70 min bike ride up above Green Valley but ended up running/ pushing the bike the last 1.5 miles because I blew a tire. I went over this big rock jump and was about an inch short of making it across the gap.... anyways my rear tire hit the sharp rock on the other side and it blew a hole in the tube (3 places) and on in the tire itself... that whole deal sucked. 5.7 mile run around the DC/ Bloomington Hills loop. After my bike ride went sour I came across town to do my run. The city trails are nice to run on and it was a beautiful morning. The weather is sending some hints of spring and it just makes you want to stay outside all day. The run was good. Hamstring pain was around 4- just about like it has been. Hopefully I can continue to work into things without anymore setbacks. I just tried to run nice and easy but was really surprised to see that it was an avg of 7:05 pace...