AP: 8:52
I was really excited to head down to St George for this race. I was done with all my sewing (which was such a huge relief) and I was anxious to see where my fitness was. I was hoping to run around 2 hours, but wasn't sure. I was planning on going down alone - hubby had various commitments, so I decided to make it a whirlwind trip. But last minute, my neighbor decided to join me and I was SO glad she did. We left right after my PT appointment and had a wonderful chat on the way down. We went to the race expo (bought a rain jacket), dropped off a car-load of dresses/shirts/skirts and then checked into the hotel. We were both starving, so we got some pizza. We went to bed early and I slept GREAT! After a bagel and orange, we headed over to the Dixie Center. I saw SO many people I knew - Callie, Smooth, Karen, Carolyn, Kelli, Rachel, Cheree, and Lowell. But the most exciting part is I saw a GREAT friend from when we lived in AZ. Jen would help hold our triplets during church. She was divinely inspired to be my good friend during that time in our life and I will forever be grateful for her kindness. SO I was really excited to see her. The gun went off and my legs were creaky. It took me such a long time to get into a groove! 1 - (9:06) - Feeling good, but moving slow 2 - (8:57) - Still moving slow, but starting to warm up. 3 - (9:10) - Quick water stop. Ran with Lowell for awhile. He has so many stories to tell. 4 - (8:44) - Decided I needed to stop talking with everyone and start running. I put in my earbuds and focused. Lots of hills. 5- (9:06) - Another water stop and more hills. Saw my friend Collette in the distance and wanted to catch her. 6 - (9:10) - Took a GU and continued to climb. My hip felt just like it did at SGM. I wasn't sure how long it was going to last. It was nice to run with Collette. 7 - (9:26) - Last big climb. Once I got to the top, my legs decided they were warmed up and were ready to run. My breathing was very controlled and I thought I would give it a good push to the finish if my hip would allow it. 8 - (8:28) - I was feeling so wonderful and just wanted to hang on for as long as I could. 9 - (8:50) - Just trying to hang on. Breathing still felt good, but hip was hurting. 10 - (8:37) - Still can't believe how good I was feeling and was *waiting* to blow up. But it wasn't coming. Weird :) 11 - (9:16) - Last water stop and GU. As I was rounding the corner, I could see Karen. She was just through the water stop and was COOKIN'! I kept her in sight and wanted to try and catch her. 12 - (8:21) - Karen kept picking up the pace and was looking SO strong! I finally caught her with a third of a mile left. I was surprised at how good I was feeling and just wanted to finish strong.
13 - (8:05) - AC/DC's song "Thunderstruck" came on my Ipod (admit it, everyone has an old 80 F-DUDE song that motivates them). I was getting close to puke zone and knew if I pushed it I could hit 1:55:00. I was so glad it was under 2:00 on a hilly course
I have never felt this great at the end of a race. It is an amazing feeling! I decided to go back on the course and see Collette and Jen. I was able to cheer on Collette, Callie, Carolyn, and Jen. It was really raining hard and I was starting to freeze. Just then, I saw Jen round the corner. I love to be a LOUD cheerer. I hopped in and ran her to the bridge. It was SO exhilerating to do that! I met her at the finish chute and was able to get a big hug! It was such a sweet moment!

I found Collette and we hurried to the car. We were both so wet and freezing. I was SO not looking forward to my ice bath :) I filled up the hotel garbage can with ice, but could only last 5 minutes in the tub. BRRRRR..... We showered, pigged out at Cafe Rio and drove a scary, snowy, rainy drive home. My hip is super sore and tight. Sigh..... More ice tonight. It was such a great weekend! Thanks Tim for supporting my *drug* habit!