Little shake out/ gauge/ question and answer/ mini tempo workout thing. I am registered for the Dnews half on Thursday. But have ZERO confidence in actually RACING. So I just wanted to see what the body had in it after feeling sickly all last week without going into the tank too much.
Wamred up all around B-hills and ended up at mile 7 up by the two churchs on Brigham road. Decided to tempo from there down and around the park and back over by the house. Just get in three miles and see how things felt doing it.
Went 5:34, 5:36, 5:32- First mile could have been much faster because theres some good downhill but I just tried to really stay smooth. Second mile is the hardest on paper and times show it. Third has some mild climbing, some flat and mild down.
Anyways in the end I was happy to feel a lot better than last week. But still have Zero confidence in really racing up in SLC. But I'm already registered and already have other plans while being up there. So maybe I'll just do it as a glorified workout.
2.2 cool down
7 miles on the treadmill this afternoon before going to see April.