pm--10 Intervals: 6 x 1000m. The splits were 4:19, 4:16, 4:13, 4:10, 4:07, and 4:04. It felt good overall. It's been hard to get out running lately, but it always feels worth it when I'm done.
pm--10 Went on a run w/ the great ones on the Zen Trail and then added a few on the racetrack after. The Gap/Loop area could be interesting to explore in the future.
am--12 Started the day w/ the 5k for Taleah. I ran w/ Sadie and we finished in roughly 32 minutes. Not much after that, I went w/ Tom and others out to hit BR and Sidewinder. The weather, pace, and conversation were all exceptional. I might starting getting out for a weekend night run on the trails. We'll see if that starts tonight or not.