I went a little longer on the elliptical this morning before I started the treadmill, 42 minutes and I kept the pace easier than yesterday just to see if that made it easier on the treadmill. I then went 2.53 miles on the treadmill in 24 minutes for a total of the two workouts was 66 minutes, and my groin pull seemed to do better on the treadmill today than it did yesterday so that was a good sign... The pace on the treadmill was pretty easy for the most part, I just want to get this darn thing healed up so I can get back out on the road;-D I finished up with some upper body weight training on the BowFlex where I upped the weight and extended some of the reps in the sets to help feel the burn, if you know what I mean!
Thats about it for today, see ya tomorrow. |