AM - The morning of the poops. 3 times before I left the house. Ran down to Tempo. 2 times before tempo started. Ran the Tempo. "Warmed-up" my first mile then started tempo:
5:57, 5:37, 5:31, 5:37, 5:33
Last tempo on this course 7/31:
5:41, 5:39, 5:35, 5:43, 5:28
( Pretty happy with these times - especially with my stomach feeling jacked)
Felt like I had to hit the bathroom the last 2 miles, but held it back. Went 3 times after Tempo. I was planning on running home from tempo but my stomach was so jacked I just had Kendra give me a ride home. Went 2 times after I got home. 10 poops, 1.5 hours - beat that!
Planning on going back out in the PM.