I started out towards mini GU and the wind was so bad I headed back to Salem where there was no wind and I ran out to Payson Pool via canal road, still no wind, which included Payson Park and the rollers. If it never got colder than 25 or so I could be a real happy runner cuz it was pretty toasty for most of the run. Pace was way slow again and my legs were pretty much dead from the get go, I don't know what to think about my running I seem to be back to where I was before my vacation, just slow and labored and no fun at all! My average pace was 9:12 with a total time of 1:35:02, after a day off I use to come back the next day and just run strong but not now... My blood preasure has been upa little latley so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not, all I know is if things don't change the SG half is going to be mighty embarrassing.
See ya Monday.