My Right Achilles Tendon was really sore today, but I decided to test the waters. The temperature was 15 degrees with a 12 mph wind so it wasn't to cold except for that wonderful wind that I love. Pocatello is the windiest city in Idaho because were the gateway that leads into the eastern area. The first couple of miles my Achilles hurt and I almost turned around and went back home, but as I kept running the pain decreased but I could still feel it.. I actually ran 11.1 miles at an 6:50 overall pace in 1:16. I'm going to try and run on the home treadmill on the lunch hour to see how things feel, but at a very slow pace. I've never been injuried before so I don't know what to think. Maybe I need to take a month off? I know I need to do some stretching and maybe that will help. But God can heal it and I have the faith and believe he can. It might just be something that will go away in a couple of days. Whatever I did on my fall Saturday cause some issue. Lunch: I debated whether to run on the home treadmill today, and I decided to test out the Achilles and see how it reacts. It felt a little soreness but much much better than this morning. I ran 5 miles. The first mile I did in 7:10. Then I dropped the rest to 6:40 - 6:35, then the last .75 of the last mile I ran 5:30 as fast as my treadmill will go. The Achilles doesn't feel sore after the run, but will see tomorrow.