
Week starting Mar 16, 2008

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Logan,UT,United States

Member Since:

Apr 08, 2005



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Former Course Record Holder (it was a good run while it lasted...)

Logan Peak Trail Race

Completely addicted to trail running





Short-Term Running Goals:

2016 Race Schedule






Long-Term Running Goals:

Who knows?






Link to my Wife and I's Photo and Running blog





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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Microspikes Lifetime Miles: 408.50
PI EMotion Trail N1 Lifetime Miles: 357.00
MT1010SA Lifetime Miles: 120.50
Rapa Nui 2 Lifetime Miles: 305.50
Altra Olympus Lifetime Miles: 555.80
PI Emotion Trail N2 Lifetime Miles: 312.50
PI Emotion Trail M2 Lifetime Miles: 328.50
2015 Trail Miles Lifetime Miles: 2047.50
2015 Road Miles Lifetime Miles: 490.00
2015 Mtn Bike Miles Lifetime Miles: 58.00
Altra Impulse 1.0 Lifetime Miles: 46.00
Altra Lone Peak 2.5 Lifetime Miles: 242.00
Altra Paradigm (blue) Lifetime Miles: 102.00
LP 3.0 Tester Lifetime Miles: 64.50
Altra One2 Lifetime Miles: 14.00
Altra Paradigm 2.0 Lifetime Miles: 92.00
Altra LP NS HT Lifetime Miles: 95.00
Altra Torin 2.5 Red Lifetime Miles: 7.00
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AM: Easy 6 on the landfill loop. Not timed. Legs felt pretty decent. IT band was a bit tender/tight. Better watch it close.

PM: 6.5 of my 8 miles with Jon.  Leg felt better this evening.  Providence River Heights loop.  No animal attacks, no blizzards = no entertainment.

T- 57:30 (7:12) 152 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Waited until the afternoon for my workout.  Jon and Paul picked me up and we did a few miles (7:00,6:42) together until Paul turned towards home.  Jon and I began our Tinman Tempo on the Young Ward loop.  The goal was 7 miles at 6:15-6:20 pace.  It went pretty well.  The only complaint for me was wind from the south (headwind for a few miles, crosswind the rest).  

6:12 (161)

6:14 (166)

6:13 (167)

6:21 (169)

6:11 (163) (Jon's not-so-private bathroom stop)

6:09 (173)

6:05 (175) 

 The rest of the miles were around 7:00 pace.  Not sure because the battery died on the Garmin at this point. 

Dinner was Pizza, breadsticks, cookies, and ice-cream.  Sweet!

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AM: Easy 6 on the Landfill Loop. Slow and tired. It was warm enough today to take the scooter to work. Now it looks like it might rain. Dang it.

PM: No rain...yet.  It worked out to be a pretty decent day.  Got in 5 more miles at 6:30pm.  Saw some other runners going the opposite direction.  They are coming out of hibernation now. 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: Felt Lousy this morning. My back has been sore for two days now and it was super stiff this morning. I opted for the treadmill so I could bail if it hurt too bad. I managed 5 slow miles and quit. My body is worn out.

T-37:30 (7:30)

PM: Felt much better this afternoon.  I plopped the kids in the stroller and did some planet walk laps.  Lily cried the whole time.  Very annoying.  Turns out she was hungry.  I dropped her off at the house at 5.25 miles and ran another 2.25 with Jaxon.  When we finished, he ran for 4 houses and threw sticks into the stream.  Every kids dream.

T-59:00 (7:52) 147

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Providence hill loop this morning.  Ran what felt comfortable.  Nice morning to be out and about. 

T-59:18 (7:19) 152

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I was in SLC for parties and Easter, so I decided that I would rather run 20 miles with Sasha and the posse then by myself.  What is another 30 mins of driving anyway? 

For the first 13.1 miles, we (Sasha, Steve, Jeff, Tyler)paced/urged/annoyed/mocked/threatened/ignored and any other tactic known to man to motivate Josse to improve on her time over the Moab Half Marathon.  It was redemption day.  She came through with close to a 4 min improvement.  Pretty good.

After dropping Josse off, we hit the road again for 7 more.  Steve and Sasha wanted sub 6 pace.  I said I would hang on as long as I could.  I made it 3.  By then, my IT band had flared up and was actually hurting.  It progressed beyond annoying and moved into the hurt stage.  So I pulled the plug and let them go.  (In reality, I was dying and slowing them down anyway so it was easy to say "leave me on the side the trail while I curl up into a ball" or something similar).  My splits for the 3 miles were: 5:52, 5:35, 5:47.  Once I slowed back down to 7 min pace, the leg started to feel better.  I ended the run coasting in at 7:15-7:30 pace.

T-2:19:06 (6:57) 155 ave 178 max

After the run, I got scrapped by Josse.  Painful, yet very much needed.  I am proud of my deep purple bruising now.  My in-laws think I am even dumber though.  Not only do I run 20 miles by choice, but I inflict pain ("Bruising by Josse" would be a good name for a buisness) by scrapping after.  It feels pretty sweet right now though.  Thanks Josse.

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