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Safe Kids 10K

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Member Since:

May 12, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

1/2 marathon  1:43:09--Illinois Marathon, April 2013

10K: 46:50--Safe Kids Run in Crystal Lake Park, April 2010

5K: 22:07--Jingle Bell Run, December 2009

Short-Term Running Goals:

Do another marathon AFTER GOOD TRAINING


1/2 marathon in 1:41 or under


Break Burt's 5K PR by 1 second


10K in 46:00 or under


Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep encouraging my family in their development of a healthy lifestyle


God willing, I will run until the end.


I run with God. I use my running time to contemplate, to pray and to listen for His call. I'm married to a non-runner, but a supportive one, and we have four children.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Iso Lifetime Miles: 133.20
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Omni 8 #3 Miles: 40.25
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I have no idea how I managed to accomplish this, but getting out the door at 5 and not having to be anywhere until 8:30 is part of it.

When I started my run it was dark, but my outfit (long pants and two long sleeve t-shirts) was too warm.  I took off one shirt about 2 miles in.  I did a 9 mile loop to start, and the sun gradually came up.  My garmin was dead, so I just estimated and gmapped it later, and it was .03 less than 9.  I came home, changed into shorts, swapped shirts, got my partially charged garmin and went out again.  On the next loop the fog rolled in, the air was moist and the wind picked up slightly.  When my watched chimed mile 13 and I looked down to see that it was 8:22 (I like Carolyn's arbitrary designation of anything faster than 8:30 being considered fast), I just pushed the pace, and ended my run with a 7:57, 8:07, 7:41, and then 8:15 for the last 1/4 mile.

Last week, thinking about Jane was emotionally draining.  This morning it gave me strength to think of her and pray.  I suppose it being Easter time also is uplifting.

The funeral was, like all funerals, draining.  I couldn't look at Jennie or Becky (two of Jane's kids) without losing it.  I did lose it at 4 moments:  the beginning of the Mass, we sang "Be Not Afraid" and "Here I am Lord" back to back and those songs remind me of my husband's parents; when they draped the coffin; at the beautifully written intentions read by Chuck's cousin Mike; and when we sang "How Great Thou Art," another song that reminds me of Chuck's parents, and I looked behind me to see Jane's oldest sister with tears streaming down her face. 

But I sat behind Jane's 5 beautiful grandkids and watched her youngest (2 year old Sophie) and I know Jane's love for life will live on in the family.

Jane's burial plot is right next to Chuck's parents.  They were neighbors in life--and they are neighbors once more.

Omni 8 #3 Miles: 16.25
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

On schedule for today was some speed.  I ran to the track, saw that they had a track meet going on, stopped to watch and talk to some people I used to work with, decided to scrap the workout and just ran back home for a total of 4 miles.  I was a little stiff from yesterday anyway.

I may be running a 10K on Sat. We're doing a benefit for Luke's family on Saturday that doesn't start until the afternoon, but we have some things to do first.  If I don't do the 10K, I will do the workout that I was supposed to do today instead.  

Omni 8 #3 Miles: 4.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I got started later than normal because 1) we had some bad weather supposedly about to roll in 2) I had some housework to do.

Then when I was folding laundry I looked outside and it was all clear, so I decided to get in a quick run.

My almost dying garmin got only an hour's worth of recharging on Monday and I forgot to recharge it, so when I turned it on it gave me the low battery message.  I tried it anyway and it died in the first mile.

I was planning on running 5, but I almost got hit by a car.  I will not lie--it was partly my fault.  But only partly.  I was crossing a rinky-dink side street and I heard a car, but I assumed that it was going straight.  Instead it turned left, but into the incorrect lane (where I was running).  It seemed like everything slowed down and I stopped and the driver stopped and a guy who I had just passed (he was walking his dog) said something like "Holy cow!"  It was a very near miss.

And I realized right after that I was wearing pretty dark clothes and the sun had set.  It's been a while since I have run at night and I didn't even think to wear my vest because there was still light when I started.  So I took that as my cue to head home instead of running on the street for one more mile.  Plus I didn't want to pass the dog-walking guy again.

My bad.  I'll be a little wiser tomorrow.  And I'll be running earlier.

Omni 8 #3 Miles: 4.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Sat out in the 45 degrees, 30 mph wind for 3 hours as the head timer for a home track meet that I forgot I had signed up to work.  Surely that counts for some kind of exercise?


I have been so distracted lately.  In a perfect world I would have a clean house today, but that obviously didn't happen.  I would also have cross trained, but as soon as my butt touched the couch, it was all over for the night.  I fell asleep snuggling with my boys.  They stayed awake till dad came home at 9:30.  It was a late night for him at work, too.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just nice and easy.  Trying to get back in the groove.

Omni 8 #3 Miles: 5.70
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Race: Safe Kids 10K (6.2 Miles) 00:46:50, Place overall: 2
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Okay.  I really did run a race, but first the more important thing:  Luke's benefit is today!  We got ready last night by putting together raffle prizes and by putting up pictures that the St. Malachy kids drew for him.  We put it up spelling "Luke's Team," cause that's what we are.  I'm the team photog and scrapbooker, so I'll try to post some of the pictures that I take on my blog for tomorrow.  We'll see if I can figure it out.  Maybe at that point I can also find a picture of myself to put up.  But those of you who are the family photogs understand:  I just don't have that many pictures of me--and none of them are taken BY me, so I am critical :)

So just one more plea:  please please please pray for Luke and his family.  This is the depressing note of today:  he is not doing well.  He had to be reintubated on Thursday evening and yesterday his heart rate shot up and his oxygen levels plummeted.  He is more stable this morning, but still really needs strength.

I try to ask in my prayers that God's will be done, but it's hard not to add an addendum.  This child has so much to offer this world.  For 1/5 of his life he has just been known as the really sick kid.  Just in case you are interested in reading his blog:  http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/lukeremington

 So on to the race:  If it was a 7.5K I would have taken first place for the ladies.  The first place finisher passed me at about that point.  I knew it at the time, but looking back at my splits, I COULD HAVE STAYED WITH HER. I slowed way down in the last lap of the race...

I hate racing.  I'm just not good at it.

But I'm going to go ahead and blame it on the fact that my "breakfast" was a pop tart. 

Even though the pop tart wasn't to blame.

Omni 8 #3 Miles: 10.10
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Omni 8 #3 Miles: 40.25
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