Okay, lets start with last night. p90x was plyometrics, jumping + bad calf didn't really seem like a good idea. I did what I could, but was pleasantly surprised there was little pain. One exercise they have you hop on one foot - that one got me, but the rest were actually okay! I was worried about how it would feel this morning, but it was great - NO pain! Got up early and did my 'faux running' on the elliptical. 60 minutes @ L10 resistance 5.5 miles. After getting kiddos off went back for Boot camp. It was a good circuit training today. She did have us run about .35 miles or so. Honestly, I debated, but thought I'd give it a try. I ended up with the least amount of limping and gimping since about 2+ weeks before SGM. Another good sign! I also was able to do jumping jacks etc with equal weight on the feet. I can feel it a bit now, but it's just a small throb, not even close to pain I was having even just a few days ago. Hit the bike to round out the 90 minutes of day care time (I spent 10+ minutes jabbing to Kelli and Wendy, so I had to cut the time down a tad). 20 minutes @ L7 = 5.0 miles. Tonight is arms, back and abs. It's crazy to watch my husband gimping around, but still ready to take it on again tonight. He's doing great!