I got started really late because I watched an ultra-exciting 6th grade boys' basketball game. The final score? 26-12. It was a nailbiter. And that reminds me: I heard on the news yesterday that some organization was trying to create a new punctuation mark to indicate that you are being sarcastic. http://www.asylum.com/2010/01/12/sarcmark-introduces-punctuation-to-indicate-sarcasm/ Considering the subject matter, I'm not sure if they're serious.
On to other news, I watched 1000 Ways to Die while I was doing the gazelle. That show is...entertaining, for lack of a better word. Then I got bored with it and watched most of an NCIS episode, but I missed the beginning, so I spent the whole episode really trying to catch up. Outside on Thursday, I do believe. It was a balmy 36 Wed, and I think it'll be just as warm Thurs.