Stayed in Midway because we were running the dirty dash. Woke up super early to get some miles in before the dash because I was sure there would be very little running during it. Left the Homestead and headed towards Wasatch State Park. Thought it would be fun to run a couple of miles up Guardsman Pass. While the run up was really hard, I thought too much downhill running was going to cause problems for me so I turned and headed back. Continued on towards Soldier Hollow and an incredibly comfortable pace. Definitely took it way too easy but just getting miles in was all I was concerned about. Ended up with 12 miles. That is a really pretty area to run.
"Ran" the dirty dash with my kids. It really isn't much of a run because it is so crowded. The kids had a ton of fun which was the important thing. At the end of the course, I decided to dive into the too shallow pool of mud. Hit a rock with my hand and opened up a big gash on my hand which required 7 stitches to close. |