
January 2023

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Member Since:

Jan 15, 2018



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Attended Japanese high school and finished in March 2020. Was very lucky to be able to be a member of a very good team of runners at my high school, even though I was injured most of the time and was not able to be much of a contributor. Am currently doing an Engineering internship at a large manufacturer of Automotive transmissions, etc. It is really exciting. In spring of 2021, if COVID-19 has subsided, I am planning to serve an LDS mission, after which I plan to go to college and study Engineering.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Total Distance
Total Distance

Jogged a very slow 5 miles. Have gained a lot of weight and could really feel it.

Total Distance

5 miles at 8 min./mile.  Felt very good, even though it was very cold.

From Rob Murphy on Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 06:41:39 from

Welcome back!

From Eva Splaine on Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 16:36:49 from

Thanks, Mr. Murphy! Nice to be back.

Total Distance

I tried to push the pace a little this morning, but all I could do was 7:30/mile for 5 miles.


Total Distance

5 easy miles. Forgot my watch so I don't know my time for this run. I just ran very relaxed.  Stopped a couple of times to look at the moon and the stars. Very enjoyable run.

Total Distance

Ran 5 miles at a good pace. At times during the run, I felt like my old self again. 

Total Distance

I was going to do a speed workout today, but I decided it is too early for that, so I did an easy 5 miles. I was happy that I was able to run every day this week. I will take a day off tomorrow.

Total Distance

Ran 5 miles easy with some fast portions mixed in.  Averaged about 7:30 a mile

Total Distance

Ran 5 easy miles. 

It is really difficult for me now to get excited about running. It is cold outside and it takes so much time to get into some warm running clothes. I feel I am dressing to go to the North Pole or something. I woke up yesterday morning, but I just couldn't get out from underneath my blanket and rolled over and went back to sleep. I need to find something to help me become motivated. 

Total Distance

8 x 1000 m @ 4:00min

I didn't run these repeats very fast, but it did feel good to run a little harder today.


Total Distance

Easy 5 miles. Felt very heavy and tired today. Maybe it was because of the harder running I did yesterday.

It has been almost 2 weeks now since I started running again. I thought I would be able to get right back into it, but it is taking a lot longer than I thought it would to get back into running condition.

I think I will continue with this distance until it feels more comfortable.


Total Distance

5 miles at 7:30/mile pace.  It seems that this pace has become a barrier. I can't push myself to run faster than this.

Total Distance

Took a short trip with my mom last week, so had a week off.

Ran 5 miles today very easy with some fast portions mixed in.

Total Distance

Ran a hard 5 miles at 7:00/mile. I felt like quiting after the first mile, but the following miles became much easier. I guess my body relaxed after the first mile.


Total Distance

5 very slow miles.

Went bowling for a couple of hours yesterday with some friends. Used some muscles I don't usually use and was very sore today, so just took it very easy.

Total Distance

Ran 5 miles at a good pace of 7:00/mile.

I have a chance of going to Salt Lake City to live and to go to the university from there. There are several universities in the area, and if I go to Salt Lake City, I will have to decide on a school. I am now trying to get as much information about the different possibilities now. I am looking for a school with a good Engineering program.



From Brandon Reich on Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 18:25:05 from

The University of Utah has some really good programs you should check out

Total Distance

Actually was able to get up early this morning and make it out the door to run 5 miles.

I have decided that I will take the offer to move to Salt Lake City. I will be going there in April. I will be living with an elderly woman that we know there.  I will be helping her with her needs while being able to live in her house with her rent free.  

I will be applying to a university nearby.

My choices in order of preference are:

1. BYU

2. University of Utah

3. Utah Valley University

4. Weber State University

I am not sure what the commute time will be to some of the universities, so I don't know if commuting to BYU, for example, will be possible.

The University of Utah is the closest to where I will be living, but it will be more expensive because of out-of-state tuition.

Anyway, before I decide, I have to be accepted first.

Total Distance

6 miles easy jogging.

Total Distance

5 miles hard at 7:00/mile. (right now for me that is a fast pace)

Total Distance

5 miles at 7:20/mile.  Felt very easy. I need to start increasing the speed a little.

From Eugene on Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 09:03:56 from

Hi! Hope life's been treating you well :)

From Eva Splaine on Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 15:18:51 from

Hey Eugene...It good to hear from you. How have you been? Are you still running crazy 100 mile weeks? Have you graduated from school?

Total Distance

6 miles of walking. The weather couldn't have better.


Total Distance

6 easy miles at 7:30/mile pace.  Right achilles is acting up.


3 mile walk in the afternoon.

Total Distance

3 mile jog in the rain.  I felt really dedicated to my running this morning to be able to get out there in the cold rain.

Total Distance

3 miles of easy walking.  Had some kind of a stomach bug over the weekend and still feel a little weak.

Total Distance

5 miles easy in the morning, then 3 miles walking in the afternoon.

Total Distance

12 mile long walk. Enjoyed myself looking at cherry blossoms.

Still having problems with the right achilles tendon.

Total Distance

5 miles at about 7:00 min/mile in the moring.

3 miles walking in the afternoon.

Total Distance

Walked 3 miles.

Total Distance

Walked 5 miles in the morning.

Walked 5 miles in the afternoon.

Total Distance

AM: 5 miles running at 7:30/mile.  Right achilles still hurts when I run.  There is no problem when I walk.

PM: 6 miles walking.


Total Distance

12 miles walking. 

Total Distance

5 miles of walking

Total Distance

5 miles of walking.

I wish my achilles would heal.


Total Distance

AM: Ran 5 miles at 7:10/mile pace.

PM: Walked 10 miles.

Total Distance

AM: 5 miles fast at 6:30/mile.  Achilles hurt but I ignored it. (Maybe it is not too smart to ignore the pain, but I am getting impatient for it to heal.)

PM: 6 miles of walking.


From Ethan Cannon on Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 20:43:43 from

I was out for almost a year with an achilles tendon injury. Each time I would get impatient, come back too quick, hurt myself, and have to start from scratch. Be careful!

Total Distance

AM: 5 miles at a pace of 7:10/mile.  Achilles didn't hurt too much today.

PM: 3 miles of walking.

This is my last week here. Next week I will be in Salt Lake City.

Total Distance

AM: 5 miles very slow and easy.

PM: 5 miles of walking.

Total Distance

AM: 5 miles (8 x 800 m @ 3:00).  Was disappointed. Thought I could run faster than that.  I guess I need to do more sprints to increase my leg turnover.


Total Distance

AM: 5 miles very easy jogging.

PM: 3 miles walking.

Total Distance

AM: 5 miles @ 7:00/mile.

Total Distance

AM: 5 miles slow @7:30/mile pace.

This was my last day running here in Japan.  I will leave Japan next week. I have really enjoyed it here. I hope to return someday. My step-father is Japanese and He and my mom have decided that they will live here in Japan. 

Next week will start a new chapter in my life. I am nervous but excited for what the future will bring.

Total Distance

Arrived in Salt Lake City on Tuesday.  It was 83 degrees when I arrived. It felt great.  I woke up this morning to snow.  First snow that I have seen this year.  Don't think I will try running until next week.  Still very jetlagged.

Total Distance

AM: Ran a very easy 4 miles. First run since I arrived in Salt Lake City.  It was a beautiful morning. I ran down to the Utah State Capitol Building and looked at the cherry blossoms. It was beautiful.

Total Distance

4 miles @7:30/mile.  I got tired real quick. It may be the altitude here. I have been at sea level for such a long time.

Total Distance

Ran 4 miles. At the beginning of the run, I felt really tired, so I took it really easy @ 9:00/mile, but part way through the run, I felt much better, and ended up the last half of the run @ 7:00/mile.

Total Distance

3 miles very, very slow.

Total Distance

4 miles today in about 30 minutes.

Total Distance

Very slow 4 mile run in approximately 40 minutes. Had a beautiful view looking out over Salt Lake City.

Total Distance

4 miles very easy. 

One of these days I am going to have to start doing more than just easy runs. 

Over the last 18 months I gained 30 pounds. I have in the last couple of months lost about 15 pounds of that, but I want to lose more before I start doing anything really hard.


From Rob Murphy on Wed, May 03, 2023 at 13:30:27 from

Lots of walking will accelerate the weight loss without risking injury.

Total Distance

4 miles mostly easy with some fast portions mixed in.


Total Distance

5 miles @ 7:30/mile pace.  I was a cold morning.

Total Distance

Warm up jog

4 x 1000m at a fast pace with 200m jogging in between. (distances were not exact.  I estimated them.)

All running was done on the road.  I wish there were a track nearby that I could use. I know that there is a high school not too far from where I am living, but I don't know if I am allowed to use the track.

Cool down jog.

Total Distance

5 easy miles.

Total Distance

5 miles at a moderate pace.

A new friend that I have met here is taking me to lunch today at a place in Salt Lake City called Chuckorama. It is a buffet restaurant. I am looking forward to it, but am afraid I might eat too much. :(

From Rob Murphy on Wed, May 10, 2023 at 09:22:46 from

The whole point of Chuck-a-rama is eating too much.

From Eva Splaine on Wed, May 10, 2023 at 17:18:00 from

Mr. Murphy

I just got back from lunch. The food was good and I was good and did not eat too much, and I even stayed away from the carbonated drinks. Have you ever eaten at Chuck-a-rama?

From Jon on Wed, May 10, 2023 at 21:36:58 from

Where did you serve your mission?

Total Distance

5 easy miles @ 8:30/mile

Total Distance

Warm up run.

12 x 200m sprints with 200m walking in between.

Cool down run.

Total Distance

Ran up City Creek Canyon in Salt Lake City this morning. It was the first time in such a long time. It brought back some really good memories. The river was flowing very fast today. I didn't see any animals, but I did see many (about 8) perigrine falcons. I love this run. I definitely need to do it more often. It is my favorite run of all time. My thigh muscles are sore now.

Total Distance

Did 2 miles very easy and then 3 miles at a fast pace.

Total Distance

5 miles at a very easy pace.  I don't know why, but I am really having a hard time running at a fast pace and maintaining it.

Total Distance

5 miles at a moderate pace.  A friend of mine has been trying to teach me how to golf. He took me to a practice range today and we hit a bunch of golf balls.....Hmmm  not really sure if I am suited for golf.

Total Distance

5 miles very easy.

Total Distance

Ran 5 easy miles today.  I have really been having trouble connecting to the FRB.  I keep getting a message that it is an unsafe site and that the Certification is unvalid.  Don't really understand all of that, but I am tired of fighting it, so I probably won't be visiting this site much from now on.

Total Distance

About 8 miles. Ran from my house to the entrance of City Creek Canyon.  Then ran to the 1.5 mile mark and back down. I was 3 minutes faster this week than last. Also felt much easier and I did not get sore today.

There was a lot of water in the river today and I enjoyed listening to the river flow as I ran up the canyon.

Yesterday I had a lot of trouble getting on to the FRB, but seems to be okay today.

Total Distance

6 miles at an easy 9 min/mile pace.  I am not sure why whenever I go above this pace, I start having trouble breathing.

Total Distance

5 easy miles. 

Went golfing with my friend. I think I have improved a little. I think I know which end of the club to hold now.... :)

Total Distance

5 miles at 9:00/mile pace.

I mowed a lawn today for the first time in my life. I don't think it is my favorite thing to do.

Total Distance

5 at an easy pace.  One of these days I need to start increasing the intensity of my runs.

Total Distance

Ran from my home to City Creek Canyon and then ran the canyon. I got caught in a rainstorm, but it was fun running the canyon in the rain.

I usually have been running City Creek on Saturdays, but there is a race there tomorrow, so I ran it today instead.

Total Distance

3 miles at a vey easy pace. I have decided that starting in June I will step up my training.

Total Distance

Warm up run from my house to the mouth of City Creek Canyon.

Ran to the 1.5 mile mark in the canyon and back down. 12 minutes up, 9 minutes down for about 21 minutes.

Cool down run back home.

Total Distance

5 miles easy.

Played golf this morning. I am getting better.

Total Distance

8 Miles. A mix of moderate and easy.

I am going to mow the lawn now.  That has to be equivalent to a couple of miles. :)

Total Distance

5 miles at a moderate pace.


Total Distance

6 miles hard.

Total Distance

Ran an easy 5 miles around the Utah state capitol building and memory grove.

There was some kind of fire in the city while I was running this morning.

Total Distance

10 miles at 8:00min/mile pace with about 10 x 200 m sprints mixed in.

Total Distance

6 miles at a moderate pace.  My breathing it getting much better. I still lack a lot of muscular strength in my legs.

Total Distance

12 miles at 8:00/mile pace. Mixed in some faster sections along the way. Felt a lot easier than monday's run. 

I feel more and more confident at going faster. 

Total Distance

6 miles at a fast pace. I felt very good and relaxed today. Running is starting to feel good again.

Total Distance

6 miles easy at 8 min/mile pace. Was going to go longer but I got up late this morning.

Going bowling with my friend today.

Total Distance

3 miles easy.  I slept in this morning and when I finally woke up I didn't feel much like running.

Mowed the lawn.

Total Distance

8 miles at about 8:00/mile pace.  This pace is starting to get too comfortable. One of these days I need to get brave and drop that down to 7:30/mile.

Total Distance

6 miles at about 7:45/mile pace. Felt pretty good.

After running went with my friend to play golf. I am definitely improving, which makes it much more fun.

After golf, we went to "Fresh Donut & Deli" on State Street in Salt Lake City. Really good donuts!

Total Distance

8 miles @ 8 min/mile pace.

Slept in again this morning so I didn't have time to run as much as I wanted to.

Total Distance

6 miles. Started at 8 min/mile pace and ended up at 7 min/mile. Felt good. My breathing is good. My leg strength is still lacking.

Total Distance

A little stiff and sore from yesterday's run, so only did 5 miles very easy today.

Total Distance

8 miles this morning. 

Warm up from my house to City Creek Canyon.

Ran to the 1.5 mile mark in City Creek Canyon.

About 11 minutes up and 9 minutes down.

Cool down back to home.

Total Distance

8 miles at 7:30 min/mile.  Felt comfortable and relaxed.

Total Distance

6 miles very easy.  I love these easy days. :)

Played golf after running.

Total Distance

Did a warm up run.

Then did 12 x 200m sprints @ 40sec per.

Walked 200 m in between.

Did a cool down run.

After running, my friend took me to "Golf in the Round" to practice hitting with some woods.  The woods are my worst, but I am getting better.

Total Distance

6 miles very easy.

Total Distance

8 miles @ 7:30 min/mile pace.  Legs were still tired from Wednesday's workout.

Total Distance

I was going to run City Creek Canyon today, but the SLC track club was having a 10K race, so instead I ran a warm up run, then sprinted some hills, and did a cool down run.

Total Distance

8 miles at 7:00 min/mile pace. Felt a little sluggish today.


Got a copy of my "Mechanical Engineers Handbook" today.  Almost 900 pages of exciting reading.  :)

I am really looking forward to starting school this fall.

Total Distance

6 miles easy. Started at about 8 min/mile pace and worked down to about 7 min/mile.

Went golfing with my friend after running. Had a very good time, and then my friend took me to Harmons at City Creek to do some shopping. It was my first time there. It was a very nice supermarket and very clean (a little expensive though).

Total Distance

8 moderate miles. Started out very slow and easy and continued picking up the pace until if ended at about 6:40 min/mile pace.

As I have been getting faster, I am starting to enjoy running again.

Total Distance

6 miles very, very easy.

Went golfing with my friend after running, and then we went and did some bowling.  I am a terrible bowler. Had a high score of 96. I am almost as bad at bowling as I am at golf.  :)

Total Distance

6 very easy miles.

Total Distance

Warm up run to City Creek Canyon.

Ran up to the 1.5 mile mark and back down as fast as I could run. (Forgot my watch today, so I don't know what my time was.)

Cool down run back home.

Total Distance

5 very easy miles.

Total Distance

8 miles at 7:30 min/mile pace.

Total Distance

6 miles easy at 9 min/mile pace.

After running went golfing.

Total Distance

8 miles very easy.

Went to "Golf the Round" after and hit a buket of balls with a driver.

Total Distance

6 miles....3 miles walking, 3 miles easy jogging.

Not feeling too well today. I think it might be the heat.

Total Distance

8 moderate miles.

Total Distance

My bed felt too comfortable this morning and I didn't get up early enough for a longer run.

Did 4 miles very easy.

Total Distance

8 easy miles. It was very hot this morning running. I am not a fan of the heat.

Total Distance

6 miles at a moderate pace.

Total Distance

8 miles very easy. 

A washing machine repairperson is supposed to come today, so I am being lazy today waiting for him to come.

Total Distance

2 miles easy and 4 miles hard.  Went bowling today. My high score today was 132. 

Total Distance

6 easy miles.

Went to the Days of 47 Rodeo last night. It was GREAT! It was the first time for me to see a rodeo. The drone light show and fireworks at the end were unbelievable. I have never seen anything like that before.

Total Distance

Very easy 3.

Total Distance

5 easy miles.  It is too hot to be outside running.

Total Distance

6 miles easy. It has been so hot recently running outside, so I decided to go to the country rec center and run on the treadmill. I found out while I was running that the air conditioning in the building was broken. It probably would have been cooler to run outside today.

I have only been getting about 5 hours of sleep recently, and together with the heat, my lack of sleep has made running very difficult.

Total Distance

6 miles easy. It seems that I am only able to get up the energy to do easy runs.

Played golf this morning.

Total Distance

6 easy miles.

Went bowling after running.

Total Distance

8 miles slow and easy.

Mowed the lawn after. Then had a HagenDas Ice Cream bar for a treat.


Total Distance

I couldn't separate myself from my bed this morning, so no running today.

Total Distance

8 miles slow.

Total Distance

6 at a moderate to fast pace.

Went golfing, then bowling afterward.


Total Distance

8 miles fast.

Total Distance

6 miles easy. Nice and cool this morning.

Total Distance

6 Miles.  Of that I ran a 5K time trial. I wanted to get as close to 18 minutes as possible. I ran 18:34, which is the fastest that I have run in a very long time.

From Rob Murphy on Fri, Aug 04, 2023 at 11:46:21 from

That's a great place to start and time trials are hard especially if you did it alone.

From Eva Splaine on Sat, Aug 05, 2023 at 06:56:20 from

Thanks Mr. Murphy.

I am trying to get into shape so that I can maybe run some races in the Fall, or if not then, next spring.

I have finally gotten back down to my ideal body weight, which is very helpful.

Total Distance

My body was very sore today from yesterday's run.

I ran a very, very easy 5 miles. I was going so slow that I didn't think the run would ever end. The weather was nice and cool.  I love it like this.  I hope that 100-degree weather doesn't return.

Total Distance

10 miles of a mix of fast, moderate and slow portions.  Had a very enjoyable run.

Total Distance

5 miles easy.

Total Distance

6 moderate miles.

Then played golf. I am trying to learn to put a spin on the ball, but I just can't seem to get it.

Total Distance

Easy 3 miles.

Golf afterwards.

Total Distance

6 fast miles.

Total Distance

3 miles easy.

Total Distance

8 miles easy. Got a muscle spasm in my back during the run. It still bothers me. Hope I can run tomorrow.

Total Distance

6 miles very easy.

Golf afterwards. Came very close to a hole in one on a par 3 (wasn't skill, just luck).

Total Distance

8 miles. 5 miles were easy and 3 miles were hard.


Total Distance

6 miles at 8:00/mile pace.

Going bowling this morning.

Total Distance

10 miles at 7:30/mile pace. Felt so humid during this morning's run.

Total Distance

3 very easy miles.

Total Distance

8 miles easy.  Very enjoyable run today.


Total Distance

6 miles easy.

Total Distance

10 miles at 7:20/mile pace.

Have some great classes at school.

Total Distance

6 very easy miles.

Total Distance

8 miles at a medium pace.

Total Distance

3 easy miles.

Total Distance

8 miles at a moderate pace.

Total Distance

6 miles easy.

Total Distance

8 miles at very easy pace.

Went on a picnic to City Creek Canyon with my friend. It was really nice in the canyon today.  I think it is the first time that I have been up the canyon in a car. I have always run up the canyon before. Seemed kind of strange not to be running it.

Total Distance

6 easy miles.  Beautiful full moon this morning.

Total Distance

6 easy miles.  There was some wild wind today. I really don't like wind very much.

Total Distance

3 miles easy.

Total Distance

6 miles at a moderate pace. Ran in between rain storms.

From Rob Murphy on Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 10:33:43 from

Fall is in the air!

Total Distance

AM: 5 miles

PM: 5 miles

They found a dead body today in the Jordan River near the golf course where I play golf. Kind of scary...

Total Distance

6 moderate miles.

Total Distance

6 easy miles.

Total Distance

6 moderate miles (7:30/mile pace)

Total Distance

5 miles easy

Total Distance

8 miles (5 miles easy, 3 miles hard)

Total Distance

5 easy miles

Total Distance

5 miles hard.

Total Distance

3 miles easy.

Total Distance

3 easy miles, followed by golfing and then bowling.


Total Distance

3 easy miles to end an easy week.

Total Distance

5 miles easy.

Total Distance

Just couldn't get out of bed this morning. It is dark in the mornings now and makes it harder to get up.


Total Distance
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