Breanna's Running Blog

Judges Run 5k

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Member Since:

Jan 18, 2007



Goal Type:

Recover From Injury

Running Accomplishments:


400= 1:07

800= 2:32

1600= 5:35

5k= 18:59

10k= 38:48

1/2 marathon= 1:24

I took second at USATF Nationals Cross-Country when I was ten. I was 6th at nationals in the 3000 in 2004.


I did lots of competitive running growing up. I'm now 23 and have fibromyalgia and CFS. I just finished nursing school and am going back for my MSN in a few months, but I want to get back in shape and be able to run again.

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Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I ran on Pipeline trail this morning with Carre, Carol, and Michelle. It was a good run. I ran from birch hollow to the overlook and back and then added on the road to make it ten. I was able to stay with the group for the first 3 and a half miles, but then my legs were to tired to keep up with them. At the overlook my split was 42 minutes, and my total time was 1:35:21. Then we went and sat in the river for ten minutes to ice our legs. (Pegasus 47)

Then I went swimming and I did 35 laps (50 minutes). It was fun, but I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Tonight I had a great run. I ran with Carol at Sugar House park. I ran with her for one lap but then I couldn't keep up any more. I did two laps around the outside, and one lap on the inside than added two minutes out and back. The first lap was in 15:11, the second was in 16:08, and the last lap, around the inside of the park, plus the add on was in 15:07. The last lap around the park alone took me 11:30. That gives me a total time of 46:27 which is 7:44 pace. The run felt good, it was hard to keep that pace and I found that if I let my mind wander I would slow down alot and have to speed back up, but if I stay focused I can keep going at the pace I want to. That's the fastest 6 mile run I've went on in a long time. I am glad to know I can do a run at that pace and not be totally dead afterwards. Hopefully I can do most of my runs at this pace from now on. I guess it's not a matter of being able to do it but a matter of making myself do it. (pegasus 53)

Weight: 0.00
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AM- Today Me and Carol ran on pipeline trail. I ran from burch hollow to church's fork. It ended up being about three miles. My legs were really tired, so I just ran easy because I have a speed workout tonight. My time was 29:25. At the turn around I was at 13:58, and the second half took me 15:26. That is 9:48 pace. I got a blood blister under a blister I already had, but I didn't even notice it till I looked at my foot. At the beginning I was having trouble breathing but once I got started it was fine. (Pegasus 56)

PM- I got to the track today and did a loop around the park, and some speed changes on the track. I was feeling really sick and it only got worse as I ran. I was supposed to do 200's I tried doing one (36) but still wasn't feeling well so I jogged a loop around the inside of sugar house and decided that was enough. It was 4.5, which gives me 7.5 for the day. Hopefully tomorrow I'll do better. (Pegasus 58)

Weight: 0.00
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AM- Today I went on a spur of the moment run. I was just sitting at home, when I got a phone call from my dad telling me that there are some girls from judge (some of my friends who I went to a cross-country camp with last summer) about to run past our street and maybe you can join them. So I rushed through my house got my stuff on and started running towards them. I ran from my house on Holladay Blvd. to Hillsden Dr. then down Hillsden to Cottonwood ln. and from Cottonwood ln. to Walker ln. Then I ran from Walker ln. to Highland dr. and Highland dr. to 6200 s. You can see the course here:

I never found them but I got a good workout in anyways. It ended up being 3.3 miles and it took me 27:00, which is 8:11 pace. It was really hot out! 92 degrees.Then I went into the gym at 6200 s. and Highland and called my dad for a ride home since I am planning on doing another workout tonight anyways. While I waited for him I did some 400's on the treadmill. I did four of them in 1:25, so my final time was 32:40 for 4.3 miles which ends up being 7:36 pace. The 400's felt good, towards the end of each one I could definitly feel it in my legs, I'm not sure how much longer I could have held the pace, I'll have to try that another time.  Hopefully tonight I can have just as good of a workout.(Pegasus 62)

Was planning on running tonight, but I'm not feeling well, so I'll run again tomorrow.

Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM- Today I ran from my house on the Salt Lake Marathon Course backwards till I got to Gymnastics Training Center. It ended up being 5.6 miles and I did it in 47:11 which is 8:26 pace. When I got to GTC I did some conditioning. I did 100 hollow crunches, 100 hollow rockers, 30 dips, 15 pull-ups, 30 leg lifts, 100 calf raisers, 45 push-ups, and 1 minute hand stand. (Pegasus 67)

Weight: 0.00
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Race: Judges Run 5k (3.1 Miles) 00:22:55, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I felt good about my race today, but my splits were not to great. I warmed up about a half mile before the race which wasn't enough but I got to the start kind of late and also wasn't very motivated to warm-up. Then the race started and my first mile was 6:36, It felt good and I was excited to be over twenty seconds faster than the first mile in Heart of Holladay. The second mile was a gradual uphill but my time was still too slow. I ran a 7:55, and the last mile was a 7:37. The last tenth was 46. My final time was 22:55. I heard from alot of people that they ran about 40 seconds slower than Heart of Holladay because of the course. As far as effort goes I think I stayed consistent throughout the whole race because I was with the same people, and I was passing and gaining on people ahead of me. One thing that would have made my race faster was if I hadn't kept looking back. I looked back and saw how far away Alex was so I didn't attempt to kick and didn't run as fast the last mile as I probably could have. It would be better for me to run in fear. Other than that it was a good race. In the upcoming week I want to be more consistent in getting the mileage in. I'm supposed to try to hit 50.

Weight: 0.00
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Weight: 0.00
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