AM: Rode up City Creek Canyon and around the Aves. Crazy ball of fire sunrise. Fabulous morning. I heart PT! After reading the 50 Lessons Learned from 50 Days of Running, I've decided to embark on my own running streak (even if it is for only 5 minutes a day). I am hoping that may get me out of my lack of interest in running funk. Well it isn't necessarily a lack of interest, but more of a trying to figure out what direction I want to take with running contemplative funk since I am starting to accept the fact that running might not be the best thing for my old lady joints. Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings. ~Arthur Rubinstein PM: First ever RUN-Chocolate-RUN! Ran from 2nd to 11th on B Street in the rain dodging down trees. Pace was 9:35 (not bad for all uphill), 8:46, 8:50. Stopped at 1.4 miles to pick up some goods at the chocolate shop for the free showing of The Princess Bride outside the Capitol tonight! I think the streak is already working its magic :)