Well, it is official. I am injured. My foot is not happy. I am still not sure what caused it. Whatever it is. I have some theories. It hurts right at the end of the 5th metatarsal. It doesn't hurt if I push on it with my hand, but there is a sharp pain present when I walk/run. It is worse on the push-off. If I keep my foot flat, it is minimized. See image to see where it hurts. I don't think it is a stress fracture, but it is possible. I am leaning towards a Tendonitis in one of the Peroneus tendons. It is possible that it is a Jones fracture or a psudo-Jones fracture. Ok, I admit I ahve no clue which one of these it is. Either way, I am resting it to see if it heals. I am trying to stay off of it, but just basically limp around all day. One day at a time...