AM: 3 miles total, decided to try a quicker mile on the track. 6:12, hurt more than it should have.
Weights: 5x3 TB dead lifts (50lbs), 5x10 white band knee/leg pulls, 4x8 each side blue strap side steps, 4x15 each side wall med ball tosses, 4x8 90/90 leg rotations, 4x12 step ups holding DBs, 4x10 standing DB presses, 3x15 green band face pulls, 3x30s planks.
Progression run is one week from tomorrow, yikes. Met with Coach because my nerves are through the roof. Feel slightly better, but still am worried. Coach and Paul both think that with my mileage where it's at I should be fine, but I'm just worried about my speed. And endurance. Or maybe just everything. Gah I don't think I've ever been this stressed for a race, not even my freshman year at the progression run. Maybe it's just cause it's been so long since I've run competitively.
PM: Epic game of ultimate frisbee, wore me out haha. Backroad, 7 miles. 7:55 average.