6 miles in the afternoon. I did TOU 9 days ago, and I have another marathon in 18 days, so I am kind of in a limbo of what to do for training. I don't want to do super high mileage in case I am not fully recovered from TOU, and I don't want to take it super easy in case I won't be prepared for the Utah Marathon. I am hoping to get in a decent amount of miles over the next 10 days or so, then do a smaller taper. Today I started out a little quick, then picked it up over the next 4 miles, then took mile 6 a little slower. I am wanting to train faster than I normally do so I can become a faster runner, but it's a fine line of training faster and killing myself. I will see what I can do. Splits were 7:10, 6:40. 6:43, 6:52, 6:40, 7:23. Total time 41:29 Avg HR 171 Max HR 181