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Fallen and Wounded Warriors' 5K

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San Antonio,TX,

Member Since:

Dec 13, 2009



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

5K PR - 18:01 - Nov '14

10K PR - 38:37 (workout) - Oct '14

Half-marathon - 1:22:43 - Jan '14

Marathon - 2:58:43 in Boston! - Apr '13

50 mile - 7:49:30 (2nd) - Nov '15

Short-Term Running Goals:

- Balance

- Run more trails, volunteer, more social running, run with a team

- Race a lot more.  learn.

Race results / possible schedule:

Apr 2 - Hells Hills 25k trail - 4th

Apr 9 - Toughest 'n Texas 20-mile Trail - 2nd

May 7 - Paleface - Trail Marathon - 3rd

May 29 - American Hero road 25k - 2nd

Jun 25 - Pedernales Falls 30k nighttime Trail - 5th (sick)

Jul 16 - Muleshoe Bend 30k nighttime Trail - 3rd

Jul 23-24 - Fossil Valley 9-hour nighttime Trail - 2nd

Aug 6 - Colorado Bend 30k nighttime Trail - 4th

Aug 27 - Reveille Peak 30k nighttime Trail (entered)

Sep 10 - Franklin Mountains 50k (entered - not all-out effort...I hope)

Sep 17 - Lighthouse Hill 20-mile trail (entered)

Sep 24 - J&J 50 mile trail

Long-Term Running Goals:

Compete in a few more ultras without going off course (again)

Sub-18 in a 5k

One.  Good.  Marathon.


I started running at age 30, in late 2009.  I have 2 daughters (10 and 8 yrs old).



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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony A5 Lifetime Miles: 1054.70
Kinvara 2 - Gray/red Lifetime Miles: 1551.08
Kinvara 3 - Gray/red Lifetime Miles: 1244.23
1160s Lifetime Miles: 888.70
Saucony A5 Red Lifetime Miles: 565.10
Saucony A6 - Yellow Lifetime Miles: 214.00
Saucony A6 - Red/blue Lifetime Miles: 61.50
NB MT101 Trail Lifetime Miles: 302.00
Fastwitch 6 Red #1 Lifetime Miles: 286.50
Fastwitch 6 Red #2 Lifetime Miles: 267.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
New Blue Asics Miles: 101.83Blue Asics Miles: 14.201140s #1 Miles: 84.39
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

EZ 7 @ 8:26 AP.

New Blue Asics Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Today my biggest little girl turned 4!  We ate a cupcake together on Skype, then of course it dropped my call right as I was about to see her get her big-girl bike.  But I called back and got to see her ride it around the garden room.  Happy Birthday Elle!

For my TM run, kept it easy - 8:28 AP.

Blue Asics Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

2 @ 8:34, then 7 x 400 (5% incline, 8:00 pace) with a half mile rest inbetween @ 8:34.  Good hill workout there.  I'm a fan of the long rest for hills since I suck at doing them right now.

All the TMs here shut off after 1 hour as they do at most gyms.  That's ok for 7 miles but, for me, not ok for 8.  So, I went online and found the manual for the one I run on, and figured out the convoluted way to hack into the manager's configuration screen.  From there, I was able to increase the max-time setting so that I could run 8 miles at once next week without it shutting down.  I feel pretty good about my first computer hack job.

New Blue Asics Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmup 3.5 @ 8:34 AP

Tempo 3.5 @ 7:19 AP

Started the tempo at 7:30 and slowly bumped it up, doing the last mile in 6:57.  AP for the run was 7:57.

I also got a couple pairs of shoes in the mail yesterday - my favorite asics 1140s that were 2 for $100 because they're outdated, I guess.  I'll break the first pair in tomorrow.

New Blue Asics Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

EZ 7 @ 8:30 avg.  87 degrees inside the stupid gym and all the TMs with the fan pointing at them were taken.  Lungs felt like they were working way to hard as well, for the speeds I was going.  I tried running with no boxers today; don't worry the PT shorts have a liner, so really I was doing the normal thing.  Anyway, I didn't like it because the shorts got completely saturated and were dripping on my legs as I hit the last couple miles.  I was leaving a trail of sweat dots on the gym floor as I left.  Plus I had 1 little bean burrito at lunch today and it was quite the troublemaker.  People kept using the TMs next to me so I didn't really want to let 'em fly - I usually do if there is a 1-TM buffer between me and the next person.  Kind of had one annoying thing after another today.  But no matter, got in the miles which is all I care about right now.

1140s #1 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

1 @ 8:34

5 @ 7:50  (MGP - 2 @ 7.6, 3 @ 7.7)

1 @ 7:03

Average pace was 7:50 for all 7.  The MGP miles were harder than I would've liked but I have almost 6 months to work on that I guess.  I caught a bit of a second wind in mile 6 so I finished a little faster again.

New Blue Asics Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Pretty long day, but felt good running anyway.  Nabbed the TM that I hacked to give extra time and churned out 8.0 at an 8:25 avg.

1140s #1 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

EZ miles with another fast finish.  Last quarter mile at 11.1 mph (5:24 pace).  I meant to do 11.0 but once I realized I'd gone to far it was too late to mess with it; I'm too clutzy to risk giving anything but 100% concentration at that speed on that narrow belt.  Still managed not to get flung off.  Again it occured to me that people run marathons at that speed, with wind resistance to fight too.  Next week, 11.5...

New Blue Asics Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

88 degrees inside the gym today, a new record.  Not quite the 64 degrees they have the thermostat set for, but they are trying.

I did 2 miles warmup @ 8:34, then 8 x 400 (5% incline, 7:53 pace) with a half-mile rest in-between @ 8:34.  Worked pretty hard overall.

1140s #1 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

90 degrees in the gym.  90.  Couldn't exactly take my business elsewhere though so I hit the TMs (no fan again - dang)!

3 warmup miles @ 8:34

4 tempo miles @ 7:16 avg. (7:30, 7:24, 7:19, 6:52)

They actually had sports on the TVs in front of the machines today (50 greatest baseball moments) so it helped a lot.  Last time they had a show on about frumpy women getting a makeover which was not so helpful.  Anyway, feeling pretty good about the run.  Doing the math, the last 5K today would've been about a 10-second PR so it will be nice to race one eventually and get a real time.

1140s #1 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

EZ 8 @ 8:34.  Not so easy though, as I had a late lunch and had just eaten some nasty fish an hour prior.  Should have known better.  The TV in front of the TMs had Oprah on it - seriously.  Now I hate Oprah as much as the next person but they had people on that had lost hundreds of pounds so I though maybe that could inspire me just a little.  It was fine until a guy that had lost 500 pounds shed his shirt for the camera to reveal all his excess skin.  Then I thought of the nasty fish I ate and how it still had skin on it too.  The last few miles I struggled to keep it down and had nasty fish burps the whole time.

New Blue Asics Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

8:00 AP - I planned to do 6.5 at MGP today but threw in the towel after 4.  Then committed the big sin by not finishing the mileage for the day.  Part of the problem was I had to work through lunch again, ate late, and this time waited 90 minutes before running.  Still a little too close for me apparently, the way I stuff myself.  I just felt my stomach expand and couldn't burp it out kind of like the fish run yesterday.  Still, pretty weak on my part to quit - the big red STOP button was too enticing today.  That's another thing I miss about running outside - I always set it up to where I had to finish the planned mileage or I wouldn't make it home (out and back).  Maybe I'll do a few days of easy runs before I speed it up again...maybe.

1140s #1 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

EZ 7.5 @ 8:30 AP, then a fast half-mile in 2:58.  That brought the overall avg down to 8:20.  Today was a lot easier since I ate a normal lunch at work and also got the coveted TM with the fan in front.

New Blue Asics Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I decided to continue my weekly quarter-mile-sprint-to-failure test today.  Did 7.75 miles at 8:27 AP, then 11.5 mph (5:13 pace) for the last quarter mile.  Felt pretty much like 11 mph did last week, no issues.  The TMs go up to 14 mph so I'm confident I will get flung off at some point, just hasn't happened yet.  Next week, 12.0.

The exciting piece of news for the day was that Danielle and I were selected in the Houston lottery - so I will be doing a full marathon on January 30 and she's doing the half.  It's now setting in that I haven't run more than 8 miles at once since my HM in April.  Scary...

1140s #1 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Took it easy today (8:29 AP) instead of doing hills because I have an opportunity to run outside tomorrow thanks to a later morning showtime at work.  It's supposed to be in the mid 90s around sunrise but I gotta suck it up and take what I can get.  I'll just push my rest day back one and jog slowly since there will only be 12 hours separation between this run and tomorrow morning.  I'm still hoping that I switch shifts at work in about a week so I'll be able to run in the mornings more often.  It's still about 110 in the evenings so I'm not ready to take that on yet...

New Blue Asics Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I did get to run outside this morning: 9:05 pace, felt like death.  It was 88 degrees, so not terrible, but my pace was bad yet it felt almost like a tempo; I even cut it short.  I'm hoping it has more to do with the fact that I just ran 12 hours ago, and not that I have somehow adapted to the TM and "learned" how to go faster on it.  If it's the latter I might be in trouble.  It wasn't a good sample though (short rest, 7th running day in a row, 1st morning run in 6 weeks, 1st outside run in 6 weeks, etc) so I won't draw conclusions yet, based just on that 1 run.

New Blue Asics Miles: 5.79
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Another outside run - it felt like a nice cool morning.  I checked later and the airport tower (which is a couple miles away) was reporting 86, so I guess 86 is cool now.

I found out one loop around Lost Lake (I think that's what it's called) plus one loop of Z-lake, then back home gives me 8 miles.  This run was a lot better - 8:20 AP.  I definitely would not call it easy though.  I think I pushed a little since the difficult 9:00 pace the other day scared me.  By the end of this run I was definitely huffing and puffing.  My upper quads were sore all day yesterday, so I'm pretty sure at this point that I run differently on the treadmill than outside.  Either that, or the hard-surfaced roads make you work differently.  Hopefully I will get used to it quickly and 8:20 will feel a lot easier than it did today.  I'll definitely back off the pace a little until I get used to it.

Having said that, I will be stuck with the TM the next couple days since I have to be at work early.  It's probably not a bad idea to ease my way outdoors anyway.

New Blue Asics Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Treadmill, 3:30am.  At least the gym was a lot cooler.  6 @ 8:34 (7 mph);  1 @ 7:30 (8 mph);  1 @ 6:40 (9 mph).  AP 8:12.

1140s #1 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Treadmill, 3:45am.  EZ 8 - 8:34 pace plus a 5-minute toilet break in the middle.  Since I started running, this is the first time I haven't been able to fend off a turd.  Combination of caffeine and Gatorade, I think.

New Blue Asics Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Outside run, over 90 F according to the airport but it felt like upper 80s.  I met Mike from the blog, and his friends Antonio and Pete at 4:30am.  It was nice running with other people, and it kept me going.  Once we hit 8 miles (my max so far since April) I started dying and we all sort of split up around mile 9.  I shuffled in around a 9:00 pace for the last mile or so while Antonio took off and Mike tried to catch him.  They are definitely in great shape and I definitely have some work to do.  8:44 AP.

1140s #1 Miles: 10.52
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

4:30 am, 90 F.  Recovery miles, 9:03 AP.  Even that felt a little tough at the end; this transition from TM to outside has not been kind to me.  It's hard to believe that I ran 6-7 hard weeks on the TM and somehow got slower.  Hopefully there is a payoff at some point.

On the plus side, I had been getting a little PF on my right foot.  It had been getting slowly worse over the last month but never affected my running.  Now after running a few days outside, it's pretty much gone, just like that.  My hip also feels better than it has in awhile.  Maybe it's the slower paces, but I thought it usually worked the opposite way (TM being better for injuries).

New Blue Asics Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

4:30am, 90F.  About a 3.25 mile warmup, then 10 x 200m hills with Mke and Antonio, followed by 1 mile cooldown.  I had one good sprint (the first) then 9 painful efforts watching Mike and Antonio from behind.  I'm not smart enough to figure out the avg paces, but the points along the graph show everything from 3:52 pace at the beginning of the 1st one to 7:04 pace toward the end of #8.  Guess that data isn't too useful, other than to show my inconsistency and maybe some sandbagging toward the end.  Good workout for sure - Mike's a little sadistic I think, which is probably a good thing for running.

1140s #1 Miles: 5.50
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Thankfully, a day off.  Yesterday I used muscles that apparently have not been used since the 1990s because I am sore.  Butt, hips and upper quads, in that order, are most sore.

I'm working night shift tonight but there's a 5K tomorrow (Friday) morning.  If I get off in time, and regain back normal use of my legs, I will give it a go.

Weight: 0.00
Race: Fallen and Wounded Warriors' 5K (3.14 Miles) 00:22:04
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

86 F, 5:30am.  I worked night shift last night but got off early enough to go do this race.  2.4 mile warmup jog to get there @ 8:47 pace.  I was still sore but it wasn't really affecting me while running so I decided to actually race it.

My splits were 7:08, 7:06, 6:56, and the last .14 at a 6:15 pace.  Mike was there, and he passed me right before mile 1, calling me a sandbagger again.  He stayed about 5-10 seconds in front of me after he passed by, and I could never seem to quite catch up as he stayed the same distance in front.  We both passed a lot of people toward the end.

Anyway, I improved my 5K time, soft as it was, by almost 30 seconds yet once again fell 5 seconds short of cracking a barrier, just like the HM I ran in April.  There should be plenty more 5Ks here where I can improve further when the temps go down and where maybe I will have slept sometime in the past 24 hours.  Stupid night shift.

2.31 mile cooldown back to my base @ 8:43 pace.

1140s #1 Miles: 7.85
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

86F.  There was another race this morning - a 3.92-mile race (for the 392d farewell).  I had to pull another night shift last night and did not remotely feel like racing but they were offering free t-shirts so of course I signed up.  I took the lazy way out though and took it easy, doing a little progressive tempo run instead.  So no race report this time...

1.4 mile warmup @ 9:03

3.94 mile tempo @ 7:30 AP (7:51, 7:35, 7:30, 7:02 pace for the last 0.94)

1.59 mile cooldown @ 8:58

Good week of running; my overall mileage took a small step back, but there was a lot of quality in there, and 5/6 were outside.

New Blue Asics Miles: 6.93
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Treadmill, 3:45am.  All at 8:34 pace, alternated incline between 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5%.  I lost the battle with nature again in the last mile and had to abort.  I fought valiantly but I think I was literally 1 more step from a disaster; I had to jump off to the side of the TM while it was still running.  Decided it wasn't worth it to go back and finish the last 0.8.  No more nasty energy drinks for these early morning go's.

Blue Asics Miles: 7.20
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Started at 4:45am, 86F avg.  Did an extra loop around Lost Lake for an easy 9.5 or so @ 8:35 AP.  Started slower, finished a bit faster.

1140s #1 Miles: 9.52
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

4:30am, 91F.  Ran up to Liberty to meet the running group (2.6 miles), then did another 5.5 or so with them before I peeled off to get back to my room.  AP overall 8:51.  Nice pleasant run this morning.

Hit 200 miles for the month for the first time ever.  50 miles is a possibilty too for this week, which would also be a first.

New Blue Asics Miles: 8.11
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
New Blue Asics Miles: 101.83Blue Asics Miles: 14.201140s #1 Miles: 84.39
Weight: 0.00
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