Every Run is a Great Run!

Week starting Dec 05, 2010

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Spanish Fork,UT,USA

Member Since:

Jan 15, 2007



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

Lifetime PRs:

Marathon: 3:07:59 2013 Big Cottonwood Marathon 

1/2 Marathon: 1:24:30 2008 St. George Painters

10K: 38:39 2008 SLCTC

5K: 18:44 2009 Nestle Art City Days 

55-59 AD PRs:

1/2 Marathon:???




Short-Term Running Goals:

2024 plans: 

  • Work on core strength
  • Overcome lingering injuries
  • Have fun!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Consistently place in the top 5 of my age division as long as my body will allow it.

Beat Terry Bean at any distance at least one time before I depart this earth.

Take care of mind and body so I can be in it for the long haul. Don't do STUPID THINGS!

Run until I'm 99 with Kim by my side and remember that EVERY RUN IS A GREAT RUN!

Peace of mind by striving to live like this



I've been married to the lovely Kimberly for 38 years. We have 5 great kids and 5 great grandkids.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Fastwitch #1 Lifetime Miles: 65.50
Asics Gel-Nimbus23 #4 Lifetime Miles: 829.45
Asics Gel-Nimbus23 #5 Lifetime Miles: 483.25
Altra Escalante #1 Lifetime Miles: 194.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Asics Gel 1150 Miles: 36.00Brooks Launch Miles: 4.00Asics Gel 2150 Miles: 12.00Barefoot On Grass Miles: 2.00Asics Gel 2150 #2 Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Got in 10 easy miles in the early morning. Ran 4 solo then 6 more with Kim. Warm for December again this morning around 35 with a little wind and some light rain/snow the last 1/2 of the run. Timing was good as things were getting pretty windy/rainy on the drive in to work. We went a different route than usual including a couple miles on the new trail. Feeling pretty good. Looking forward to pacing Kim at the track tomorrow on some mile repeats.


Asics Gel 1150 Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Early AM: Plan was to go to the track and pace Kim on some mile repeats. But with the rain in the night and just below freezing and humid conditions the track had some slick spots and wasn't safe for faster running. So we went across the street and found trail/sidewalk loop that worked pretty good.

Kim did very well and overachieved considering the less than ideal fast running conditions. Goal was to do 3 x 1 mile around 7:30-7:45 pace with 1/2 mile jog rests. She ended up running 7:32/7:24/7:18 (rests around 5:25-5:30) and finished strong. Perfect. Getting real curious to see what she can do in a 5K race.


Late AM: Sun was shining and it looked beautiful outside so I ran 4 mostly on Kuhni Rd. I felt pretty good, had to resist the urge to go faster than easy pace. Need to save something for hills tomorrow. Decided it was OK to at least beat the 8 min man.


Brooks Launch Miles: 4.00Asics Gel 2150 Miles: 6.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Work at home day which usually means a late AM hill workout. Temps nice again around 40. Mostly cloudy more sun would have been nice but I won't complain, it was nice temps for December run. Kim joined me for about 3 miles then I ran the rest solo. Still feeling real good today like I have all week. Since I did some MP miles yesterday I didn't push much today and kept it all in the easy range. If I'm still feeling good Saturday I may push it a bit then.

8:17/151 max 175

Asics Gel 1150 Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Early AM: Six miles solo on a very dark but not too cold (35 degree) morning.


Late AM: Sun was poking out behind the clouds and quite warm for Dec maybe mid-40s. Ran 2 on the roads and 2 BFOG. Ended up that shorts and short sleeves were just dandy for this run.


Asics Gel 2150 Miles: 6.00Barefoot On Grass Miles: 2.00Asics Gel 2150 #2 Miles: 2.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran 6 in the early morning with Kim on our new out-and-back deer trail route. Our timing was good again like it's been all week and we got the warm, cloudy weather but not the rain that came shortly after we were done.

Kim had noticed lately that on days when I've complained of tight calves, usually on cooler humid days like today, I've always been wearing compression socks. So she wondered if they were making the calves worse. Then we read Allie's marathon report wear she ended up ditching the compression socks due to tight calves. So today I didn't wear the socks and had no problems. Guess maybe they are part of the problem not the solution. I'll go without them from now on and see how it goes.


Later did 25 min XT at work and some core stuff.

Asics Gel 2150 #2 Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Kim and I met up with the SF group at 6am and ran with a few different people throughout the run. I also got in a few solo MP miles the last half of the run. Hal and I saw a bunch of big bull elk in the field out south of Osborne's. Looked like the farmer was trying to chase them up into the hills but I think they just wait until he's gone and then come back.  

Legs feeling pretty good most of the week so it's good to know I can handle the mileage for now. Just need to resist the urge to start doing formal tempo runs until 2011. Pace for faster miles 9, 12, and 16 was 7:06, 7:01, and 7:15.

8:16/156 max 182

Asics Gel 1150 Miles: 16.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Asics Gel 1150 Miles: 36.00Brooks Launch Miles: 4.00Asics Gel 2150 Miles: 12.00Barefoot On Grass Miles: 2.00Asics Gel 2150 #2 Miles: 8.00
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