I got out a little late this morning, my goal was to run out to mini GU corner if my foot would allow me to and it started out to be a little sore but by mile 2 the soreness was gone so that was pretty cool;) I decided to see how fast I could go and not aggrevate it so here are my splits, 8:26 warm up, 8:22, 8:10, 7:30, then I cooled down for 2 miles 8:33, 8:27, total time was 50:34 with an average pace of 8:15. It felt pretty darn good so maybe next week I'll move up to four's and then 8 miles on Saturday and see how it goes. I finished up with 40 minutes on the elliptical, I ran the contenders course and then cooled down for 10 minutes, I tried not to push the elliptical just keep it nice and steady. After that I did my upper body workout and then some push-ups. See ya Monday.