K+47 days
AM - 1 hour and 15 minutes spin bike 45 minutes of strength exercises
PM - 1 hour and 15 minutes of spin bike 45 minutesof strength exercises
Total of about 30 miles on spin bike and four hours total work.
Today was a lot more time on the feet than normal. However, I think it was good as I think it is helping strengthen the left leg. I actually walked with the crutch more like a cane for the majority of the day today. I even walked 100 meters with almost no weight on the crutch at all. The good news is that the knee seems to be handling it better. So now the decision is to keep with the crutch or until I can walk or switch to a cane. I could easily get by with a cane but that just seems so old man like. However, it may be better. I will ask the PT tomorrow. Does anyone else have an opinion? |