Member Since:
Mar 29, 2008
Goal Type:
Marathon Finish
Running Accomplishments:
2011 Salt Lake City Half 1:42
2010 Buffalo Run 25 K 2:25
2010 St George Marathon 3:48
2011 Mid Mountain Trail Marathon 4:27
2011 Squaw Peak 50 mile 14:00:49
Short-Term Running Goals:
Keep going!
married, 4 children
Favorite Blogs:
Longest stretch without running for years but good to get back in the saddle. Where is Gandalf? I should very much like to speak with him.
pipeline... new focus... smarter and with better snacks not harder
MT OLY BST for a lollapolluza
Neighborhood road miles in the crisp clear snowy day...knee is stiff and sore....but sweet man
pipeline in the snow
BST oly loop... dammit im getting old and grumpy again