I ran the Bloomsday race with my daughter today. It's an annual event in Spokane, WA that draws about 50,000 runners/walkers every year. Karina had never ran that far before, but since she's graduating from Whitworth College in a couple weeks and moving back home she really wanted to run it this year. I am so proud of her! She only trained for about 2 months and was able to run the whole thing without walking! We ran it together along with her friend Sara at about a 10 minute pace and I took lots of pictures of them and all the other interesting things going on during the race. I'll post some of those pics later...
Pace 10:25
 At the start about half way back. People are still lining up behind us.
 Sara on the left, Karina on the right about 20 minutes after the gun.
 It's tradition to throw your extra layers in the trees at the start. They are collected for the homeless shelter after the race.
 Me and Karina still waiting to get to the start after the gun...
 Cool Army band playing some Tom Petty. "Runnin' Down a Dream"
 One mile and still smiling.
 Some inspirational accordion music.
 Water station at the 2 mile mark. Look how crowded it still is up the road...
 The coolest jogging suit ever.
 The bucket band banging out some cool beats.
 High 5'n the cool mascott dude.
 Funky white boy.
 Approaching "Doomsday Hill" in the background.
 Half way up and still smiling...
 Still going...
 Doomsday buzzard at the top of the hill.
 Yay! We made it to the top!
 Sweet "swing bike" I haven't seen one of those for 30 years. I always wanted one when I was a kid.
 Karina and the Nalley pickle dude.
 Superhero father and son. I don't know them, I just thought they were cool.
 I bet that was fun to run in.
 At the finish area.
 Me and my girl :)