AM - 5 easy.
right ankle wasn’t giving me trouble but i knew i’d be playing a dangerous game if i went too far. i thought about it, and i think i’d be better off moving my long run to saturday. yes it would be after an 8 hour shift, but i think it’d be easier on the body than doing it after all the weekday workouts. i usually think up my own training, but i saw that bekele did something like this in his prime(the same 4 days of tempo, sprints, hills, intervals), while i did modify it to make it a bit easier considering this is my first real training block since high school, i realize it’s still a tall order. still, i think i’ve proven myself to have a ridiculously durable body, and the tuesday and wednesday workouts are more of fine-mechanics-tuning than workouts. but anyway, bekele did the same monday-thursday workout spread, with a long run on saturday with a day of recovery before and after. i’m not gonna try and make my workload more than the greatest runner of all time by doing that long run a day early. i’ll do another 5 on the treadmill after work, and skip the long run this saturday since it’s supposed to storm something terrible tomorrow.
PM - 5 after work. this shift was pure hell; you'd think dying was going out of style but felt SUPER good, pace wasn't crazy or anything, but even if i hadn't worked i still felt good enough that it's worth mentioning. finished right before the storm hit! score!