Not a race, but when one of us on FRB gets a chance to run a R2R2R in the Grand Canyon we usually post it as such since it's a better way to share the experience. I've always kind of felt I was cheating the Canyon a little by running the R2R2R in early Spring, late Fall, or at night. Today I ended up with a day off without kids which is unusual so I took the chance to run the canyon.
This run was from the Grand Canyon North Rim campground, North Rim to the South Rim via Bright Angel and back. Full sun all day but with a great temp/dew point spread which really helped. In a change from previous years I started the descent down the North Rim slow, just below 10 minute pace. In the canyon base coming through Cottonwood the temps were already noticably different from previous years. Forcasts were 78 F at the Noth Rim, 103 F at Phantom Ranch, and 85 at the South Rim. They didn't dissapoint. Phantom Ranch was 94 F on the first pass through and 104 F coming back. I stayed soaked as much as I could but it would pretty much evaporate in 15 minutes. Up the South Rim via Bright Angel and still going fairly conservative. I reached the Rim in 5:12 including breaks to refill water four times. The trip back was hot as I expected and I ran carefully. My stomach was having difficulty taking in enough water to stay hydrated. Went through some pretty queasy miles in the heat. But my pace stayed pretty much the same mostly because I was running so slow to begin with. Reaching Cottonwood I knew the hardest part was ahead and jumped in the swimming hole in the river. I will never run across the canyon again without doing this. Incredible deep pool. I soaked until I was shivering and my legs were numb. I knew it was a sure way to get my core temps down quick. The climb up the North Rim kicked by butt completely. It always has. One day I will be in shape to just run up this thing instead of a total suffer fest. I had a 100 ounce Camelbak and was soaking myself completly every chance I had. I basically never ran dry on the run back. Came up the North Rim and ran the last mile to the campground. The first R2R2R that I have ever ran faster on the way back than the way over.
Insane fun day of running! Couple of notes on the run today. There were 4 emergency evacuations today, one helicopter one our of Phantom ranch that happened while I was there. The hikers up the South Rim were shot. I could have spent the day helping people try to get up and sharing my water. I have never witnessed so many people just crashing. The caution signs all over on the South Rim make a lot more sense now. I never saw a single runner in the canyon either way, a first in my experience. In the middle cooridor I only ran into three groups of hikers the entire day. Last, at the trailhead on the North Rim a ranger came up to me as I was prepping for start and asked about the run. He gave me a high five and was really excited with a lot of questions. Talked through the water stops and asked if I needed anything.
Total stats from Garmin GPS: 49.4 miles, 15,330 feet elevation gain, 15, 427 feet elevation lost. Net elevation during run 30,757 feet.
