Long run today out to GU and then down into the river bottoms, I ran my two mile loop down in there and then headed back to GU. I hooked up with Jeff Long for the rest of the way and we ran up over Harry's Hill and then up to the mail boxes and then over to loafer canyon road and then back down to the house. I was at 16 miles so I tacked on a few more to get to 18 plus so I ran out past the Stake center and then back to the house. I felt okay for the most part but I was pretty tired going up harry's and then up to the mail boxes and the pace was pretty slow, but I got her done and I am glad that I stayed with it. My average pace slower than usual but not to bad, 8:43 and my total time was 2:38:36, one 18 miler done and another few to go starting next Saturday. See ya Monday. |