This morning was very nice and warm it was already 45 degrees at 6 am.. Very nice clear day that required a hat and sunglasses. I decided to do a nice easy long run this morning up my hilly Satterfield loop back to my house. Once you get up the hill on Satterfield St. it's a main road that has 10 dead in side streets along the right all the way down to the end of Satterfield St. These side streets are all uphill for almost 200m's. I would go up each one and come back down to get some downhill and uphill training in. These side streets are about a 4% to 5 % incline. After about 8 miles I took an energy gel and drank some water that I carried with me which digested well. Once I got past mile 13 the rest of the course was flat with some rolling hills. I ate a whole bag of sports beans that I carried with me at mile 16 and that seemed to digest well, and that was followed up by water. The last mile I decided to do a MP mile on a completely flat section back to my house and that went very well finishing at a 6:02 pace for that mile. Totals: 20.31 miles at an overall 6:55 pace in 2:20. Not bad of a long run after running a marathon two weeks ago. My knee really didn't bother me in the run. The time it really hurts is when I bend it straight out I then feel a sharp pain, but only when I do this. Like if I was to sit in a chair and stretch it straight out. I'm not sure what would cause this or where the problem is, but it's only my right knee. I did the run in my new Asics Trainers 13 and they really feel comfortable and I really like them. Their really not that heavy of a shoe for a trainer. (Asics Trainers 13 - 53 miles).