total time 2:00:35 it was 92 degrees at the start of the run at 90 degrees at the end. I really didn't know how I was going to respond to this run so there wasn't a plan. I did my usual warm-up and first mile was 9:30. there was a slight breeze blowing so I felt good and it was dark enough that even with my headlamp I struggled to read the pace on my watch. I was surprise when I came through the second mile. I slow slightly adn then maintained. I had gatorade for my first hydration cycle and then I stopped at the completion of 5 miles to fill up. At 7 miles I decided to slow to 9:20 - 9:25 pace for three miles and then see what happens. At 11 miles I tried to speed up without much success. I walked for 30 seconds during the last mile and then sped up for the last 0.3 with the last 0.1 being done at 9 minute per mile pace. splits 9:30, 8:59, 9:05, 9:05, 9:07, 9:06, 9:04, 9:26, 9:22, 9:21, 9:21, 9:20, 9:49 (walked for 30 seconds during this mile). I lost 5.4 lbs during this run again.