Blake Bennions running

Week starting Dec 21, 2014

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Member Since:

Jun 01, 2013



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Running Accomplishments:

Ran for Alta and SUU on their Cross Country/Track and Field teams

Short-Term Running Goals:

Stay healthy and and build mileage

sub 16:00 5k

Win crossover half

Win twisted fork 30k

Fast as I can go at Big Bear Marathon

32 minutes at Des News 10k

2500 miles during 2025

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep running

Run the Boston Marathon at least once


Married, we have one daughter so far. I ran for Alta high school and was trained by Rob Murphy, he is a great coach, one of the best there is. I also ran for Southern Utah University.

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Miles:This week: 44.00 Month: 60.00 Year: 428.20
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

9.4 easy today, I ran 2.5 of them on a tread mill and went up to 5:00 pace for a quarter mile, just to let my body know I would be doing more of that in a few weeks. I might do a 1600m in Florida because that would be really fun at sea level. I've been busy the past few days, I missed my run on Saturday because I was about to do it at night but my friend called and invited me to the BYU-Stanford game and I felt like I should go. I had a good time and I've been battling a knee injury I hurt again during the my break, its all better after the extra day off so I think it's a good thing I took it off. That tendon has been bothering me on and off since I overstretched it in 9th grade, I need to be more careful. I found a little inspiration today, if I'm going to run on a Division 1 team like USU I need to earn my spot. I need to work harder, train smarter, and be better than all the other athletes who want a spot on a Division1 team. I need to do my best and make some great PRs, I don't just want to make the team, I want to be a really valuable asset to the team.

Blood test confirmed I am allergic to wheat, onion, and soy. I have to keep eating them until my endoscopy in January but then I will stop and my throat will clear up, should be healed just in time for Pineview.

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Same run as yesterday but only a mile at the rec center. It was a pretty good run, besides Davis and American Fork I am the fastest returning senior for the mile in 5A. Thats a confidence booster, I want to catch all those guys this year. I'm really excited about what I can do this year. I want to be a legit contender for the 5A 1600m State Championship, and I want to win region 3 1600m championship. I have a lot to improve, but I'm a hard worker and I'm determined to give it my best.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

7.6, not the most enjoyable. Glad I'm going to Florida!!! I can only imagine how nice, beautiful, and warm it will be. I've really been missing the coast,and I bet Florida is 3x as nice as Maryland, it definitely was the only time I went there, but that was only for one day on a cruise. I got to 25 for the first half of the week because I will be flying to Texas to meet up with my friend and his family and then driving to Florida. So I don't know how much time I will have to run, I will try to get in 5-7 tomorrow morning before Christmas activities start. As long as I get to 30-32 tomorrow, I will be fine for mileage. My goal range for the next two weeks is 40-45 miles per week, maybe a little more. Then indoor track will start and school will be back. I've been coughing and spiting up a lot of blood lately, and I've had a bloody nose both today and yesterday, maybe its the new medicine, or maybe its the dryness, or maybe its that I'm allergic to 90% of what I eat. Maybe a combination.

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Merry Christmas everyone! Today's run was a cold one, my eyes... Yes my eyes were freezing off, I guess I will wear my sunglasses next time it snows, but luckily next time I run will be down south where its warm! Got the run in 30 minutes before Christmas starts, so I can shower and pack any last minute stuff.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Today I woke up at 5 and drove from to San Antonio, I will be in Tallahassee at 8:30 or so, I will try to get in a 5 mile run. Louisiana Was really pretty but also scary, I would love to run through there but I also feel like I would probably die. And Mississippi was kinda dull, Alabama seems ok but Louisiana was by far the best! I wouldn't want to live there though! Next is Florida, been a long drive haha. Yesterdays flight was ok, although airports are really lame when you're on your own. Almost to Florida!

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Got into Orlando at 5 or so and went for a 73 minute run at a good pace. I feel really good. Showering down here feels weird, I forgot about that! Or maybe I just didn't notice before. Florida is pretty! I got back in time to see Byu come back against no. 8 Gonzaga to finish the first half tied! Hopefully they will win! I might run tomorrow, but I got to 40 miles this week so its optional, if I do run, it will be like 4-5 miles. Florida feels good!

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