Every Run is a Great Run!

Week starting May 25, 2008

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Spanish Fork,UT,USA

Member Since:

Jan 15, 2007



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

Lifetime PRs:

Marathon: 3:07:59 2013 Big Cottonwood Marathon 

1/2 Marathon: 1:24:30 2008 St. George Painters

10K: 38:39 2008 SLCTC

5K: 18:44 2009 Nestle Art City Days 

55-59 AD PRs:

1/2 Marathon:???




Short-Term Running Goals:

2024 plans: 

  • Work on core strength
  • Overcome lingering injuries
  • Have fun!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Consistently place in the top 5 of my age division as long as my body will allow it.

Beat Terry Bean at any distance at least one time before I depart this earth.

Take care of mind and body so I can be in it for the long haul. Don't do STUPID THINGS!

Run until I'm 99 with Kim by my side and remember that EVERY RUN IS A GREAT RUN!

Peace of mind by striving to live like this



I've been married to the lovely Kimberly for 38 years. We have 5 great kids and 5 great grandkids.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Fastwitch #1 Lifetime Miles: 65.50
Asics Gel-Nimbus23 #4 Lifetime Miles: 829.45
Asics Gel-Nimbus23 #5 Lifetime Miles: 483.25
Altra Escalante #1 Lifetime Miles: 194.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

When I heard the rain falling this morning I was not exactly so eager to get out for the 20-miler in the rain. But thanks to Kim's encouragement I finally got my fanny out of bed and got out and got it done. Actually ended up being quite a nice run, the rain never really got bad and there was no wind so I'm glad we got it done. We did the long run today instead of Saturday since we didn't run long last week, holiday today so we had the time, and this weekend Kim and I and Darin & Lori Cable will be participating in the Utah County version of the AmazingRace (like the reality show not like a running race).  Our team The Four Fartleks looks to be pretty competitive, I think we'll be tough to beat!

Went 8 miles with Kim ave pace 10:08. Then we parted ways and I went 12 more solo at ave pace of 7:52.  

Legs feeling fine after the crummy 5K Saturday. Also the chest congestion and cough is about gone.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: Nice easy 4.35 mile recovery run on a breezy morning. Went about 4 with Kim before parting ways so she could get a few extra miles in. Feeling pretty good after the 20-miler yesterday. Ave pace 10:05. 

PM: Went with Paul, Nate, Bill and Will out toward Lakeview. They let me go with them even though I only have 3 letters in my name instead of 4. I had said beforehand I was only going 4 miles (I knew at least some of them would be going longer) at 8 min/mi pace or slower. I was proud of myself for resisting the peer pressure and the urge to go longer and/or faster. This may be the 1st time I've ever stuck to my guns. Paul momentarily succumbed to the temptings to go longer but then he repented (with help from his non-running-friendly breakfast) and after we parted ways for a bit he turned around and caught me for the last mile. Both runs today felt very relaxing and therapeutic. Just what my legs needed I think. Ave pace 8:22.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: Warmed up for a couple of miles then it was time for hill repeats. Kim and I were joined by JohnA today as we have been wanting to "share the pain" of the hill repeats and John is always a good glutton for punishment. John and I did 8 x 90s repeats with rests of around 2 1/2 minutes (Kim did 6 repeats as per Coach Tom's orders, I'm sure she would have done 8 if I would have let her). These longer hill repeats are pretty tough but it helped to have John there right on my tail and breathing down my neck the whole time. It didn't help that we had some wind in our faces during most of the repeats. I think John was sandbagging a bit and not going all out since I think it was his first time doing this type of workout this year. Hopefully he can join us again in the coming weeks. Ave pace 9:20.

PM: Went part way out with Nate and Paul towards the lake before turning back early and getting in 4.5 miles. I think those guys ended up with 6.2. Legs are pretty hammered from the hills this morning so I took it real easy. Ave pace 8:42.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: Ran 4.5 with Kim around the river bottoms on a beautiful, slightly brisk morning. Kim got in a bit more afterward. Ave pace 9:55.

Late AM: Ran 7 miles solo on Kuhni road. Kind of a blah run. Windy. Was glad to get it over with. Not very "spiritualicious" (the word I stole from Paul Thomas). Paul maybe you can come up with a word to describe these kind of duddy runs. Ave pace 7:51.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: Ran just over 6 with Kim mostly around the river bottoms. We threw in 6 90s intervals along the way just for fun. Kim was really moving smooth and speedy on these intervals, especially the last 2. I can see that eventually she just might have a sub-7min pace 5K in her. Ave pace 9:42.

Late AM: 7 miles at work on Kuhni Road. Did some timed intervals starting at about 1.5 miles, 8 x 90s bursts with 180s jog rest in between. Kept the pace mostly in the 5:30-5:45 range. Looks like I covered around .27 miles per interval. Felt pretty good today, didn't feel like I had to kill myself to hit this pace range. Ave pace per each interval was 5:42, 5:43, 5:37, 5:35, 5:37, 5:36, 5:43, 5:29. Overall average pace for the 7 miles 7:30.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Dang! Close but no cigar as far as the RaceAllNight/AmazingRace competition went. Later I'll post a link to Kim's personal blog which includes pictures and her perspective.

Summary: Our fine 4 person (2 couples) team The Four Fartleks actually led the race at the halfway point. But as Kim lamented...."it's nice to lead at halftime but it's the score at the end of the game that matters". Due to a few glitches, some beyond our control and some not, we did not win the competition, but rather finished 50 points behind ending up in 4th or 5th place.

This was much more strenuous than I anticipated. Perhaps doing a 2-a-day including 8 x 90s timed fartleks yesterday wasn't so smart. I'm counting it as 6 miles running because I know we ran at least that much. But with all the cross-training we did what with climbing, riding, biking, wallyball, etc, it feels more like I ran 15-20 miles.

So round 1 of the race began around 5pm yesterday and finished just before 2am. During that time we did the following:

Went down 100 ft. water slide at 7 peaks.

Ate a shrimp taco at Bajios

Downed a quart of Coldstone Creamery Ice Cream between the 4 of us.

Went bowling in Payson.

Went to Noahs in PG and played wallyball and billiards

Went to "School of Rock" type music school in AF and learned how to play "Smoke on the Water" as team/band.

Went to a car dealership in Lindon and test drove a Jeep Cherokee to Purple turtle and Discovery Park. Pictures required.

Toured a ParadeOfHomes model home valued at 2.5 million dollars looking for little papers with RaceAllNight logos.

When to a history museum in Lehi. Had to solve a DaVinci Code / National Treasure type riddle (Answer = "Find boy weapon maker and ask for the other green meat") which culminated in us eating dried grasshoppers.

Played arcade games at Trafalga

Went to UVSC and searched in the dark for stuff hidden in Owlz baseball stadium.

Went to Sundance resort and bike/hiked to theater. Composed team limerick.

Went to BYU and rode pairs-bicycles around campus looking for stuff to take pictures of (sure glad the Cables are BYU alum or we would have been toast for this one)

Went to Center street and ran up and down the street trying to solve a "code" based on words from statue placques.

Wow! that's alot of stuff and that was just the halfway point. Like I mentioned we lead at this point. So we attempted to sleep from about 2-4:30 with minimal success (great WBR training eh!!!). Then we hit the roads again at 5am until 2pm for round 2. Here is what we did today:

Hiked to the Y

Canoed on Provo river down by Utah Lake (this is where we really lost our edge as there was a sign we had to locate that had fallen down causing us to waste around 40 minutes!. This caused us to be 1 event shy of the points we would have need to gain the victory. BUMMER! Oh well Every race is an adventure and things don't always go as planned.)

Spent $2 dollars at a garage sale to buy a team mascot (stuffed leopard)

Hit some balls at driving range at Cedar Hills golf course.

Back to Noah's again for more wallyball/billiards

Went to a pearl store in Lehi, learned how to tell the difference between real/fake pearls.

Rafted down the Provo river above Vivian park in rubber rafts.

Went to Krishna temple in SF and walked llamas around an obstacle course.

Went fishing at trout farm in Spring Lake

Went to Lavender Farms in Mona, had to identify Lavendar fragrance among 6 different vials of perfume, then climbed rock walls and did paddle boats.

Ate more ice cream at Red Barn in Santaquin.

Went to Art Museum in Springville and had to identify various features of works of art.

Went to Provo Library and had to do research related to Utah Valley and complete test/survey.

Dang this is where we ran out of time. We made a futile attempt with what little time remained (had to return to base by 1:59pm or face penalty) to squeeze in one more event at Sprint store. But alas our "old age" caught up to us and we were not up to the teenager-minded task which was to each send a big long text message to the store clerk. Had to bag this event, thus losing 75 points and thus losing the competition.

Oh well....what the heck! We had a BLAST!!!! This was one of the funnest things I think we've done for quite a while, felt like teenagers again (albeit with a big dose of body aches and pains)! Had a bit of a WBR feel to it and it's got me looking forward to the relay. Thanks Kim, Cables, and Bowman's who pretty much single-handedly put on the race in classy fashion.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
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