10 in the morning, probably switching my longer run of the day back to the AM. While it is much easier to do a shakeout with no food in my system than over an hour of running, it's a lot easier to relax after knowing I only have a shakeout left to run, plus there's a lot of stress in eating the right things at the right time so I don't cramp up on the PM run(not saying I'll start eating junk food again, but 5 miles is 100 times easier to power through with a cramp than 10). It was a much easier method when increasing mileage, but the long run is probably the only thing that'll go up in mileage in the next year-ish of training, besides the occasional accidental too high mileage day. Plus it gives me more time to get ready for the long run tomorrow! excited to (hopefully) run my longest run ever. As for the run today, felt pretty good. There's some sort of huge soccer thing happening on intramurals so I ran it on the turf field, lots of loops.
5 in the evening. Heat index said 107F... I believe it.