| Location: Seven Hills,Oh,U.S.A. Member Since: Aug 31, 2010 Gender: Male Goal Type: Age Division Winner Running Accomplishments: Toenails Lost: 2.5
Qualified for Boston:
- TOU 9/17/11 3:09:49
- TOU 9/15/12 3:04:38
13 Marathons: 3:04:38
7 Half Marathons 1:21:11
1 15k 1:02:08 Short-Term Running Goals: Stop being fat and start running again. I want to turn my short term goal into a habit of running instead of being a crappy seasonal runner.
Long-Term Running Goals: Find time for School, Family, and Running while in Podiatry school.
Beat LA
Personal: I've been married since January 2008 to my biggest fan, and best friend. We have 3 kids, Mackson, Kaylin, and Linclon. I am from Utah, but now live in Ohio (since July 2015) for Podiatry School.
My Wife |
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Miles: | This week: | 0.00 |
Month: | 0.00 |
Year: | 0.00 | New Balance Lifetime Miles: | 209.00 |
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Red Miles: 10.00 | Gray Miles: 32.25 | Green Miles: 17.00 | White Miles: 12.79 | Blue Miles: 9.00 |
| | 10 miles on a treadmill at 10:00 pm. I woke up incredibly tired after a long weekend with the family. I was not in the mood to go running (ever since the Idaho Falls half, I havent really been in the mood for running). So I figured I would go tonight. When night came, I was not in the mood for running, but I have a streak going of almost 100 days straight (not counting Sundays) of either running, swimming, or biking (I only swim or run to recover from injury or races). Because of my streak, I had to go running. I got to the gym and had to treadmill hop to 3 different treadmills during my warmup so I could get the best view of the Olympics. I started my run, and my Achilles tendon was bothering me (it has been hurting since my 22 miles on Saturday). I knew it would be an uncomfortable run, but I am hoping this is a pain/injury I can train through. The run went well, I even did a couple miles a lot faster than I normally run, maybe that will come back to haunt me. Avg HR 148 Max HR 175 1 | 8:02.7 |
| 2 | 7:34.4 |
| 3 | 7:38.0 |
| 4 | 7:34.6 |
| 5
| 7:39.1 |
| 6 | 7:08.0 |
| 7 | 7:12.5 |
| 8 | 6:36.7 |
| 9 | 7:09.3 |
| 10 | 6:45.2 |
Total time 1:13:20 Avg pace 7:20
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8.25 miles on treadmill at 9:45 pm. I did 8 1/4 mile repeats with the treadmill at 7.0% incline with a 1/4 mile recovery in between. I was supposed to do 12 miles, but I was battling gas, and decided to go to the bathroom at 8.25 to let it out just in case it was more than gas. I am glad I decided to go to the bathroom to let it out because it would have taken a long time to clean that treadmill! :) After being in the bathroom for a few minutes and my HR dropping down to the mid 90's I decided to just call it a day. I still had a good workout with the hill repeats. Avg HR 154 Max HR 181 1
| 7:25.4
| 2 | 7:49.1 |
| 3 | 7:52.7 |
| 4 | 7:44.2 |
| 5 | 7:56.7 |
| 6 | 7:54.2 |
| 7 | 7:53.0 |
| 8 | 7:54.2 |
| 8.25
| 2:03.8 |
Total time 1:04:33 Avg pace 7:49
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| | 17 miles on treadmill at 8:00 pm. I had to take 2 bathroom breaks during this run, which makes me frustrated at the crappy way I have been eating lately. I really need to fix my diet to be more running friendly. I did 6 miles before the first bathroom break, then 5 before the second bathroom break, then finished with another 6 miles. Max HR 167 Avg HR 145
Total time 2:11:34 Avg pace 7:44 I have said that one of my goals is to do a marathon on a treadmill, and I always thought that I wouldnt be able to stay in one place for that long. But after tonight I think it might be possible.
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| | 12.79 miles on treadmill at 1:00 pm. I had said after yesterdays run on a treadmill that I thought I would be able to do my goal of a treadmill marathon, but after today I dont know anymore. This was a hard 12.79 miles and I almost talked myself into quitting several times. With such a strange distance to have, maybe it looks like I quit early, but I didnt. I was going to do 12.75 to give me 48 for the week, but then I went .04 more to make my shoes be at a more natural number. Max HR 176 Avg HR 159 1
| 7:56.3 |
| 2 | 7:44.9 |
| 3 | 7:41.1 |
| 4 | 7:40.1 |
| 5 | 7:39.9 |
| 6 | 7:35.9 |
| 7 | 7:30.0 |
| 8 | 7:24.9 |
| 9 | 7:40.1 |
| 10 | 7:41.9 |
| 11 | 7:45.5 |
| 12 | 7:44.5 |
| 13 | 0.79 miles 6:07.7 |
Total time 1:38:12 Avg pace 7:41
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| | 9 miles on treadmill at 2:30 pm. I was tempted to do 12 today and then with my long run tomorrow I would have hit more miles in this week than my brother ever got before he was injured, but i decided that there is plenty of time to add on miles. Better safe than sorry. This was my 5th run on the treadmill this week, and I cant decide if I am going to do my long run tomorrow on one or not. I probably won't but it would be ....... (I dont know a word to put it) to do a full week of training on a treadmill. I guess flat, or boring, or un-scenic could all fit. This 9 miles wasnt bad. I feel like I could have done more, but I wanted to save some for my long run tomorrow. I didn't hit lap on my watch at every mile, so I only know my average pace. Lately I have really been looking forward to my friday runs because they are shorter, and I just havent been excited about running (hence going later in the day and having to run on a treadmill to avoid the heat). Max HR 166 Avg HR 145 Total time 1:08:17 Avg pace 7:35
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24 miles at 5:30 am, not on a treadmill. It took a few miles before running on the road felt normal. For a little while It felt funny that I was moving forward, and the ground wasn't moving backwards. The weirdness of running on the road for the first time in a week shows by my mile splits for the first few miles. I was also taking it easy, knowing that i had 24 miles ahead and didn't want to start out too quick. It was dark for the first few miles, so I couldn't see what my mile splits were, but when I saw that mile 4 was around 8:15 I was a little surprised at how slow I was going. I guess it is better to start slow and be able to finish than to start fast and blow up at the end. The only thing memorable about this run is at 22.83 miles I thought I got shot in my right hip. It was only for 1 step, but it hurt BAD!!! After that it was a little sore, but nothing like the initial pain. My pace for this weeks long run was 18 seconds slower a mile than last weeks long run, but this week was all out and back, and last week I had 600 feet decline over 22 miles, so I am not concerned.
Avg HR 147 Max HR 171
1 | 8:15.1 |
| 2 | 8:03.8 |
| 3 | 8:06.9 |
| 4 | 8:16.7 |
| 5 | 7:59.3 |
| 6 | 7:47.9 |
| 7 | 7:56.1 |
| 8 | 7:46.9 |
| 9 | 7:35.5 |
| 10 | 7:40.6 |
| 11 | 7:30.0 |
| 12 | 7:29.9 |
| 13 | 7:38.6 |
| 14 | 7:47.2 |
| 15 | 7:39.4 |
| 16 | 7:37.9 |
| 17 | 7:30.7 |
| 18 | 7:32.7 |
| 19 | 7:31.6 |
| 20 | 7:43.1 |
| 21 | 7:52.0 |
| 22 | 7:37.5 |
| 23 | 7:41.8 |
| 24 | 7:40.5 |
Total time 3:06:21 Avg pace 7:46
| Comments(5) |
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Red Miles: 10.00 | Gray Miles: 32.25 | Green Miles: 17.00 | White Miles: 12.79 | Blue Miles: 9.00 |
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