*Super Rant Alert* Total utter meltdown! No biking, running, yoga, hip exercises of all kinds until further notice. Surprisingly, this was the first time I cried at PT. My PT handled me pretty well and fed me Kit Kats and Twix while I iced :) That means no desert birthday weekend. Seriously?!? All I wanted to do was go for a bike ride on my birthday. Seems like that wasn't a whole lot to ask the world - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I know that things could be so much worse, but this is frustrating nonetheless. I have done everything right. I do a million hip exercises every day. I have eased into running slowly and I really haven't pushed it. I ice twice a day. I have been super positive. I stretch. I foam roll. I self-massage. I am slightly pathetically feeling sorry for myself right now... It is just that I am putting so much energy into getting healed that this kind of set back just feels mean. I will get through this. I will get through this. Happy thoughts please!