9 miles on treadmill at 2:30 pm. I was tempted to do 12 today and then with my long run tomorrow I would have hit more miles in this week than my brother ever got before he was injured, but i decided that there is plenty of time to add on miles. Better safe than sorry. This was my 5th run on the treadmill this week, and I cant decide if I am going to do my long run tomorrow on one or not. I probably won't but it would be ....... (I dont know a word to put it) to do a full week of training on a treadmill. I guess flat, or boring, or un-scenic could all fit. This 9 miles wasnt bad. I feel like I could have done more, but I wanted to save some for my long run tomorrow. I didn't hit lap on my watch at every mile, so I only know my average pace. Lately I have really been looking forward to my friday runs because they are shorter, and I just havent been excited about running (hence going later in the day and having to run on a treadmill to avoid the heat). Max HR 166 Avg HR 145 Total time 1:08:17 Avg pace 7:35