Trail Run - Joe and I decided to go tag some peaks today on the Wellsvilles. It was awesome. First up was Mendon Peak. 4 miles straight up from Deep Canyon. View of Deep Canyon from just below the saddle.
This is the route we are about to take. South on the ridge to the peaks behind me. Shot is taken from on top of Mendon Peak.
We had to hike up a little hill now and then....
Next up was Box Elder peak (behind me)  The final peak required a drop of 1000' to the saddle and then a nasty bushwhack that caused blood to ooze out of our shins. Joe is still mad about making him tag that peak.
By halfway (mile 10) we had tagged Mendon (8766'), Wellsville Cone (9356'), Box Elder Peak (9372') and unknown name peak not worth the effort (8686'). Too bad it took 2:45 to do those 10 miles. Time to go home. 9.5 miles and retracing our steps but without tagging the peaks we made it in a blazing 2 hours. Food gone, water gone, legs tired. Done. T-4:45 (14:37) 7250' Vert ** Weekly summary - Great week for the climbing legs. Some hard earned miles but great to get out into the high country. Snow is gone. Mountains are open for exploring. 14,000' vert total. 72 miles. 760 mins