8:00am 10 miles at GMP to see what my avg. heart rate is at that pace. It took more effort than usual to maintain that pace. I have lost some fitness for sure, along with what little ability I had to regulate my pace. I was constantly watching the garmin and trying to make adjustments. My leg felt fine while I was running, but was pretty sore soon after I finished. An ice bath afterward, followed by a hot shower and a heating pad helped quite a bit. Pace 7:34 Avg. HR 187 Distance Split pace Avg. HR 1.00 7:09 163 didn't look at my garmin much during this mile, I was sure I was going around 7:30 2.00 7:10 174 3.00 7:32 181 up hill starts here 4.00 7:36 187 5.00 7:45 193 caught up with another runner named Jared and chatted for a while 6.00 7:41 196 more uphill... 7.00 7:44 196 more uphill... 8.00 8:01 194 more uphill... this is getting old. I was asking myself how I ever did this 5 days a week? 9.00 7:31 192 downhill finally. 10.00 7:32 191 flat for the home stretch 10.04 6:48 198 trying to out run my neighbors stupid little pug. Reminded me of Allie's ferocious chihuahua story. I'm going to kick a field goal with that thing next time he bites me. grrr...
4:30pm I went to the Y and spent 99 minutes on the Rex machine again doing what felt like a 20k race effort with my legs, but my average HR was only 156. I got it into the 170's once or twice, but my legs just didn't have it in them to keep it there for long. I tried hills, less resistance, more speed, etc. My heart seems to be stronger than my quads. I don't get it. I am really going all out on this thing and my heart is like yawning and asking when the work is going to start. Running seems so much easier, yet my HR is so much higher when running, it doesn't make sense. I tried to get manual mile splits on the garmin, but they didn't show up when I downloaded the workout. Rex said I went 14 miles... ...yeah right. I'll keep doing this, but I'm not counting the miles anymore.
Avg. HR 156