3 miles on the treadmill this morning. 8.2 miles this afternoon. I had a one hour break from 2:20 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. so I wanted to get out and do a run. I left the high school and went over to River Road then down to the trail that cuts off by the river and runs up through Bloomington Hills. Then trailed it over to the Dixie Center and around by the car dealerships and Fruniture Rowe, and up to 700 south and back to the school. The 8.2 miles took 50:05. I left the school just running easy but the 6 min guy wanted to race I told him not today but by mile three I couldn't take any more of his trash talking. From that point on I tried to run him down. Finished the run at 6:07 pace- those first 3 slower miles of around 6:40-6:20 gave him the edge. I shoud have just ran up to the nine mile mark and finished hm off. Oh well he'll race every day so we'll meet again. After the run I went to a 3 hour wrestling practice and then about an hour coaches meeting after that. By the time I got home I was done. |