Glad today wasn't race day. Because I sure didn't have my "A" game. Maybe a little hung over from getting sick on last nights run or maybe something else but I sure struggled today. Had planned to do one more mini workout before really hitting the taper hard. Today I wanted to hit 3x 1/2 mile repeats along the DC loop all around LT pace. As I warmed up the legs felt horrible but I decided to press on with the workout. 1. 2:23- In B-hills- I could tell that running this hard was much harder today than it was last week. Lucky the distance was short enough to push through. 2. 2:25- Up river trail from DC- Felt really choppy and had to find a porta potty in a construction site after this leg. 3. 2:22- Up River Trail finishing by Dr's free clinic- This one was actually my best one. Not just because it was the fastest. I just felt more of a flow. Maybe I finally got warmed up or maybe I could smell the barn. Anyways got some turnover but like I said. I'm glad today wasn't race day. It would have been a bummer for sure. Hoping some solid tapering can help fix what ails me.