AM - 2 on hilton, 6:39 pace. must have triggered some peroneal tendonitis in my right ankle during the fast 10 on sunday, once again should have waited a couple hours for the grass to not be so soggy and provide better footing. oh well, it let me get a shakeout in this morning without giving me too much hell and i got some KT tape for it that hopefully helps alleviate it quick.
AM2 - 3-mile lunch run on sokol, 5:58 pace. had a couple of steps where my ankle felt iffy, but also a lot where i thought i'd feel it but it felt fine. i'd say that's a net positive, every other time i've dealt with this it's impossible to run on it without being bothered by it every step of the way. next run i'll drive up to sandy, i think a break from all the grass running might help the ankles