I was curious on how my legs would recover after my hard run yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised, again they had some bounce and zip in them which was really a incredible considering I have been battling leg fatigue the last month... I was able to handle a pretty steady pace throughout the whole run, I ran out towards the BYU farm as that is the flattest course and I didn't want to have any hills to contend with. My average pace was 8:23 with my heart rate average at 145 total time was 58:54. I am truly pleased with this run and I feel like I am taking a big step forward with good things to come, but I always leave the door open for set backs as this is the nature of this hobby or sport, whichever you prefer... Hopefully my legs will co-operate again tomorrow and Saturday, there is always that chance of delayed reaction to the hard training, but I will keep my fingers crossed: )
I also did the standard core training with push-ups and sit-up and crunches using the rubber ball.
See ya tomorrow.
Asic 2130 (78) |