AM - No run for me. I decieded that I would not run this morning as the knee was not showing any improvement and had bugged me all day yesterday. It still hurt a little throughout the day but not as much as yesterday. PM - Went for 4 miles with James and noticed that the knee hurt the the most during the first mile and then lessened a little after that to the point that I only felt it every once in a while during the last 2 miles. However, when we finished and it was time to stop it was hard to slow down and stop as the pain really kicked in. So it seems that once I am up to speed the knee seems ok except a few twinges every once in awhile but the knee does not want to stop and walking still hurts a lot more than running does. So I guess I just need to run everywhere! :-) I am just kidding but it seems that way. I will continue ice and ibuprofin and see how things progress. I will attempt to just cut way back on the volumne and intensity and see if that works as I really do not want to have to stop running all together. If it does not start getting better or I notice it gets worse then I guess I will have no choice. I hope it does not come to that! To those that have had these symptoms I appreciate the advice. Also, has anyone used a knee strap for similiar conditions with any success? I am thinking about trying a Cho Pat type knee strap or brace but I am not sure it would do any good as I have never really known anyone who has used one.