Lunch: 3 miles Green Canyon Hike/Run - Went up just over a mile then on the way down I ran into Mike heading up. I went back up with him and then enjoyed the snowy and slick descent. Good to get out of the gunk today.
Dry Canyon from Water Lab with Mike. Trail was in pretty good shape until the turnaround point (start of switchbacks). The way down was awesome. Had 2 sub 6 minute miles.
PM: River Trail via upper canal with Mike and Joe. Other than my calf having serious issues and mike's foot bugging him it was a great run (for Joe I guess). Sort-of escaped the inversion. It's truly nasty now.
Snowshoe hike up Providence Canyon. Went up the trail 2 miles then went and explored a side canyon. It was a bust. Too many trees/scrub. I had to bail. Went back down the canyon with the snowshoes off. Dropped them off at the truck and tried to run on the roads but since the roads were snowpacked from the storm last night, it was a challenge. I give up. Happily I am getting cross country skiis for christmas so I now have a winter activity I can do around here.