was to be a little more aggressive at the first of the set and try to bring the time down even if it meant a smaller spread. 1-5:31, 2-:25, 3-:16, 4-:15. So I was able to cut a little off the first and still was solid through the whole set. Cooled home and with the team over to their workout. (Barefoot '13 73.5)(Mana 424) afternoon - 6 DI/AC. First afternoon practice for the team. I needed ice for tomorrow, so I drove over early and then ran 3 by myself and then with the team. First of many times this year for these runs. Weights after, 2 sets lighter weight. (Free 789.95) |
Free Miles: 6.00 | Mana Miles: 15.75 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
| | AM - 11.75 Parkway/Grass. Not a lot of zip in the legs after the heat and weights and repeats of yesterday, but got some mileage in before practice. Then 4 on the grass and 8xbarefoot striders. (barefoot '13 79)(Connect 564) afternoon - 5 Grapevine. Out to lower Grapevine in the heat after a full day of bathroom remodeling. (Hyper speed 381) |
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 5.00 | Connect Miles: 6.25 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 5.50 |
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AM - 12.5 Clyde's. Good Circle run. Then just a little with the team as they warmed for their 30/30. (F50 519.25) PM - 5 Grapevine. Got out later, 8pm, for a run out to lower Grapevine after a long day tiling a bathroom. More to do tomorrow. Although I was worn out, it was nice to get out and run. It may have helped that it was overcast and the sun was setting. (Kinvara 857.4) |
Kinvara Miles: 5.00 | F50 Miles: 12.50 |
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| | AM - 13 30/30. My warm was so slow this morning, but the workout got going good. Ran a 30/30. Hit 20 and ran out of time. Covered the distance good (hitting around 155-160 meters) without too much of a prob and the recoveries were easy. By the end I could tell I was working harder, but I didn't have time to max out - so next week I'll be up 15 mins earlier on this one. Really enjoyed the workout. Then switched shoes because they were soaked from the wet grass and headed over to practice where we ran into Hell's Hole and did 5xbounders and 5x10sec hill bursts. (Afoot '13 79.5)(Free 795.95)(zero 212.5) afternoon - 8.5 PVHS/AC. Ran to and from practice with AC for the run. And weights too. a little rain on the way of (after a ton earlier) which made it nice and humid. (Landreth blue 970.15) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 8.50 | Free Miles: 6.00 | Zero Miles: 6.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
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| | AM - 12.5 Vernon Worthen. 3 around by the college before practice and then we went up Diagonal and then up the turtle road. Super muggy today. (Barefoot '13 80)(Kinvara Lime 186.25) |
Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 12.00 |
| | AM - 20 SGM. Just Logan and I out this morning. And that was about it as we only had ten road kills today (guess everyone was up at Bryce). Ran 11 at just a normal pace from the bottom of Veyo and then 3/4 up Winchester we moved into a tempo. Good to see Logan back running like a monster - he killed it, putting 10+ seconds on me per mile. My tempo was okay. I was strongest on Diagonal and through town, but still a long way to go. But I am glad Logan dragged me along. (Kinvara silver 109) Pretty happy with the week. Workouts were good and solid mileage. Achilles just holding about the same. Goals for next week: 110'ish miles again if life allows, either a solid workout Monday or maybe a 5K. And I'd also like to keep progressing on the 30/30 workout. |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 20.00 |
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| Race: |
Chelsi's Run (3.1 Miles) 00:15:58, Place overall: 2 | | AM - 16 Green Springs/Dirt Mile. By the time I went to bed last night, I had decided to run a race Monday night. So I skipped this morning's workout and just went for a run. Then I ran 5xDirt Miles with the boys - they aren't going too hard yet, so it wasn't too big a deal for any of us. (Barefoot '13 80.5)(Kinvara3 434) afternoon - just weights at practice since I'll get some mileage tonight. Chelsi's Run. 15:58 PM - 9 Bloomington Hills. Warmed up for about 4.5 miles. It was still pretty warm (around 95) but not as hot as last time I ran this race in '10. I really didn't want to put to many expectations on this race, but I did look back at the last time I raced it. That time I ran a 15:42 and won. I wasn't sure I could do that this year, but I thought a sub 16:00 would be good and to pull/push a couple of my top guys to that as well. The race is a 2 looper around a neighborhood. A very gentle grade down one way and the same up the other way. 1-5:06, started off with Abel and Byron (my two top guys) and Nephi from Hurricane. We were moving good down the hill and when we turned to go up the other side, I kind of took the lead to push the group. It was the fastest any of them had run in a 5K before, so I figured I better keep pushing them or they would sit back. 2-5:16, moving into the second lap, we pulled away from Nephi. I hoped we could drop him and started to think we had. I encouraged Byron to stay with us and relax his breathing. Tis was a solid mile, but I let us relax a little too much. 3-5:26, Byron fell back just a little and I moved up on Abel to take the lead so he would keep digging. I could tell we were headed for a good time, but I was getting tired a bit now. As Abel recovered and moved in front of me, I had kind of a weird thought. Not that I could have beaten him Ayway, but I thought to myself for just a minute, "I don't want to be the guy kicking to beat a high school kid. I'll just let him go." Then I kind of snapped out of it, but it was too late and he put 5 seconds on me. But finished up strong at 5:00 pace and was pleased to break 16:00. Then went and cooled with all the guys who raced for another lap. (Landreth blue 974.65)(Rocket 2 35) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 4.50 | Kinvara3 Miles: 15.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 | Rocket 2 Miles: 4.50 |
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| | AM - 10 King's row/Grass. Super tired after getting to bed so late last night (almost midnight). But dragged out early enough to get a few in before practice. Then grass running including 8xbarefoot striders. (Last Ohana 426.75)(Barefoot '13 86) afternoon - 6 ND. A it of a threat of a storm made the run not too shabby this afternoon. Ice bath after. (Kinvara 863.4) |
Kinvara Miles: 6.00 | Last Ohana Miles: 4.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 5.50 |
| | AM - 14.25 Clyde's. Circle run with Billy. Logan was all feisty this morning because he finally realized how much better PV is than the Hells. Then on to practice where I warmed/cooled with the team. Feeling a bit of general fatigue from the race and the long hot summer. (Kinvara silver 122.75)(Barefoot '13 86.5) afternoon - 6 ND. Up into the desert this afternoon. Saw Preston getting his miles in. Temps have been so much better this week in the afternoon than a few weeks ago. (Landreth blue 980.65) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 6.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 13.75 |
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| | AM - 13.5 King's row/Middleton. Got a little extra sleep this morning and only ran 3 before practice. We had our first short and easy tempo of the season today mixed in with a 9 miler - just wish more kids were out. Finished up with the run home and then a mile with Pyper. (Barefoot '13 87)(Mana 437) afternoon - 8.5 PV/AC. Ran to and from practice where we did Arctic Circle and weights. A bit warmer out today. Knee giving a little trouble - probably will pudge up by tomorrow. (Connect 572.5) |
Mana Miles: 13.00 | Connect Miles: 8.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
| | AM - 15 BHNP/Meat Grinders. Over on Bloomington Hills park again. Warmed up around the River trail a little and then did a 30/30 on the grass at the park. The grass is thick over there and very slow - no wonder the times are always so slow on that course. But I ended up hitting 30 before running out of time with practice starting. We ran the course and then up to Meat Grinders for 2 sets. It was pretty brutal, but made us all tougher. Long morning of running - I've earned the afternoon off. (Zero 227.5) |
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| | AM - 18 Little Black Mountain. Not a great run which was a bummer because I was pretty excited to go out there. Te floods must have been huge out there because the roads were washed away and must have been rivers and there were places where water had flowed across the desert for hundreds of meters - super cool to see the power of the water, but not good for footing. Ran one loop and then was going to do a progression for the next. Got into it and it all just felt tough. After four miles, I just stopped... running. I didn't even think about it; I was just done. I decided to turn around and just jog it back. I think I was just physically spent (and a bit mentally too), so I'll try not to stress about it too much. (vert K 181.75) pretty solid week. Goals for next week: race well at Enterprise, try and make it through one more high mileage week. |
| | AM - 16 Grapevine/Dirt Mile. Woke up a little late after setting my alarm wrong, but ended up fine. Ran toward the Grapevine desert - everywhere I've gone lately has been hammered by the flash floods from the recent storms. Got to practice and ran 6xmile on the dirt mile at a steady state pace - no big deal. No hard workout today because of Weds.' Race. Then a mile with Pyper. (Barefoot '13 87.5)(Hyper Speed 396.5) afternoon - 5 DI/AC. Just 2 before practice because I was working on a bunch of XC stuff. Then AC and weights. (Connect 575.5) |
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 15.50 | Connect Miles: 5.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
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| | AM - 13 Junction. A good morning run despite the heat and humidity, sprinkled just a little. Then a warm with the team and a little more setting up and taking down the courses. (Kinvara Lime 199.25) afternoon - 7.75 Dino Tracks. Temps weren't too bad this afternoon and the breeze made a nice little run. Enjoyed running today (not that I don't usually, but today was just nice). (Free 803.45) |
Free Miles: 7.50 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 13.00 |
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| Race: |
Enterprise 10K (6.1 Miles) 00:32:16, Place overall: 1 | | Enterprise 10K. 32:16 AM - 10.5 got up early to hit the road. Got up there just in time to catch the bus (thought the boys were on another bus, but they ended up missing it because they were in the bathroom and had to hitch a ride to the start - dorks!, no offense to you guys though, it is just a joke and I don't mean any harm to your feelings because of it!). Anyway... Jumped off the bus to hit the John and only got a short 1.5 warm up in. This worried me that my legs would be hurting and blah, but I actually felt pretty good. 1-5:17, started off with the 5K'ers, so it was Logan and Abel, Byron, Matt and Kyler with Colton not far off working this mile together. 2-5:14, was feeling fine but Logan got about 5-10 meters on me. I figured I would try and just close the gap later if I could. 3-5:18, told the boys to make this their fastest mile, so they closed right up on Logan and I thought about going with them, but didn't want to commit too early. Then I noticed that he didn't look as smooth as he had earlier. So by the end of the mile I had closed on him and we made the turn off the main road up into a neighborhood. 4-5:26, different mile than last time I ran this race. It went up a gradual hill into some neighborhood. I grabbed a quick drink and poured most of it on me. I was worried that Logan would come back to me on the hill since he is a much better hill runner than I, but I held him off and tried to push back on the flats. 5-5:23, started having a very bad side stitch on this mile, but I didn't want to dig into it and show Logan I was hurting. Finally it got so bad that I couldn't get any breath in, so I dug into it and tried to calm my breathing down. Was starting to get tired and focusing on shorter sections. 6-5;27, made the turn back onto the main road and gave a glance back. Te lead seemed safe unless Logan unleashed a crazy mile. Since I know he can, I tried to keep pushing. I actually thought I was going much quicker on this mile (felt that it should have been low 5:10's pace, but I guess that is just because I was tired). Finished with 5:10 pace in. Course was short (blah) at 6.1, but I still felt good about the run and pleased with how I pushed on a good honest course (besides the shortness). My boys also ran well and went 1-5 in the 5k. Cooled with them for 3. It was great to up in the cooler temps at 5500 feet. I didn't know if I would ever feel a chill again. (Rocket 2 45.5) afternoon - 3 Grapevine. Just an easy 3 this afternoon. We had practice from my house and then a swim party, so that was much better than getting a bunch of miles in. Wore my Altras that I had basically retired, but they felt nice. (Altra) |
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| | AM - DogTown/Hells Hole. Was tough to get up and get going after yesterday was so much like a Saturday with the race and swimming and staying up for fireworks and all that. So I just ran around town and then down into Hells Hole for a hill workout with the team - 4x1min and 6x30sec. Was pretty tough on the old body. (Barefoot '13 88)(F50 531.75) afternoon - 8.5 PV/AC. To and from practice and AC. Weights before coming home. I'm not too hammered, but ready for a bit less next week. (Landreth blue 989.15) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 8.50 | F50 Miles: 12.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
| | AM - 16.75 Fields. Good morning of running. Feeling pretty good through the week. Hopefully that means a solid run tomorrow. Got 5 in before practice from PV Park out to GWA and then had a good run with the level 2/3 boys and Tyson out past Staheli Farm. (Hyper Speed 2 313) |
Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 16.75 |
| | AM - 20 Red Hills Parkway. Went out with the idea of going on the GV loop, but when I got up by the sugarloaf, I decided to keep going on the Parkway and then turn up the course for a few miles. Tried to push it back down the course and diagonal, but was pretty blah. Getting back on top of the parkway I had wanted to get 6 AT tempo miles in, but that didn't happen either. Thought a lot about how my legs have been dead the last two Saturdays. Probably the high mileage and the push from the race this week. But I also wondered if maybe some of it is taking the afternoon off on Friday. Maybe I should go get a short run and not let the legs get flat. I don't know... maybe. Won't be such an issue in a few weeks anyway since school will be starting and my mileage won't be so high. (Kinvara silver 144.75) Week was okay. Would have better if I could have hit a good workout today. Goals for next week: XC camp up by Bryce at Pine Lake, so I am just going to enjoy working with the team and resting up my legs a bit. Probably wont be up above even 60 this week. |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 20.00 |
| | AM - 16.25 Dirt Mile. Ran before practice and then did 6xDirt Miles with the boys at 6:00-6:20. Off to camp. (mana 453.25) afternoon - 5 Pine Lake. Went out and back down the main dirt road to camp. Altitude didn't seem to hit me too much. (Connect 582.5) |
Mana Miles: 16.25 | Connect Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 19.75 Pine Lake. Long run on the Great Western Trail. Dropped off the suburban and ran back to camp and the picked up the team and went 12 more with them. Felt very tired and flat throughout the run, but it was a very nice one temp-wise and such throughout. I'll take 45 degrees any time! (VertK 200.5) afternoon - 3 Pine Lake. Easy out and back across the dam. The swims in the lake were very refreshing to say the least! (NB 101 653.75) |
NB 101 Miles: 3.00 | Vertical K Miles: 19.75 |
| | AM - 11 Pine Lake. Went out for 5 on my own then the team went up the mountain for 6 more. The weather has been amazing for all of camp. (Connect 592.5) afternoon - 4 Pine Lake. After pics, we went down the trail from the lookout to where we saved the horse a few years ago. A great run. The trail was a little tough for some of the kids, but they made it. (NB 101 657.75) |
NB 101 Miles: 4.00 | Connect Miles: 11.00 |
| | AM - 5 Pine Lake. Travel day, so I didn't get much in. Last run at camp. I only got in 1 mile early, then we went up a new road that turned out to be quite a tough hilly run. Ten we packed up and headed home (eventually). It was a great camp and the kids did great. I wish somehow e could convince ever kid to do this; think they would really be hooked - but 40 kids in the mountains for 4 days is a pretty big chore as it is! (Connect 598.5) |
| | Noon - 15.5 Pine Lake. As usual, I was pretty drained by this morning, and I just couldn't get out of bed. But I finally did get going just before noon. James and I ran up on top of the mountain to the Powell Point lookout at 10100 feet. It was a lot of fun running with him and the views were some of the best on earth - absolutely amazing stuff! Then I started running down the mountain and told them to pick me up on the way down. I thought I would get around 2-3, but as I picked up the pace, the goal became to get further and further. They finally caught me with 1 to go and I just ran it in. Time for the 10k down was right at 31 minutes. With miles between 4:50-5:20. Felt good to get a decent push in. (VertK 216) |
| | AM - 5 Pine Lake. Not a whole lot this morning. Headed out across the dam and to the south. It has been good running up here and I really enjoyed the weather. (NB 101 662.75) Week was pretty solid. Got a long run in and a pretty good push yesterday. Also got a few more miles than I thought I would which was nice. Goals for next week - my 1/2 plans have probably changed. I will be up north for funeral on Friday, so i am going to try and get into the Provo River. Just have a solid week of running topped with a strong effort in a half. |
| | AM - 13.75 Dirt Miles. Ran around DogTown for a little before practice. Then we went up and did 6xDirt Miles. Good solid Tinman pace from 5:50-6:05. I had planned on a little something else with my paces, but I have a supposed assistant (not Travis - he's the best) that says he will be there and then doesn't show - it throws off my plans. So I will sneak up there tomorrow morning and do my workout. (Hyper Speed 2 326.75) afternoon - 6 GS/AC. Decent afternoon run with weights and plyos after. (Free 809.45) |
Free Miles: 6.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 13.75 |
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| | AM - 12.25 BV/15x1/1. Got out for a five miler before practice into Buena Vista and then did a 1/1 workout. It was pretty killer. Abel ran me into the ground. But it was a great workout - hit .2 each minute until I was ready to puke at the end. (Mana 465) afternoon - 4.25 PV. Ran the course and PV and measured it with the wheel. Then ran it again. (Zero 231.75) |
Mana Miles: 11.75 | Zero Miles: 4.25 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 0.50 |
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| | AM - 13.5 Clyde's. slow easy run with Logan and Bill. Then I got a bit more running the warm up with the team and setting up the course before the time trial. (Kinvara Silver 156.25) |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 13.50 |
| | AM - 5.5 Parkway. Just a short run in my marathon racers to get the feel since I hadn't worn them for a long time. Did 2x mile pushes just to loosen up a bit. Feel tight and achy. (Adios 72.75) |
| | Morning - 5 sego Lily. Ran the Sego Lily loop in Sandy. Still feeling tight. Other than that I feel real good and ready to race. (Mana 470) |
| Race: |
Provo River 1/2 Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:13:04, Place overall: 1 | | Provo River 1/2 Marathon. 1:13:04 I get some weird injuries (sticks through shoes into my foot, bugs denting the top of my mouth, stepping on a broken laundry basket and cutting my foot), but this may go down as the strangest. Yesterday I drove my mother in laws sporty little Volvo from Sandy to Heber for my uncle's funeral. The car was very uncomfortable and I kept complaining to my wife. She was sick of it and thought that I was just ripping on everything mother in law, but it was really setting off the tightness I already had in my legs. By the time I had driven both ways, I had somehow injured my right hammy (way up high, by the butt attachment). In fact she wanted to stop at the store and by some stuff for dinner (which would take an extra 2 minutes of driving) and I refused - I really was in serious pain. I hoped that it would be fine for the race, but it really came back to bite me. I got to Sasha's early in the morning and got the "elite" van ride up. It was good talking with him about a lot of stuff: school, running, etc... And I am very thankful for all he did to get me into the race on short notice (I would have been racing the Beaver 1/2 if my uncle hadn't passed away). Warmed up a little - maybe needed more (but not sure if that would have helped or hurt). The race started and it was just Sasha and I. This was the smallest version of this race I had ever seen, so everything was on time and smooth! (I'll come back and put splits in later). I felt very good going down the side-canyon. But just as we joined the trail at the park, my hammy started to really hurt. The next three miles were me trying to convince myself that i was fine - but I wasn't. Sometimes the pain was so bad it would shoot into my hip and I would let out a noise. Coming to Bridal Veil, I thought I might drop out. My parents were there so I could easily jump in the car. But then I thought that the uphill section MIT help loosen me up. It actually did. But it was hard and the wind was blowing and I was going very slow. I had no power in my push off and I was pretty down about it. After the turn around I felt a bit better and thought I vp could make it to the finish. But, by the time I hit the next park my leg was screaming in pain again. I was very worried that I might do some real damage. This was the most pain - not running tired pain or racing hurting, but rather injury pain that I had ever tried to push through. I had slowed considerably and lost chance for my PR. During mike 12 I stepped different somehow and the pain nearly dropped me. I just stopped right where I was at. I was resigned that I was going to need to walk in. So I walked for around a minute. I could feel where the pain was originating (like I said, way up high in the hamstring) and I just pushed on it to try and stop the pain. I finally decided it hurt just as much to walk as run and running would get me done sooner, so I started going again. I was waiting for Sasha to pass me, but I guess I had gapped a little more than I thought. I just kind of limped it in unceremoniously and crossed the line. Got my poster, shirt and watermelon and headed out. I wasn't sure what to do about a cool down, but I tried for a step and the pain was right there, so my parents drove me to Sasha's and I just drove back to Sandy. (Adios 89.25) So that's the story. Pretty bummed about not getting a PR. If I could have pushed out the end with how good the rest of me felt and how I felt at first even running ver controlled I think I really could have broken it - maybe flirted with breaking 1:09 today. Now I won't be able to run another 1/2 until probably st. George in Jan. hopefully the leg gets better very soon. Maybe it isn't too serious, just a short term pain. Hopefully. Shoes felt good though, and I ran great besides that. But I need a haircut. This is the longest Hair I've raced in in years and it was bad luck! Time to get rid of it. |
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morning - .5 PV. Yes, a whole 1/2 mile! Seemed like I had really worked the hammy/glute over the past 2 days and had maybe loosened it up. Thought I would just go and warm up with the team today before their workout and if it felt okay I would cool with them too, but... Pain was intense and immediate. (Landreth blue 989.65) afternoon - 1 AC. Not really Arctic Circle since I only got a mile, but that's the direction Abel and I went. Hey, doubled this morning's workout! (Kinvara 864.4) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 0.50 | Kinvara Miles: 1.00 |
| | AM - 2 Dirt Mile. Big day; doubled the miles! At this rate, I will be running 64 milers in no time. A small amount of progress, but at least it is progress. (Connect 600.5) I'll take the afternoon off since we have our first XC meet this evening up in Cedar - let the good times roll!
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| | AM - 3 Maverick. Pain was much less today, but there is a very noticeable weakness in the right leg. Maybe I can turn the corner on this in the next couple days. (F50 534.75) |
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| | AM - 4 AC. Ran one before practice and then 3 with the team. They went a little faster than I have been going so far this week and it was a little bit of a test of the leg. Still very weak, some pain. (Kinvara Lime 203.25) |
| | AM - 5 DI/AC. Woot! 5, eat that suckas. About the same as yesterday - not a ton of pain, pretty weak. (Kinvara silver 161.25) |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 8 Mall. Ran from home over to the strip mall to try and have about as flat as run as possible. Leg felt decent and held up okay over 8 miles. It actually hurts worse when I am not running. (F50 542.75) Week was a bummer; but I should take something positive and say that at least I am running a bit and it is improving a little. Goals for next week: get the leg healthy enough to actually run decent on. I would love to get into some workouts, but I think that may be further off than I want to admit. Ended up going in for a massage tonight. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life. April said that the hammy had basically flipped... who does that? She thought she made a lot of progress on it - we'll see how much it helps. I am going back in Wednesday evening. I think I could have used about 5 more hours just on that spot.
| | AM - 4 AC. Ran the warm up with the girls and was pretty bummed that there would be no chance I could do the workout with them. So I left it to Travis and ran three with the boys. Doesn't feel much different than last week. (Mana 474) afternoon - 4 2xDI. Warmed and cooled with the boys around their workout. First double on the leg and it didn't hurt worse. (Kinvara 870.4)
Kinvara Miles: 4.00 | Mana Miles: 4.00 |
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AM - 3 AC. Another short run. I really don't know when I'll get to run hard again. A lot of valuable workouts are passing by right now. Time to probably reevaluate the goals... (Landreth blue 992.65)
afternoon - 7 Fields. Very hot run out into the Fields; kids were falling off left and right. I felt bad, but they also need to take better care of themselves. Finished the last mile with some of the JV girls to make sure they made it in. (Kinvara lime 210.25)
Landreth Blue Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 7.00 |
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| | AM - 7.5 Grass. Ran loops around while the girls ran their workout. I had hoped to run with them, but I didn't feel ready. However, once we got running, I felt pretty good and decided to see how the hammy reacted at a little higher speed. I pushed the pace down to about 6:30 for 4.5 miles on the grass and I was very happy with it.
| afternoon - 6 Grass. Ran a 1/1 workout. Didn't plan on running it, but I just kind of got into it with some of the JV guys and kept moving along. I actually felt pretty good (not as strong as a couple weeks ago with Abel, but good) and ran .18 each minute which is around 5:30 pace. Ended with 8xbarefoot striders. (Kinvara3 439)(Barefoot '13 89.5)
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 7.50 | Kinvara3 Miles: 5.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
| | AM - 7.75 DogPound/AC. A little more pain this morning. Don't know if it is from being brutalized by the massage last night (that was one of the most painful experiences of my life) or running harder yesterday. (Free 817.2)
afternoon - 6.75 Old Mans. Went over and ran OM hills. I just jogged it and encouraged and ran the last two with the girls. (Oregon 666.75) |
Free Miles: 7.75 | Oregon Miles: 6.75 |
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| | AM - 3 Grass. Barefoot run with the team this morning. It felt so great to be on the soft grass. My body loved it. (Barefoot '13 92.5) afternoon - 5 Sandberg's. Ran the normal preface run, but I wasn't able to get in the pond - had to keep going and get home, but it looked so inviting. (1026.25) |
Boston Miles: 5.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 3.00 |
| | AM - 18.5 Junction/Middleton. Up super early to get the run in before heading up to SUU XC. Pretty pleased with the run. Ran Junction just normal easy pace and then added in Middleton (so I could stop if the leg hurt) at tempo. The tempo was okay. I couldn't drop it below Tinman effort - so I was right around 6:00 throughout, but considering where I've been for two weeks I'll take it - plus I took it 9 miles which is a pretty solid tempo distance. The leg has improved and really only hurts for the first few miles, but it still aches throughout and feels plenty week. (Kinvara Lime 228.75) Much better week than I would have thought going into it. Goals for next week: continued progress. I don't know that I'll have time to get the leg worked over again this week, so maybe I'll bump it to early next week - but I do need to get in again before too long. Would like to try to get things moving a little quicker this week. |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 18.50 |
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| | AM - 9.5 AC/DI. I can't remember where I went first, to get.a few miles, but then I went the regular morning stuff. Felt pretty good after the longer run and tempo Saturday. (Kinvara 877.9)
afternoon - 6.5 something. Tis was just yesterday and I don't remember at all what I did. So busy right now... Ran in a new pair of Mizuno Ronin5. (Ronin 6.5)
Kinvara Miles: 9.50 | Ronin Miles: 6.50 |
| | AM - 13.5 4x1600,2x800. Workout in a torrential downpour. Ran two up GS to warm and then the 2 back at Tinman pace. It seems so long since I've tried a quicker workout, so I was worried how I would do and how the hammy would hold up. Hit the miles (on the track now, because it is too dark for the dirt mile - and too wet today) at 5:34-5:41. So consistent, but not great. Then I switched to 8's because I want to get back to 6xmiles quick and figured I should still do 6 repeats even though I was pretty tired and not running great. Cooled for three on AC with Colton. Mixed feelings with the workout - not great, a long way to go; much better than I could have asked for a week ago, a step in the right direction. I have 4 weeks to get solid workouts in and where I want. I think my hammy will let me get there - I hope. (Rocket 690.5) afternoon - 6 DogPound AT. Ran the DogPound loop with 2.75 at AT. Had to hold back the JV boys a bit because they wanted to roll. Hopefully a good learning experience for them. Ended with 8xbarefoot striders. (Barefoot '13 93.5)(connect 605.5) |
Rocket Miles: 13.50 | Connect Miles: 5.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Pretty wiped out from a long evening of church meetings, so I couldn't drag myself out of bed any earlier. I need to get over myself and just get up. Now isn't the time to be slacking (there are always excuses). The run was okay, but I could tell I had run hard yesterday - twice. (Ronin 12.5)
afternoon - 11 River Trail. Practice was later today - time trial. So I headed down to the River Trail and got my own run in. I was definitely fatigued and tired from yesterday (workouts and lack of sleep) and felt it at times, but other times I found myself moving along quite nicely. (Kinvara3 450)
Kinvara3 Miles: 11.00 | Ronin Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 11 Mall/Grass/Lutheran. Finally got out to what should be the usual. Nice morning out. Enjoyed the barefoot session with the team. (Barefoot '13 96.5)(Free 825.2)
afternoon - 5 Shoe Run. Kind of the usual prerace run. (F50 547.75)
Free Miles: 8.00 | F50 Miles: 5.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 3.00 |
| | AM - 5 AC/DI. Hip was really giving me trouble last night. That plus the drive to SLC today gave me enough ammo to sleep in. On the run, the hip didn't give me to much of an issue though. Hammy continuing to improve. (Ronin 18)
Evening - 3 SugarHouse. Ran the State course with the team, my hip was giving a lot of trouble, but I feel like home on that grass. (Zero 234.75) |
Zero Miles: 3.00 | Ronin Miles: 5.50 |
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| | AM - 18 Provo. Well, the iron-gut let me down a bit today. Up super early and ran with Logan from near UVU up into Provo and a little into the canyon. Felt good at first and the run up was good although a bit warm. Logan even tied to throw me to the predators on the trail - super funny! On the way back we worked into a tempo. The first few miles were good. Logan pulled away a little, but I just kind of hanged in there. Then the hill up to University Mall really wiped me out. At the top my stomach went nuts, hips tightened up and hammy started to get worse. S I just chilled the last three in. Not really a step in a great direction. (Mana 492) More miles this week, so that is good. Goals for next week: get faster. |
| | AM - 17 6x1600. Didn't have to get up quite as early to get the workout done before practice, but still up at 5. Had a really good sleep though and was ready to wake up. Warmed up into GS with 2 up and 2 down at Tinman. Goal was to start a little slower and work into it and finish all 6. Hit 5:37, :35, :33, :30, :26, :19. Didn't really have to work until the last couple and that was a nice confidence boost. I would say that if I can get some decent tempting in a sub 2:30 is still in the cards - not my goal earlier this year, but I'll take it. Cooled for about a mile until the team got there and then ran DI with them for their warm/cool around their workout (which I was very pleased with all around by the way). Ten moved onto the car wash... A long day on the feet. I'll see if I can sneak out for a few more this evening, but maybe not. (Ronin 35) |
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| | AM - 8 Mall/AC. Just so much to do today that I didn't extend the run after morning practice. Knee was a bit tender this morning. (Lime 236.75)
afternoon - 8 Bloomington Hills. Ran around the park a bit setting up the course. Then Logan and I went down on the River Trail for a couple more. Then added a bit more running around the course again. It was a steamy one over there today. (Zero 242.75)
Zero Miles: 8.00 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 8.00 |
| | AM - 13 Tempo Loop. Met up with Logan and Bill at Clyde's for our summer tempo loop. It was so humid today; I was absolutely soaked through. My tempo wasn't too great, but at least I did it. These are the workouts that have me a little worried. But hopefully they will come around. Warmed up three and then went 5:52, 6:00, 5:41, 5:53, 6:04, 5:53, 5:43, 6:04. Like I said, hopefully in the next two/three weeks I can feel a bit better about this stuff. (Kinvara3 463)
afternoon - 7 Foremaster. Nice run with the team with 8xbarefoot striders at the end. (Barefoot '13 97.5)(Connect 611.5)
Connect Miles: 6.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 13.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 9 GS/AC/Lutheran. Just out getting some mileage. Not feeling bad from yesterday's workout yet so that is nice. (Free 834.2)
afternoon - 6 1/1. Warmed and cooled a little and ran the 1/1 workout with some of the guys. I got 11 in at around .19-.20 per minute. Good workout for everyone on the team. The news said the Maverick on Riverside was robbed this morning at 5:30. If I would have woke up on time, I would have been there at exactly that time (I always check my watch to make sure I am on pace to get to practice on time, and I need to be at that Maverick at 5:32 to be on time back to school). Maybe I slept in on purpose. Not that anything would have happened to me, but interesting how stuff like that works. (F50 553.75)
Free Miles: 9.00 | F50 Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 7 Grass/DI. 3 miles barefoot on the grass and then the DI loop extended down into the neighborhood below school. Long night coming up with the run-a-thon, so I slept in a bit. (Barefoot '13 100.5)(Last Ohana 430.75)
Last Ohana Miles: 4.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 3.00 |
| | midnight - 20 Parkway/River Trail. Run-a-Thon tonight, so I just went out for 2 miles on the track and then went with the boys out on the Parkway. Continued by myself out on the River Trail. This section was horrid. It was around 2am and I was so tired. I walked some and just wanted to lay down and sleep. I am glad this thing is over and this busy week is over. (Ronin 55)
Week was okay.
Goals for next week: try and continue and get in shape.
| | AM - 11 Mall/AC//Lutheran. Not too shabby this morning. (Kinvara Silver 172.25) afternoon - 12 6xMile. Ran 4 up to GS with 2 at Tinman. Had planned on running at the track, but soccer had practice and I didn't want to deal with them, and I figured I could go run them on the dirt mile. So I drove home and ran up to the course and did the workout. The course was pretty beat up from the rains and some parts were pretty haggard. Got 5:28, :27, :26, :24, :22, :19. Had planned on doing 5 because I felt like I was working harder than I wanted, but I messed up the count and got 6 anyway. So that was good. Ended up pretty happy about the workout. Cooled about 1.5 around the lap and home. (Hyper Speed2 338.75) |
Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 12.00 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 11.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Just an easy 6 today. Not too jacked up... that may be showing up later. (Ronin 61)
afternoon - 7 grass loops. Just ran around on the 800 loop a bunch of times during the teams' workout. Sme of the boys were doing a workout + time trial for the 7th spot this week. Saw some very impressive stuff... They don't make the decision easy at all. That's a good thing for the team, but hard for the ones that are left out for this week. Hopefully they respond well and keep pushing for the spots next week. Hip really hurt for the first mile; then felt great. (Kinvara 884.9) |
Kinvara Miles: 7.00 | Ronin Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 13 Tempo. Rainy tempo loop from Clyde's. Ended up a little better than last week, so that's something. This week (last week):
(Mana 505)
afternoon - 4 Grass. Just ran around a bit while the team did their workout. Did a little elliptical during weights. Hip was hurting a bit here and there. 8xbarefoot striders. (Connect 615.5)(Barefoot '13 101.5) |
Mana Miles: 13.00 | Connect Miles: 4.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
| |
| | AM - 6 Grass/Lutheran. Good barefooting and reversed the Lutheran run. (Barefoot '13 104.5)(F50 556.75) afternoon - 6.5 Shoe run. Just taking these off days real easy. I am too old to kill myself and I want to get as much as I can from hard days, so I better let myself recover. (Kinvara3 469.5) |
F50 Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 6.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 3.00 |
| | AM - 11 Mall/AC/Lutheran. Tried to sleep in a little since I will be up way late tonight driving home from SLC, but alarm went off at the usual 11 mile run time and I couldn't sleep anymore. So up and running. Needed to go a couple minutes faster to get back on time to practice, but ended up getting back like 5 minutes early, so I must have been moving pretty good. Then just finished it up for a good run for the day. (Ronin 72) afternoon - 3 SugarHouse. Went to watch our college girls run in Orem and then went up to run on the State course. Raines started pretty good just as we started and went throughout (making the XC race today just a mess!). (Zero 245.75) Ate at the mall and then casually headed over to the meet in Herriman, only to arrive as the Varsity girls started! They decided to change the order because of the rain. So we moved the girls to the JV race and got the boys a quick warmup in (glad we had the miles in our legs from the state course). Team did a little better as a whole this week, both boys and girls. Things are coming around. Then drove home late, getting home at 1:00a. |
Zero Miles: 3.00 | Ronin Miles: 11.00 |
| | morning - 22 STG course. Slept until 8:00 this morning after getting home late. Then ate some breakfast and took the suburban back to the district and finally got running by 9:30 - luckily it wasn't too warm, but it heated up by the end around noon. Tis was the workout I've been waiting for all summer, maybe since back in the spring since prepping for Phoenix. Ran and up and back from the finish. Going up I noticed as I started up the hills at miles 3-5 that I was actually running pretty quick without any effort. Then I just kept getting quicker while trying to make sure I wasn't working since I wanted to push down the course a bit. Even through the big climbs up I ended up ave 7:10 for the 11 mile up (just past Snow Canyon). That is faster than a lot of my normal runs. The coming back down, I just wanted to be around marathon pace - and it ended up pretty good. Went between 5:10's-5:30's throughout and low 40's on the two miles that include parts of the Winchester Hill. I kept telling myself not to go crazy, so I just the effort pretty even and strong, but not all out since I know what going to hard on the course three weeks out can do to you.. By the end, I was working a bit harder to hold the pace through town, but was able to do it. Total run ave was 6:20. Not too bad considering I really did not even want to run today and actually didn't even feel physically that good today. Hopefully I can reap some benefits from this and build on it in the coming two weeks and getting feeling better mentally and physically - then something good could happen on race day. (Kinvara lime 258.75) Did see something today that drives me nuts. I saw a mom running with her kid (probably about 14 years old) down the course when I was dropping off some water. I later passed them on my way up. It had been over an hour since I first saw them and they had gone about three miles. The kid was obviously really hurting and his mom was pushing him in the back to get going. Now... Sometimes my daughters don't want to do things (okay, they never want to do anything) and I have to encourage them (sometimes less than pleasantly) to do it. But having 14 year old run marathons is not the way to get your child into running. Now, I'll admit this is a blanket statement, and there are rare cases when a teenager could run a marathon, but rarely. Parents, let your son/daughter learn a lifelong love of running through shorter races, team practices and races and the varieties of other activities related to this amazing sport, not by making them "run" a marathon with mom/dad to try and bolster your self-esteem since your child is so amazing a can "run" a marathon. Hammy is continuing to improve (felt totally fine today). And got in some good workouts this week. Goals for next week: I am going to try and come into Weds.' workout a little fresher and push that tempo a little more than I have been able to. Then I'll get my reps in later in the week (either in SLC Friday morning or Boise on Saturday). |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 22.00 |
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| | AM - 11 GS/laps/AC/Lutheran. I am just not really thrilled about waking up now-a-days. Allergies have started to take over my life and they wipe me out. (Oregon 677.75)
afternoon - 6 loops. Ran around as the team did a workout. (shoes?)
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Good morning run after hip has been really hurting lately. (Kinvara silver 178.25)
afternoon - 7.5 laps. Again, ran around as the team did a workout. (shoes?)
Kinvara Silver Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 13 Tempo Loop. A little better tempo this morning. Times were about 3-10 seconds faster per mile. Hips felt a bit better this morning with no speed work this week and a little lower miles. My major problem right now is mental. I really just don't feel like running or working hard. I am ready for this cycle and this race to be done with. It is more than just running - I am just overwhelmed with everything. I need a weekend where I can just be with my family and enjoy some time in the pool and good times. Unfortunately I won't have one of those for many more weeks. Bummer. (Mana 518)
afternoon - 4 laps/DI. Another workout for the team, so I just ran around a bit. (Landreth blue 996.25)
Landreth Blue Miles: 4.00 | Mana Miles: 13.00 |
| |
| | AM - 11 Mall/AC/Lutheran. Was able to get up and go a bit today. Didn't feel too bad. Hip is up and down a bit this week. (Kinvara3 480.5)
evening - 6 SugarHouse. Ran the State course normal and then reverse. Like usual, took a couple miles to get the hip moving, but I felt great. (Zero 251.75) |
Zero Miles: 6.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 11.00 |
| | AM - 13 Sego Lily/Dimple Dell. Ran the Sego Lily loop and then extended up into Granite past the old church. Came back and got the boys and took them onto the north rim section of dimple dell. Good run. A little chilly up here, it was great. (Ronin 85) evening - 4.5 Eagle Island. Ran the Bob Firman course up in Boise. Then some striders. This would be a very fun course to run. The team will do well tomorrow. (Zero 256.25) |
Zero Miles: 4.50 | Ronin Miles: 13.00 |
| | AM - 14 Boise. From the hotel up the Greenbelt - a mostly pretty trail along the Boise River. Threw in 3x2 mile repeats at MP. Went mid 5:40's, to low :40's, to mid :30's and felt pretty good. Have been sneezing a lot, as the allergies have really kicked in, and everyone is making my deep abs hurt more and more. Hopefully the taper can get the aches and pains to go away. (Ronin 99) Good solid week. Goals for next week: mileage down to around 70 and a couple solid MP workouts. |
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| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Nice cool temps this morning and a good little run to begin the taper. (Connect 621.5)
afternoon - 8 River Run. Good afternoon run with Trevor. (Kinvara 892.9)
Kinvara Miles: 8.00 | Connect Miles: 6.00 |
| |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Normal morning run. Felt good. (Oregon 683.75)
afternoon - 7.5 Bloomington Hills. Ran around the park setting up and measuring the course and then a little more taking it down. (Zero 263.75) |
Oregon Miles: 6.00 | Zero Miles: 7.50 |
| | AM - 13 Tempo Loop. Solid tempo run today - best of the season. Had a stronger beginning mile and much stronger on the finishing 3-4 with the others better as well. But the 2nd half is what I really wanted to work on. Taking the afternoon off to rest my hip after working hard this morning. (Kinvara Lime 271.75)
Kinvara Lime Miles: 13.00 |
| | AM - 5 AC/DI. Hip felt pretty good today. Kept it short as I needed to get into my classroom and get some work done. (Mana 523)
afternoon - 6 GS. Easy run up into Green Springs. (?) |
| | AM - 11.5 Wendy's. Nice chilly run this morning. Threw in 2x2 mile at MP. Felt good, not too tough. (Ronin 110.5) |
| | morning - 7.25 SugarHouse. Ran a workout with the girls on. The State course this morning. Warmed up for a bit and then 3/3 for 4 reps pacing Mia (pace from 6:30 down to 5:55). They did very well and it was fun running with the ladies. We ended with 5xhill sprints and 5xfinishing kicks. Good stuff. (NB 110 321.75) Week was solid. I am feeling pretty good about things and my revised goal of sub 2:30. Goals for next week: like I said, 2:29 something or better. Here we go. |
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| | AM - 6 AC/DI. Ran a mile warm with the girls before their workout then hit the usual morning stuff. Kind of like a normal Monday... just whatever. (Connect 627.5)
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Logan and I ran the loop around Clyde's and put in 2x2 mile. Felt okay on them. Pace was 5:25-5:30. Things are fine I guess. (Adios 97.5) |
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| | AM - 5 AC/DI. Easy cheesy. (Ronin 115.5)
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| | AM - 3 AC. Toned it down a little more today even. Did some mental stuff with the team, so I figured it would be better to sleep than wake up earlier to get a few more miles in. Got a whole new batch of allergy meds to try and control my head - seemed to work a little better last night; we'll see how they are through today. (F50 559.75)
| |
| | AM - 3 AC. Another easy 3. I could live this life for a little while. (Hyper Speed 407)
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 3.00 |
| |
| Race: |
St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:26:53, Place overall: 13, Place in age division: 3 | | St. George Marathon. 2:26:53 Will update place later... Not sure. AM - up early as usual and to the line with a good group on our bus. The weather, the crew, and pretty much everything else seemed to be falling into place. Was a little worried about the hammy as it seemed a bit tight (and stayed pretty close to the edge the whole race). Warmed a bit around the corral and worked to stay warm as well. Said hi to a lot of people and felt pretty good about my goal of sub 2:30. 1-5:42, running Logan and Ben and watched the super stars take it out and thought how fun it would be to watch this was unveil - turns out it was pretty I eventful other than the fact that they all smoked it! Temps were very cool and wind was at our backs with a some cross wind sometimes, but very favorable. 2-5:41, our main focus was just keeping calm. I kind of worried that I really didn't feel great, just working a little hard for this early and at this pace. 3-5:27, Logan was getting a little antsy and pulled away from Ben and I like 3 seconds. I yelled out to him that we would catch up if he promised not to run away. 4-5:31, staying smooth and quick. 5-5:35, another strong one as we drop toward Veyo. 6-5:25, I liked going strong through here, but I still felt like I wasn't really in a groove. I kept thinking how it seemed so bright already. It kind of weirded me out. 7-5:19, grabbed my first water/gu mix here. Drank pretty much all of it trying to stay ready for later in the race. 8-5:55, up Veyo. We really tried to relax and let the wind gusts push us up the hill. Ben had to depart just before this mile and that was a bummer. 9-5:50, goal for the next few... keep it cool through Dameron. 10-5:44, we picked off a few people through the last few miles. 11-5:57, on these miles before, I have stressed about the slower miles. But today Logan helped me keep me head. 12-5:44, finally topping out of Dameron and working to Mike Nielson. 13-5:27, Mike joins in with us and regroups - nice job. Hit the half in like 1:14 low (maybe teens). 14-5:34, right at the half it felt like Logan wanted to go a little and I thought he might take off. I really worried about how the 2nd half would go if I was on my own. 15-5:27, this and the next are often the fastest for me. Trevor joined up with us here. He helped a ton from here on out, even though I had to tell him not to talk so much! 16-5:20, maybe I had more at the end because we didn't kill these miles like I might have tried to in the past. 17-5:30, just plugging along. Once or twice in the next mile or two I started to slip off the back a second. But I just kept calm and took a step or two quicker and regrouped. 18-5:26, didn't want to think about how a decent finish could turn into a good time since there was so long to go, but I did notice that consistent 5:30 kept ticking off the miles. 19-5:41, pretty sure I haven't ever run Winchester this strong. Even if I have had as good a time, I've never felt this smooth and I blame it on Quadsi; Logan just kept it so smooth and even when I started to slip off again I didn't freak and just pushed a second to stay on it. 20-5:28, went through my ward's aide station during this mile (they were a little off the mile 19 marker which was kind of weird), but it was a lot of fun to see Rylee here. I gave my hand a quick kiss to plant it on her cheek, but either she didn't know what I was doing and tried to give me five or was trying to block it - since she's 12 I'm guessing it was the latter, but I'll say it was the former to make me feel better. 21-5:11, my watch had started beeping just a few feet early from early on, so I relapsed it here (so a total of 17 seconds spread throughout the first 20+ miles). I thought Logan again might just take off here, but as I started to go a bit after Mike (who had totally regrouped and was now flying down the hill) I noticed Logan not coming with me. I was hoping he would regroup so we could keep pushing together. There was plenty of race left and we had pushed so well together. 22-5:27, pushed up the little hill out of the twist better than I ever have and saw the team at the aide station. I remember thinking again not to start trying to do math about finishing time, but i was crossing my fingers. But at the same time, from here on out my mind started to really become a fog. All I could think keep pushing, but it was all a haze. 23-5:28, tried to figure out 5k to the finish and time. But I didn't have a clue. I just knew I would be somewhere. So I kept repeating, PR, PR, PR. 24-5:31, into town and trying to dig. Please end. My end is coming soon. 25-5:41, it's slipping down Diagonal, but for most of the mile my average was in the :30's and I thought I'll have a little more when I make the turn toward the Blvd. But after turning I really started to slow. I heard some feet moving quick. It was Ben... He had worked all the way back up and was flying. 26-5:59, so very, very tired. I really can't look back at this mile and remember even doing it. .2-1:19, for the finish. Another dramatic type finish. The second I enter the last two blocks and the fenced off area my body thinks its time to shut down. Legs jello, lift them up, I should look for my family but I can't. Legs gone right at the line. One of my favorite parts of the marathon is cheering for friends and family as they finish; and there were tons of great efforts and finishes today. Super proud of Logan in his first marathon back, Clyde for sticking it in there as a gimp, James for getting a solid race in after not even being able to run 6 months ago, Allyson for pushing through her 2nd marathon with a great effort, and many others. As I finally finishing this at 8:30 it is finally starting to sink it that I did so well. During the Spring this was going to be my goal, PR sub 2:25. But after the hammy injury at Provo and subsequent struggle to train over the summer, a sub 2:30 was a reasonable goal, but was going to be a tough push. So I am pleased and grateful. And i think iam really going to be jacked up for a bit, but it was worth it. (Adios 151.5) |
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| | Went on a few walks this weekend and then walked again this morning while the girls did their workout. I am feeling pretty hammered - just as much in the legs as with my allergies/cold. My head is just absolutely plugged and congested. Blah.
afternoon - 1.5 Harts. Pretty brutal, but I wanted to move a little so I ran with the boys on their cool down. (Oregon 685.25) |
| | AM - 3 AC. Doubled the mileage today! Wasn't easy though. Because of all the tightness there was pain everywhere, but especially in the left calf. Pleased with how the hammy is holding up; there is pain and it is tight, but nothing really worse than what it was before the race. (Kinvara3 483.5)
| | AM - 3 AC. I felt much better as I woke up today; noticeably better. But once I started running my left calf and right hammy (the injured one) really put out some major pain - in fact I thought about stopping. But we just kept it very easy and I kind of struggled through it. Everywhere else, though, I feel pretty good. (Kinvara 895.9)
| | AM - 3 AC. Another 3 just trying to get feeling better. Really other than my calf (which really improved today) and my hammy (minor improvement today), I feel pretty good now. (Ronin 118.5)
| | afternoon - 3 Hot Nails. Enjoyed an easy 3 with the team and Trevor and Austin (some good reminiscing there). (Kinvara lime 274.75) |
| | morning - 5.5 Parkway. Slept in and relaxed with my girls and then got out a little later. Hammy seemed to hold up a little better than the last couple days. (Kinvara Silver 183.75) Enjoyed the recovery week. Goals for next week: basically just keep it relaxed again. Busy week with Region and then end of the quarter, but then we have Thursday and Friday off - which I will spend working on the basement. |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 5.50 |
| | afternoon - 4 Lutheran/Park. Ran a nice easy 3 with the team and then over to the park to set up the XC meet and ran one over there. (Connect 631.5)
| | Noon - 5 Bloomington Hills Park. Ran around the course numerous times as I spent 4 hours setting up the Region course. (Ronin 132.5) |
| | afternoon - 6.5 Foremaster. Very easy team run with all sorts of guys. I've got a great team to be around. (Oregon 691.75) |
| | morning - 9.5 PV/AC. Ran over to practice and then AC warm up with the team. Then home by way of AC. (Ronin 128) |
| | morning - 8 PV/Harts. Over to practice and then a warm and cool with them again and then home. (Kinvara Silver 191.75) |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 8.00 |
| | 0 - stepped on a nail last night... Seriously - again? I was very lucky that I w airing flip flops because it allowed my foot to slip out when the nail first hit. The nail (actually two, the second one just missed the side of my foot) stuck over an inch through my sandal. Had I had a shoe on that sucker would have gone straight through my foot! |
| | afternoon - 3. Don't remember the run or the shoes. Must have been eventful. |
| | evening - 5 Sandy. Ran around the mall and some striders. Hip is really jacked right now and I feel like a pile of crap from not running much and eating a ton of junk. (Connect 636.5) |
| | morning - 5 Sandy. A few with the team in the morning before and then a little more with Trevor. (Connect 641.5) |
| | afternoon - 5 PV. Just ran loops around the grass while the team took a chill day and played frisbee. Ten ran some more with Py and Ry. My hip is really hurting right now. (Ronin 138) |
| | afternoon - 3.5 PVXC Scavenger Hunt. Our first of what looks to be a new tradition after state. Had fun; my team came in 2nd! (F50 563.25) |
| | AM - 13 Barrel Roll. Great run with Logan and Steve. Glad I got out and joined them. Longest run since the marathon; hopefully it kicks things off for me. (VertK 230) Glad the week is done... It was a long and emotional one. Goals for next week: time to actually run some again. I need it to feel better physically and mentally. |
| | AM - 5 AC/DI. Back to the morning runs with the team. Hip hurt a lot today and my foot still hurts where the nail went in. (Kinvara 488.5)
afternoon - 2xHarts. Harts warm and cool with the team around a bit during their workout. Then a mile and 5xhills with Pyper. Running with my girls is a lot of fun. (Ronin 143)
Kinvara3 Miles: 5.00 | Ronin Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5 AC/DI. Foot hurt a little again and so did the hip, but both seem to be working out some of the kinks. I still don't think I am ready (mentally or physically) for any types of workouts. (Kinvara 900.9)
afternoon - 8.5 Green Springs. I enjoyed today's run - the boys had a good solid group and the pace was nice, and I think we are gearing to run well in the next few weeks. Finished up with 1 1/2 with Pyper. (Kinvara Silver 200.25) |
Kinvara Miles: 5.00 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 8.50 |
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Good morning run. Waiting for the body to decide it can actually handle running a bit. King of wanted to push some of the sections of this afternoon's run, but i am not there yet. (Kinvara lime 285) afternoon - 3 2xHarts. Just warm and cool with the team. (Hyper speed 410) |
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 10.25 |
| | AM - 5 AC/DI. Felt a little better this morning, but a little cooler too. (?)
afternoon - 3 AC. Our first of what will become and annual event - Halloween Ice Cream Run. Some great costumes... I was Coach Mostert of AF (and I must say, I killed it!). (Boston 1029.25)
| | AM - 5 AC/DI. Wore my Connects and I could feel my foot a bit more in them. Still a bit of pain in there. Probably the only run I'll get today as we are headed up north for Ry and Py to compete in the USATF State XC Champs. (Connect 646.5)
| | morning - 7 Provo. Ran around Kiwanas Park a bit waiting for the girls' race at the USATF Utah XC State Meet. I love running in that park - I really wish Phil would bring back the Bulldog Invite. Girls did great and qualified for nationals (which we won't be heading to). (Hyper Speed 2 345.75)
Week was okay. Brought the miles up a little; got some doubles in.
Goals for next week: Bring the miles up a little more and get myself physically and mentally ready to jump into some training.
Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 7.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Not nearly as cold out as I was prepared for. Extended to 6 miles morning. Should have got some more with the time change, but still not a lot of desire. (F50 569.25) afternoon - 8 Grass loops. Did the warm and cool to Harts with the team. Thought about doing some of the workout, but my back started cramping and pinching the nerve today, so I didn't think I'd be able to run much. Just decided to give it a shot anyway - ran 3x1200 with the future varsity as they pushed that out and the varsity went 1600. Hit very solid times for what I thought I might be - 4:01, 3:58, 3:55. Then on the 4th I pushed up with Abel and went through in around 3:50 and decided to try and help him finish his mile. I fell off a bit at the end, but still got a 5:20. Not bad for an XC AC workout and for the first time running hard in a month. Maybe this will get me kick started - however, I may feel it for a few days. Some of the younger guys are really stepping up and some of the older guys have checked out; too bad for them and the team. (Last Ohana 438.75) |
Last Ohana Miles: 8.00 | F50 Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Neck kept me up a lot last night, but it isn't stopping my running - in fact while I run it feels fine. Did notice that my foot and hip are both much improved. Maybe the kinks are starting to work out a little. (Kinvara3 494.5)
afternoon - 10 Rollercoaster. Frustrated with some things so it is nice to just run. Got home and ran 2 more with Ry up on the dirt mile. (Ronin 153)
Kinvara3 Miles: 6.00 | Ronin Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Chilly morning run with Steven and Logan. Back is improving. The fatigue from Monday's repeats sat in a little more this morning. (Kinvara Silver 210.5)
afternoon - 3 Harts. Just kind of ran around while setting up the grass 400's and then cooled with the team. (Landreth blue 999.65)
Landreth Blue Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 10.25 |
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| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Just did the same old thing. (Free 840.2)
afternoon - 6.5 Mall. Good recovery run with a big group of the team and then 8xbarefoot striders. (barefoot '13 105.5)(Oregon 697.25) |
Free Miles: 6.00 | Oregon Miles: 5.50 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. You'd think I would get bored with the same old run in the morning, but with doing other runs in the afternoon and throwing in something else occasionally, it really isn't a big deal. (Kinvara 906.9) PM - 3.5 AF. Ran around up by the cemetery in American Fork from Byron's uncle's house. Tried to scare the team, but failed in the cemetery and again as Trevor and I took off on what turned out to be a long-cut and we missed them. But when the girls were leaving to where they were staying I jumped out of a tree and got the pretty good. (zero 237.25) |
Kinvara Miles: 6.00 | Zero Miles: 3.50 |
| | morning - 7 AF. This is kind of a guess because my garmin died. But I ran a good warmup with the team, probably around 4 and then a couple during the races and finished up with a mile cool with them. Not a great amount of mileage, but it ended up being a fun trip so it was worth it. (Zero 274.25) Week ended a bit weak, but helped me control my mileage as I bring it back up. Goals for next week: going to be a very busy one, so hopefully I can get a decent bit of mileage in and a workout or two. |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Thought about getting up a little earlier, but sleep beckoned and I hit the usual. (Kinvara lime 291) afternoon - 10.25 3xmile. Ran some warm and cool with the team and also joined them for their XC mile repeats. Last week I did the 1200's with the JV and finished with 1 mile, so I hoped I could make 3 miles today. Went 5:18, :21, :22. So not too shabby. Then came home and ran over to the grass with the girls and ran some repeats with them, (hyper speed 2 356) |
Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 10.25 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Just getting it done. (F50 575.25)
afternoon - 6 Wash. Elem. Ran up to the elementary for practice. Quite group today. 8xbarefoot striders to end it - and now... Parent Teacher Conferences! (Barefoot '13 106.5)(Ronin 158)
F50 Miles: 6.00 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 | Ronin Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Circle run this morning. Temps have been just dreamy in the morning this week. We talked some stuff... had a good run, if my legs/body would ever come around. (Oregon 707.5)
afternoon - 7.75 DogPound/2450. Plenty flat in the legs. Man get over the marathon already... it has been over a month! (Connect 654.25)
Oregon Miles: 10.25 | Connect Miles: 7.75 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Not too shabby. (Free 846.2)
afternoon - 3 loops. Just three today as I set up and took down the XC course for a duel 2 miler we had with DHells. Wanted more, but time wasn't willing. (Kinvara3 497.5)
Free Miles: 6.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 3.00 |
| | AM - 12 Mall/AC/Lutheran. Finally added in that mall section. Was planning on getting up early, then I couldn't get to sleep until nearly midnight for some reason. So when Ally's alarm went off, I reset mine for the usual time. But... I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just got up and got the extra mileage in. Felt good and ran pretty quick for the mall section, enough so that I was able to get an extra mile in while waiting for the team to get to practice going this morning. (Kinvara Lime 303)
afternoon - 3 2xharts. Another week afternoon. Had planned on maybe doing the 400's with the team, but that didn't seem to jive in my mind later, so I just warmed and cooled with them. Had to get home quick after practice, so I didn't add any. (Mana 526) |
Mana Miles: 3.00 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 12.00 |
| Race: |
Turkey Trot (3.1 Miles) 00:34:53 | | AM - 13 Turkey Farm. Fell back asleep and missed the run with Clyde and Steve, but I got the run I wanted in anyway. Ran up the turkey farm road and watched an absolutely amazing sunrise - I've said this before, Southern Utah has the most beautiful sunrises/sets anywhere. Then did a tempo on the way back. The first two were at Tinman, but were actually the fastest because they were downhill. Then did 4 at AT effort. Felt pretty good about the run. Now I can keep it rolling and get ready to race in a while. Turkey Trot. 34:53 Later in the morning, went down into the fields for the Turkey Trot with my girls. Rylee and Pyper wanted to run the mile, but Laney wanted to do the 5K, so I ran with her while pushing Elin. This was Laney's first 5K and probably right around her lol gets run ever. She was very excited and talked to me about strategy and all sorts of stuff. She ended up walking 3 times for about 15 meters each. When she would get tired, I would give her a goal to run to and she always made it. Her 3rd mile was the fastest, but each of them were within about 20 seconds of each other. It was a lot fun running with her. Ry ran a strong mile to win overall in 6:10 and Py took 4th (2nd girl) in 7:10. I think Rylee is in shape to break her 5:55 pr next week on the track. Then to top off the morning we won two turkeys! (Kinvara silver 226.5) Week was good as I worked in more mileage a a couple beginning workouts. Goals for next week: last XC trip of the year (down to Phoenix). Kind of sad about that; although the year didn't pan out as we had hoped, they sure are an awesome group of kids. So try and get good mileage toward the beginning of the week and a couple good workouts. |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 16.00 |
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| | AM - 11 Mall/AC/Lutheran. Got up to get the miles in this morning. Want a decent week, but don't know what the weekend will hold. Felt great for about 6 or so and then the legs got heavy and spent. (Kinvara3 508.5) afternoon - 3xDirt Mile. Ran the Parkway for a warm and threw in the last 1.5 of that at Tinman. My garmin was giving problems, so I ran with Ally's Nike (I don't have a clue how to use it - the mileage was off as well as the paces and I think it is junk, but at least it timed me). Onto the miles. Wanted LT pace and was thinking with the recent weeks of XC miles around high teens-20's with the team, I could be around the same on the dirt. The course was in horrid condition and needs some work, but I had a good workout. Got 5:07, :09, :08. I was pretty happy about the effort and now I probably won't be able to walk for the rest of the week, but to get to my St. George 1/2 goal I've got to hit this type of effort/pace and keep throwing more intervals in. Finished with a cool home and a mile with Laney. (Hyper speed 421.5) |
Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 11.50 | Kinvara3 Miles: 11.00 |
| | AM - 6 AC/Lutheran. Just a nice easy run. Being so wiped out from yesterday's runs made it so I had a good nights sleep for the first time in awhile and woke up refreshed and ready for the day. It was nice. (Connect 660.25)
afternoon - 6 laps/2xAC. Just ran around a bit to try and get some mileage in since the team had there 1600 meter time trial. (Free 852.2)
Free Miles: 6.00 | Connect Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. We replaced Clyde with Bill this morning and watched him almost get hit about 10 times. (Ronin 168.25)
afternoon - 6.25 Sandbergs. Ran out to the pond. Added a little more while some of the guys swam and then did 8xbarefoot striders. (Barefoot '13 107.5)(F50 580.5)
F50 Miles: 5.25 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 1.00 | Ronin Miles: 10.25 |
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| | AM - 11 Mall/AC/Lutheran. Not a bad run. Temps were a bit warmer today with the clouds and rain around. (Mana 537)
evening - 3 Kingman. Raining and wet, but a nice chill run with the team down the streets of Kingman... what a town. (Zero 277.25)
Mana Miles: 11.00 | Zero Miles: 3.00 |
| | AM - 13 Kingman. Got up and got a few more miles in the rain. Wind was blowing pretty good. I wouldn't say that I wish I lived in Kingman. (Kinvara Lime 316)
afternoon - 3.5 Toka Sticks. Ran the course with the team and a few striders. Have had a good trip so far. The course is going to be a mess tomorrow though. (Zero 280.75)
Zero Miles: 3.50 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 13.00 |
| | AM - 5 Mesa. What a crazy night. Someone bust into my hotel room last night at about 1:30 - literally broke the door down! It was very sureal and I am glad I was able to keep my wits about me and not get beaten or even killed... and I also very glad that it happened to me and not to any of the kids - I can't imagine how horrific that would have been to have to happen to a bunch of teenage girls (including my daughter who was there). So after spending some time with the cops and then making sure all the kids were still in their rooms and okay, I didn't get much sleep and that which I did get was very restless. So I got up and got a few miles in before we had to take off to the races. (Zero 285.75)
Held in on the week pretty good. Mileage wasn't bad for traveling and I had a good workout Monday, but couldn't get myself to do anything hard during the last part of the week. Just tired from traveling and everything else.
Goals for next week: Hopefully the same sort of week as this one (minus the near-death assault!).
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| | AM - 7 Lutheran/AC. Threw out our new plan for team morning practice for those who are still running - headed down to FootLocker. So I ran Lutheran first (in reverse) and then AC with some parking lot laps in there while I waited for them. It was a bit cooler this morning. (Landreth blue 1006.75)
afternoon - 3xXC Mile. Warmed up for 3 and then did 1.5 at Tinman while the team did their first mile. Then I joined them for their 2nd and did the other two on my own. The watch was hitting the miles a bit early, so I am going to real wheel the loop to give it a double check. I'll use the splits from the watch because I can't remember the times off the watch - 5:07, :13, :16. The times off the loop would have added about 10 seconds each time. Although this is a harder mile than the Dirt (because of this stupid little hill that you hit twice that just about kills me), I just didn't feel as strong today as last week. (Hyper Speed 2 366.5)
Landreth Blue Miles: 7.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 10.50 |
| | AM - 7 Lutheran/AC. Same as yesterday; with about the same energy level. (Kinvara3 515.5)
afternoon - 6.5 4xSunrise Hills. Wasn't too sure about running hills after running hard yesterday, but decided to give it a try. Started the first one before the boys and felt okay about it. Then I ran the rest with them and actually did pretty well. 1-2:07, 2-1:53, 3-1:51, 4-1:46. Good workout. Hills are a week point for me as I've gotten older. (Oregon 714) |
Oregon Miles: 6.50 | Kinvara3 Miles: 7.00 |
| | AM - 11.25 Clyde's. Good run with Steven and the circle before we all head whoever for turkey day. Told the story of the hotel break in and had many other good chat including one about Stan the bus driver. Finished with an extra mile with Logan. (Kinvara silver 237.75)
afternoon - 5.5 Sego Lily. Nice late aternoon/evening run. Kind of just went with a "because I should get a double in and what else is there to do?" attitude, and it ended up being a great run. Didn't wear a watch or time it, but I am sure it would be the fastest I have ever run this loop. Got going up Sego Lily and realized I was really moving, and it just kept getting faster from there. Kind of fun. The guy I coach with (Vis) got me on to this book and it has some amazing things in it. Some that I already believe and practice, many I have thought about, and others that are just good logical extensions of those thoughts. It has really got me thinking about my running, my coaching and other aspects of my life. It is fun to think and work to improve. (Ronin 173.75)
Kinvara Silver Miles: 11.25 | Ronin Miles: 5.50 |
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| | morning - 16.25 Wasatch/Draper. Ran the Wasatch loop, but then dropped into draper and ran down there a little bit. Was pretty tired and even a bit sore. Not really a great run other than doing it and enjoying the nice weather - really not much cooler than home. Now to go earn back some of those burned calories! (Ronin 190) |
| | morning - 10 BST. Trail run from Hidden valley out to Corner canyon on the Bonneville Shoreline trail. Nice run, but it was super slow and I was pretty tired. Love the trails out there though. (VertK 240) afternoon - 9 Sego Lily/9400. Went out with intention of the Sego Lily loop (reverse direction), but just started to feel decent and kept going along 13th and up 94th to the mouth of the canyon and back through Granite. Good to get the few extra miles since tomorrow will probably be shorter. (Ronin 199) |
Vertical K Miles: 10.00 | Ronin Miles: 9.00 |
| | AM - 6 Sego Lily. Ran the Sego Lily loop again. Didn't have time for much as we are hitting the road to get home. (Ronin 207)
Pretty good week of miles. Slowly building it up and feeling healthy.
Goals for next week: if I can get a decent Saturday in I should have a decent week.
| | AM - 7 Hospital. Good easy run to start the week. Used my new gloves (ski mittens) and they were very warm. I had to take them off a couple times to cool off the hands - blah... but it is still nice out; later this week when the weather really gets colder they should work great. (Free 859.2)
afternoon - 12.25 4xDirt mile. Ran a warm up with team to Harts, timed their 800 and then came home for my workout. warmed up 2.5 more and then 2 more at attempted Tinman. My lack of drive and inability kind of scared me for the workout, but at the same time I didn't stress, just tried to shrug it off. Got I to the mile repeats. Goal was to do 4 no matter. Got going on the first one and my time was looking better than I thought and I held on for a good, relaxed 5:07. 2-:04, felt very good this one and just kept relaxed. 3-:10, started better than ever on this one and I think that led to me relaxing a bit too much on the middle. 4-:08, started to hurt a bit more on this one, but I thought I was really moving on the first watch check. But it showed I was way slower than any of the other ones today, so I worked really hard to get it down below 5:10. Cooled for about 1.25 and with the jog on the 3 min rec got a decent mileage. Super tired now. (Rocket 702.75) |
Free Miles: 7.00 | Rocket Miles: 12.25 |
| | AM - 7 Hospital. Another 7 this morning on the opposite direction of the Hospital run from yesterday. Felt okay, but I could have used a lot more sleep. (F50 587.5)
afternoon - 6 Sunrise Hills. Ran over and did 4xSunrisers. Ran the first one with Mia and she hit a great time 2:02, then I tried to push with the boys a little and went 1:53, :52, and :55. So not too bad. A W for the day. (Kinvara3 521.5)
F50 Miles: 7.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 7 Target. Seven snowy miles. The traction wasn't bad for me, but apparently it was for the cars! So I tried to keep away from any scary roads. Over three inches at my house when I left this morning. (Connect 667.25)
afternoon - 10 laps/Green Springs. I went out and did 5 miles on the track before practice - super boring, but everything was still covered in snow. Then up into GS with the team, followed by 8xstriders (not barefoot today) on the track, where I threw out a complete domination of Mia! (Kinvara 916.9) |
Kinvara Miles: 10.00 | Connect Miles: 7.00 |
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Pretty cool out - 17! Gloves worked great... (Kinvara Lime 326.25)
afternoon - 5 Washington. Felt a bit worn down this afternoon. Left Trevor a little message on his doorstep (we decapitated his snowman and left it there for him). (Ronin 210)
Kinvara Lime Miles: 10.25 | Ronin Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 6 Foremaster. So cold this morning. We are not built for this in Southern Utah! (Boston 1035.25)
afternoon - 10 GS/PL/Midd. Haven't been up on this trail in a long time. It was nice and lonely, but very disappointing. The developers have taken another big chunk out of the desert at the top of Green Springs and a big neighborhood at the top of Middleton as well - both new neighborhoods totally block access to the trail so I had to run through construction. What is the point of protecting the natural beauty that you moved here for right? (mana 547)
Boston Miles: 6.00 | Mana Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 20 Quail. Totally overdressed for this run. The clouds came in last night and made it much warmer than the last couple mornings. Could have used just normal running gloves and none of the extra stuff, so I had to haul it all with me and then keep taking my mittens on and off because my hands would get too hot. Pretty slow run to get going, but then ended solid. Kept pretending to snow and I thought it would get going good (although it is now). Extended through Coral canyon to get to 20. Did 5.5 miles of progressive tempo from 11-16.5. Didn't hammer it at the start, just warmed into it and ended up running well. 6:15, 5:50, 5:53, 5:38, 5:40, 5:35 pace. Then chilled up highland hill and wanted to hit 2 more at LT, but I was a little tired and never got going that great. 5:27 and then just called it when I was over 6:00 pace at 1.5 and jogged it in. (Kinvara Silver 257.75) Good week, happy with the mileage and the workouts. Goals for next week: keep it progressing. |
Kinvara Silver Miles: 20.00 |
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| | AM - 7 AC/Mall. Yes, the day everyone has been waiting for actually arrived... I wore tights this morning. Give a guy a break - it was 5 degrees! Let the great Southern Utah Palm Tree Kill Off begin (I am going to guess I lose at least 4). The other miracle was that the Jeep actually started this morning. Dressed plenty warm with my ski mittens, facemask, tights and even grabben the old FRB/St. George Running Center jacket and the cold never really bothered me. But the ice everywhere did. Still plenty on the roads (especially the sides) and the sidewalks. So I decided to hit loops around the mall where no cars were going to kill me and I would have room to run around the ice. Plenty boring, but I survived. (F50 594.5)
afternoon - 10 Failed workout. Warmed for around 4 and then did a 2 mile Tinman on PV's new tempo loop that we'll be using this spring. With all the ice and snow these we pretty good, too bad that was it. Went on to the track because the dirt Mile obviously wasn't going to work today - but the track had a decent helping of snow on it still too. Started the first one and it felt like I was really moving, but when I checked my watch at a quarter I was ready down 4 seconds, and each lap was about the same way for a 5:24. I tried not to stress and got into the next one, but called it after only 800 when I was on pace for a 5:40. It wasn't so much the times as the feeling in my legs. They just felt very flat a lifeless - non responsive. It was probably a combination of the longer week last week topped with a longer harder run Saturday and the cold this afternoon - only 22 when I drove home. Throw that in with not wanting to run on the track and it was just enough for a negative run. Definitely an L for the day - oh well, bounce back tomorrow. I am not sure how I can get a few more miles in with all the ice. (Rocket 712.75) |
Rocket Miles: 10.00 | F50 Miles: 7.00 |
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| | AM - 7 GS. Up into Green Springs in cold - just as cold as yesterday. I think I have a little bit of sickness. Holding up fine, but it may be draining me a little (probably another reason why I bonked out yesterday). (Boston 1042.25)
afternoon - 8 River Trail. Did a session of yoga for runners with the team. It felt great and hit some of my problem spots. Then went out and got 8 down on the trail. It was actually clear of snow and ice and of course with no cars it was nice. (Ronin 218)
Boston Miles: 7.00 | Ronin Miles: 8.00 |
| | AM - 10.75 Clyde's (modified). Hit a different route because of ice on the trail today. Clyde figured out a decent guess at the mileage. Having some major GI issues by the end, but I survived. It was super cold and Logan resembeled Jack Frost from the Santa Claus movie. (Kinvara Silver 268.5)
afternoon - 8.25 Parkway. Right at freezing today, so some of the ice and snow is melting and making it a little less perilous to run. But single digits tomorrow morning will freeze that melt up again of course. Threw in 5x10 sec hills to just try and get the legs to respond a little. (Connect 665.5) |
Connect Miles: 8.25 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 10.75 |
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| | AM - 7 Target. In the teens today, so I didn't dress as warm. It actually felt good to feel a little of the chill in the air instead of being so bundled up. (Free 866.2)
afternoon - 11 River Trail. Saw 6 deer down by the river, at three different times. 3 were little bucks and the last two just stood there and I watched them from about 10 feet away. Actually sweated on the run. Weights after. (Oregon 725) |
Free Miles: 7.00 | Oregon Miles: 11.00 |
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| | AM - 7 GS. Just the thougth of getting up earlier and out in the cold is making it impossible to get up earlier and get a few more miles in. Next week I will do better. Just a touch warmer (can you call it that when it is in the teens? At least there are two digits on the temp, not one!) and a pretty nice run even though my hammies are kind of jacked after tightening up doing squats yesterday. (Mana 554)
afternoon - 5 Lutheran. Just got a short run on Lutheran with a little more because I wanted to play ultimate with the team. The football players had challenged the XC team, but then they didn't show up - no matter, we would have killed them. Anyone who thinks runners aren't athletes hasn't seen some of these kids (they must have just been watching Byron!). I had a pretty sick grab on a dive in the end zone that tore up my knees and shoulder and now they are all bruised and killing; hopefully they aren't too sore tomorrow morning. But it was worth it. Hanging out with a bunch of high school kids is what keeps me feeling young, so I am glad I played today. (Landreth blue 1011.65) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 5.00 | Mana Miles: 7.00 |
| | AM - 19 Quail. Wasn't a good run - kind of a bummer week. Just felt blah and couldn't ever get in to any sort of rhythm. Planned on doing a tempo like last week, but nothing could come of it today, so I just scrapped it. Did see between 30-50 shooting stars though. All sorts of cool ones - ones with huge bright tails, small ones, multiple at the same time, crisscross ones, parallel ones... Pretty cool. So, glad something neat came from it. Just a tiring sludge fest. Even ended it early since it was taking too long. (Kinvara lime 345.25) Worst week since I have been back working hard. Goals for next week: tough to set some goals when I am not sure how the body wants to go. Had been running so well for three or so weeks, but now? Hopefully the legs come back a bit and I can get going a bit better. |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 19.00 |
| | afternoon - 14.25 4xMile. Slept in this morning. I really wasn't even that tired, I jut didn't want to run. I think mostly I was bummed about having a bad week last week and wasn't looking forward to another one. But by this afternoon I was ready to run. Went down do the river trail and got into the workout. Wasn't even planning on it, but decided to give it a shot. Warmed up around three and then 2 more at Tinman to gt the legs going. 1 and 3 were down river and 2 and 4 up river. 1-5:15, felt much tougher than a couple weeks ago, but I tried to tell myself that at least it was better than last week and to just keep going. 2-:25, wasn't great, but at least I was doing something. 3-:16, felt pretty good for the first half, but then settled a bit. 4-:20, worked pretty hard, so even though the time wasn't great at least I worked hard. And that is how I felt about the whole workout - at least I finished it and worked hard, better than last week. And now I can move that into quicker times next week. Cooled back to school and lifted; then I did 2 more on the DI loop. (Landreth blue 1025.9) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 14.25 |
| | afternoon - 10 Blockage. I'll call it that because I was trying to do the River Run after a good set of yoga, but the one section where you access the trail that crosses like 50 feet of property was blocked off with a fence and lock. People are so stupid; you don't even have to do any damage to the property - you go through the fence and onto a dirt road, but no... don't want anyone on my precious property. So ran around the bottom of Foremaster and then up the Trail to Nowhere and back around to school by way of DI. (Connect 685.5)
| | AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Finally got myself out of be this morning. I was in need of some extra off time and so I've been taking it these past few mornings. Starting to feel a little fresher. I had wanted to hold on through this week as next week will surely be lower mileage as well. So maybe I'll have two lower weeks in a row. (Kinvara Silver 278.75)
afternoon - 10.25 River trail. Just a jaunt down the trail and back followed by weights. (F50 604.75)
F50 Miles: 10.25 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 10.25 |
| | AM - 7 Target. I think I got this run to 7 today after a few attempts that may have fallen short (I guess I could just throw my watch on... but no). Over freezing this morning. That was wierd. (Free 873.2)
afternoon - 11.5 Wave tempo. Warmed for 5 on the Mall Run with the last two working toward Tinman. Got to the PV Tempo loop and did 4xWave Tempo. Went 2 mins. trying to get quicker than LT pace, then 5 mins. attempting AT pace. Was off about 15-20 secs on the LT and 5-15 on the AT. But ended up being 5 miles in the 28 mins. for a 5:38 ave. So not quite what I wanted, but still okay. Will work on getting the times down a bit closer to goal next week. Cooled back to school the long way. (HyperSpeed 2 378) |
Free Miles: 7.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 11.50 |
| | AM - 6 Parkway. Just a nice jaunt around the neighborhood with a little extension. Felt pretty good and it was nice out. (HyperSpeed 427.5)
afternoon - 12 WT/PL/GS. Up on the extended version of the Powerline. Ran the reverse of the normal route, although I haven't run this for a long time. Great temps - shirt off for awhile in the desert - and an okay run. (Kinvara 928.9) |
Kinvara Miles: 12.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 21.25 Southern Parkway. Solid end to the week with a jaunt around the new Southern parkway with the circle and Steven. Nothing really hammering, just good thoughout with a few quicker miles toward the end. Had some conversation, pushed some stuff over, and showed off the power do my hawk-o-meter - which is in fine form since Hayden is in town I must be feeling his aura. At about 15 or so, we were planning our extension (not having ever done this route and wanting at least 20) and I predicted that the run would be 21.17. As I hit the watch at the end of the run, I was exactly right! I added a touch to get to the quarter. Followed up with about 45 minutes of yoga. Run was much better with the company of the crew. (Kinvara Lime 366.5) Well, after a slow start, I still hit a goo week with some good workouts and mileage. Goals for next week: main goal is to have no goal (for mileage), as I want to be free to back off a bit and let the body recover a bit. Plus I'll likely take Christmas off since we travel in the afternoon when I would have any time anyway. |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 21.25 |
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| | AM - 12 Middleton. Nice morning out. Everything just seems so clear and clean on a nice winter morning. (Landreth blue 1037.9) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 12.00 |
| | AM - 14 Tempo. Summer tempo loop with The Circle. We started at the corner of Staheli farm this time, so about .6 later than usual, but all of us seemed to like it better. So the miles will be a little off of before, but probably the same from here on out. 1-5:37, as Logan eased into it! 2-:36, Clyde took off like a monster, 3-:26, felt good down Mosquito, 4-:41, always a little slower at the top of Mosquito, but a little better than often, 5-:26, strong down onto the trail again, 6-:32, started to tie up a little bit, 7-:33, thought about taking it up to the usual end (Clyde had take a pit stop and Log wasn't feeling well, so I was leading now), but the last half mile I needed a pit stop of my own, so I called it at the mile mark. After we gathered back up, we planned that next time we'll just finish the 8th mile by going down the trail and bringing it back to the bridge/Clyde's for the cool. Good solid tempo, pleased with it. Yesterday, I hoped it would be good; with the lower miles this week I still want very solid workouts. (Ronin 232) |
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| | 0 - really enjoyed the holiday, didn't enjoy the driving. |
| | mid-morning - 16 Wasatch/Dimple Dell. Just a mid distance easy run. Used to stretch legs out dorm the drive and day off. Extended Wasatch into Draper and then took it up Dimple Dell which is super pretty. Started thinking about making it 20, but then remembered what the goals are for the week - not mileage, but recover and strong workouts. So brought it back and hopefully I can find a good place for tomorrow's repeats. Finished up with 20+ minutes of yoga. I have been trying to incorporate this routine I found on the internet for injury prevention at least once a week if not more. (Kinvara lime 382.5) |
Kinvara Lime Miles: 16.00 |
| | mid-morning - 15 5xMile. Warmed up for 5 down to the trail by the Tracks tracks which I figured might be the clearest and safest place do to repeats, with 1.5 at Tinman. Most of the Tinman was on the mile route which was just over a half on the trail, but then it crossed the road, so I turned up a block and into a good neighborhood which looped back toward the trail to finish. Actually is a pretty good place for repeats and I'll use it again if I ever have a workout like this again while I'm up here. Goal was to keep the first few more relaxed and the try and push the last bit more. 1-5:20, felt very good and relaxed, actually kind of chilled into it. 2-:17, relaxed more at the start and made it a bit more consistent throughout. 3-:14, felt really goo here too. 4-:08, decided to switch directions as I thought it would be faster starting inthe neighborhood and finishing on the trail, but I decided I actually didn't like the flow of it that much and if I do them again I'll just go the other direction the whole time. Felt great for the first half, but tightened up at the end. I may have kind of freaked myself out because I was sub 5:00 pace for over 2/3 and I thought that I was going to pay for it on the last one, which is maybe true, but I should have just kept it flowing. 5-:06, started off slower than the last one, but really pushed hard the last section and ended it solid. Pretty solid workout and I was pleased with it. I had started to think that the solid sets of miles I had last month were just a fluke, but this brings back my confidence in them. Cool was a bit of a bummer climbing back up the benches. Finished up with some yoga again. (Mana 569) |
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| | AM - 13 Willowcreek. Ran up Creek and Danish Roads and around our old neighborhood then back via Willowcreek; only getting lost a few times. Put the mileage right on though. I was pretty tired this morning and it was a pretty slow run. Ran in my new Kinvara 4's - I really don't like shoes until about 50 miles in, and then they are prime until about 400 miles, so they felt kind of hard today. (Kinvara White 13) Week was a very good recovery week. Had solid runs for 5 days of running. Was able to get some yoga time in. And hit two positive workouts. Goals for next week: get back into some higher mileage and again a couple solid workouts - mile repeats and a wave tempo (and if super antsy something else...hills?) |
Kinvara White Miles: 13.00 |
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| | morning - 11 GS. Not a lot of zeal this morning, but glad I got it done. (Kinvara White 24) afternoon - 6 Highland/CC. Took the girls to the park and went and got a few miles in. Dropped off Highland into Coral Canyon and made a little loop there. Felt a little more into it than this morning. Cleaned out my closet with the intention of getting rid of some old shoes - which I did, but none of them were active... In fact I actually brought back some old Asics Stratus that I wore this afternoon. They actually felt very good. (Stratus black 1020.95) |
Stratus Black Miles: 6.00 | Kinvara White Miles: 11.00 |
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| | AM - 14.5 Tempo loop. Approached the tempo a little different today. Started off with 2 miles at regular AT tempo (probably around 5:40 and 5:35 based off what Clyde's splits were, but my watch was set for this next section of the workout so not too sure), then went into a wave tempo with 2 mins at LT pace and 5 mins at AT pace - 5 sets. This was a brutal workout. The first set was really good and the quick section was actually faster than LT (what my goal actually will be someday) and the AT was in the 5:30's (also the goal), but then it just got tougher. Was able to keep the next 4 LT's at 5:15 ave, but the AT's were a touch off around low 5:40's (didn't get a full 5 mins on the last one, as the tempo section ended, but it was especially tough and a bit slow). The hardest part was to hear the watch beep and mentally wanting to drop into a recovery, but physically only being able to dial it back a little bit. I'll do a few more of these before Phoenix though and get better at it. (Hyper speed 2 392.5) afternoon - 6 North Desert. Was thinking about doing Dino Tracks, but as I got near the trail, my legs were a bit tired from this morning and I decided to do the ND since it is easier. (Landreth blue 1043.9) Pretty pleased about this year. Had some good races, overcame some injuries and had a lot of good times putting a bunch of miles. |
Landreth Blue Miles: 6.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 14.50 |
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NB 110 Miles: 24.75 | Vertical K Miles: 207.50 | Stratus Grey Miles: 95.00 | Free Miles: 151.25 | Kinvara Miles: 173.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 118.25 | Barefoot '13 Miles: 107.50 | Boston Miles: 100.25 | Connect Miles: 273.75 | Mana Miles: 341.75 | Rocket Miles: 160.25 | F50 Miles: 206.50 | Ohana Racers Miles: 15.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 296.50 | Zero Miles: 141.00 | Rocket 2 Miles: 45.50 | Last Ohana Miles: 52.00 | NB 101 Miles: 32.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 154.25 | Landreth Blue Miles: 176.50 | Triumph Silver Miles: 83.25 | Oregon Miles: 192.25 | Adios Miles: 124.50 | Kinvara Lime Miles: 382.50 | Kinvara Silver Miles: 278.75 | Ronin Miles: 232.00 | Kinvara White Miles: 24.00 | Stratus Black Miles: 6.00 |
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