I had to show up to jury duty again, but after 1.5 hours they sent us home, as the case we were called in for was settled. I'm done now with jury duty. And this is in response to Joe's comment from yesterday: call me crazy, but I'd rather do jury duty over the summer. I hate missing work--subs never do lessons the way I want them done, and inevitably I have some "cleaning up" to do when I get back. Plus I can't get grading done at home, so I get behind in my grading if I miss. I was originally summoned last October, but I was able to reschedule because it was the week of sectionals. So I chose the summer. I am glad, though, that I wasn't chosen for a jury. I kept checking the weather in the evening, and it kept saying "Feels like 105." "Feels like 107." So I waited till dark to run.