I camped at the lake and ran 24 miles into Buckskin Gulch, Lake Powell and still didn't reach the end of this incredible slot canyon reported to be the longest in the world. I think I was within a mile or two though. Incredible running at 50 degrees up along the rock rim and down through the slot. With temps like this I was able to run this light today with only a Mt Dew and some Fig Newtons. Kept it slow and just took it all in. This has to be one of the top five trails I've ever ran. Tonight I'm going to try and sneak down to the Res and do a night run through Antelope Canyon. No idea what the Navahos do if they catch you at that. Might have to go to work tomorrow night which would mean catching a flight out of Page so I have to get in here what I can. I took some video today running the terraces and the canyon. Can't wait to see it.